IMPBA proposal


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andy i agree with you and mike there on that, and i have never seen a "hot pit" that is controlled properly have "people just standing around" ..have any of you? and my stand on fe racing is , it needs to be kept to itself.. i dont care to hear about it, dont want to do it, and really dont give a damn about it. i like the sound and the smell of the nitro and gas boats , and i firmly belive that batteries are for 2 things, radios and them thinkgs that make women happy fact i fly palnes as well and have seen a serious accident at our field that hurt a guy really bad "caused by a faulty speed controller" :angry: when a plane is running with a nitro or gas motor you know it and are aware of it.. when them stupid electric planes are sitting there armed have no idea what they will do..and to take this one step further .. if i get another model airplane magazine filled with them stupid electric planes il be tossing my subscription in the trash can.. not saying i dont have a battery powered boat, my kids and i have them proboat mini v boats for fun in hotel pools when we go places.. and they are fun.
I can''t keep silent on this one. Sounds like a real Ass!

This post needs to be shut Down.
GUYS,This is the beginning of the third season in Dist.13 that FEs have been running in a Gas, Nitro, and now FE Grand Prix Series.

The FE guys came from a scale FE club (Southeast Model Boaters) that lost their pond do to water fowl.

The Altanta Model Boaters ( THANKS AGAIN!!!) did not hesitate in opening up their pond to us and we are a asset to each other.

There were 20 or so of us at the pond today, test and tune day before our first race in the series .

WE SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE ANY ISSUES, there is no hate, infighting, problems of any kind, PERIOD!!! We respect, and help each other, try it fellas, it works and we are ALL having a blast.

See ya at the pond,


PS Has everyone read post #69?

I'm all for it Don, thank you sir,and let me know how I can help!
Just wanted to make sure nobody missed anything LOL

See ya fellas, I'm out!! ;)

Ya know, this is really pathetic. Nine frikkin' pages of mostly crap and nothing has changed. What I do know is there seems to be a few FE guys here who are completely convinced they-

a- know everything there is to know about FE

b- that anyone outside of their FE clique doesn't know squat about FE

c- simply refuse to be suggested/told/asked to change anything they didn't think up or do not want

d- can offer up no reason why this is not a good thing other than "because we don't want to"

I tried to solicit opinions and options outside this thread and offer up a good middle of the road compromise which went right out the window as the verbal punches kept getting thrown and personally I've had enough of the BS that has gone on with it.

We shall see what happens when this topic comes up at the next board meeting.

Until that time this thread is DONE! :angry:
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