Roger you are not far off. The intent of scale class is to Duplicate the real boats as close as possible. If this means not letting someone rac because ther boat is not scale so be it. I race scale for the love of the real boats. And I am proud to be a part of what Roger J. Newton began here in the northwest. Here is our rules to describe A SCALE HYDROPLANE
Section III: Boat Specifications, Eligibility, Ownership,
Registration, Inspection, and Qualification
A. Hull, Engine and Equipment Requirements
1. All boats shall be models of past or present American Power Boat
Association Unlimited Hydroplanes that are listed in the R/C Unlimiteds
Master Hull Roster.
2. a. Boats shall be built to scale of 1 1/2 inches (model) equals 1 foot
(actual unlimited).
b. Boats shall measure within the following tolerance of true scale size,
excluding appendages:
1. length overall ...................................... +/- 1 inch
2. beam ................................................... +/- 10 %
3. maximum depth .................................. +/- 10 %
4. afterplane length (three point design).. +/- 10 %
5. tunnel width ........................................ +/- 10 %
6. picklefork depth .................................. +/- 10 %
7. Un-dimensioned boats must have dimensions approved by the
R/C Unlimiteds Contest Board.
3. Boats shall be painted, configured and detailed like the actual unlimited
with cockpit detail. The acquisition of proof validating a paint scheme,
cowling configuration, engine configuration or other scale details shall be
the responsibility of the boat’s owner. Photographs of the boat in the water at
an unlimited hydroplane event in racing configuration shall constitute proof.
4. Boats shall enter competition complete with cowling(s) and driver(s). Boats
with canopy must have clear canopy with cockpit and driver. It is
recommended that scale drivers have arms, avoiding the use of model
airplane “busts.”
5. The boat engine(s) shall be concealed by an engine cowl or fake engine
(modeling an Allison, Rolls, etc.) or both.
6. Rear non-trips and sponson sides must be scaled after the actual unlimited.
7. Reversing or “mirror imaging” sponson sides and general sponson
design is allowable on model if actual unlimited has non-symmetrical
sponsons (current Ron Jones sponsons).
a. Boats modeled after unlimiteds using Jones non-symmetrical
sponsons (48” right and 38” left widths) must also have nonsymmetrical
sponsons (approx. 1 1/4” difference). Sponsons may be
widened or narrowed up to 10% (as part of the total width), however,
both must be of equal percentage in the same direction. If the right
sponson, for example, is widened 5%, the left sponson must also be
widened 5%.
b. Obvious steps or recovery planes on sponsons are only allowable
if they are “built in” or disguised into the sponson design. Due to the
difficulty in determining a specific rule on this, an inspection by all
the R/CU Board members will determine if the steps are of
reasonable size and are acceptable. Members considering adding
such steps should first submit a drawing of their sponsons to the
Board for approval.
8. A boat bottom shall have the same general appearance and number of
propellers of that of the unlimited which the hull represents.
Exceptions include:
a. Sponson riding surfaces, which may be modified.
b. Propeller shafts, which may be articulated.
c. Rudders and skid fins, which may be configured and located as
d. Motor belly pan: for motor and flywheel only. If applicable,
dimensions will not exceed 3 1/2” width, 7” in length and 3/4” in
depth. Under no circumstances will said belly pan be allowed to
exceed the depth of any riding surface or recovery surface.
If the real boat had a full length belly pan, the model must conform.
9. Outdrive units are specifically prohibited. The forward most part of the
stock propeller hub shall not lie behind the transom plane, unless scaled
from dimensions of the real boat.
10. The engine size shall be a maximum of .67 cu. in. total on-board
11. All boats starting their engines in the designated pit area shall be equipped
with a “prop guard” intended to prevent accidental contact with the prop
from all directions.
12. No boat may emit a noise level in excess of 90 decibels while at full throttle
50 feet from the measuring device.
13. Exposed metal fuel cans shall not be used or stored in the pit area.
14. Boat safety inspections will be held to ensure the following:
a. Rudder linkage: Must remain stiff- no play or slop in rudder or
radio hookups.
b. Rudders: Any boat sporting a physically unsafe rudder will be
ordered to change it. Examples of an unsafe rudder include, but are
not limited to: Bent, cracks in solder joints, insecure bracket, etc.
c. Skid fins: Skid fin and bracket should be securely mounted.
d. Antennas: All whip antennas must be securely mounted.
e. Radio on/off switches: On/off switches that extend out of the
transom must push in to turn radio on.
f. General radio problems: Erratic and continual radio trouble will
be cause for disqualification until such problem has been corrected
to the satisfaction of board members present.
g. There shall be no smoking or open flame in the pit area.
Section III continued.
B. Eligibility
1. A final decision as to the eligibility of any racing craft to participate in R/C
Unlimiteds competition shall be the responsibility of the R/C Unlimiteds
Contest Board.
As you can see we do give a little. But the intent is to run SCALE HYDROS. anything else is a sport 60 in my books. Just my 2 cents worth