Don,Where did you get the paragraph from in IMPBA (above 1. Alll Models ...... ) ??
I looked on line and couldnt find it ?
Yeah I noticed that too, seems the web site updates are a tad behind?
It's been in numerous Roostertails but here it is in full right from Sept. '07 issue during the one year trial-
See Pages H-4 thru H-6 in the current March 2006 Rule Book, make the following five (5)
selected changes:
Registration Procedures
2. g. $5.00 initial registration fee and a $3.00 annual renewal fee due by March 1. The registrant
will receive a District Chairman approved form verifying current registration. Approved form
must be brought to all contests. Purpose of fee-monies will be used for high point district
trophy, postage, printing costs, and other expenses incurred.
#1 - Change to read:
2. g. $5.00 annual District registration fee to be submitted upon completion of model & prior to it
competing in any sanctioned event. Purpose of fees-monies is to cover registration printing
costs & postage fees. A boat registered in one District may race in any District.
Engine and Boat Specifications, See # 1, Add to #3.d., See #7:
1. All boats to be modeled after Unlimited hydroplanes from past or present.
#2 - Change to read:
1. All models must be of a real unlimited hydroplane as listed in the APBA Master Hull Roster list.
The model owner must show the real boat attempted to qualify, qualified or raced in an actual
sanctioned racing event, in the configuration being modeled, via photographic and/or written
documentation. Failure to adequately meet the validation requirements can result in the model
not being allowed to compete in an IMPBA event until proper documentation is obtained.
#3 - Add the following as 3. d.
3. d. Minimum 50% of glow engine crankcase (flywheel is not considered part of crankcase) must
be concealed with fake engine or cowling as per prototype boat.
7. The drive dog must not extend beyond the transom unless the prototype boat did so.
#4 - Change to read:
7. The drive dog must not extend beyond the transom unless the prototype's strut and/or drive
dog did so. Photo documentation may be requested for proof by race CD or district scale director.
Racing Rules
#5 - Change Rule #11 on page H-6 to read as follows
11. Normal heat racing rules can be used as optional racing format however each heat will be
limited to no more than 6 boats raced together at any one time. International Regatta racing
will revert to regular heat racing rules for Scale US-1 with the same 6 boat per heat limit.