Juice i beleive is comming with dale and son.
For some reason, It seemed like more people were going to come out.
Steve and Heip Have to come

NEW TOY TIME. For one of them.
LOL Steve, You going to chase it when he flips it? Make sure he pushes trigger forward to kill engine and keep water out of engine, dont want to HYDROLOCK IT.
Now steve, I did run it, knock on wood (without fliping it)
The prop is a good prop for it, dont JUMP Out of the hole, and dont over rev the engine. I have ran this prop on this boat even with stock engine. Once engine breaks in more and leaned out, it will be a good all around prop.
I ran it rich, about a 2 bags now run through the engine 1000ml.
Its set alittle wet at slow speeds but has a good attuide at full speed.
So basicly its set to go.