Gun Control OR


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Reid, who ironically voted AGAINST the measures yesterday, is supposedly bringing forward for a vote two more gun-control measures today... it's definitely NOT over...

These people are morons... It's NOT the guns!
Reid switched his vote at the last minute to change the total tally to a number that would allow them to bring this up again. It is far from over.....................
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The only way that it MIGHT be over, is to vote all these liberal gungrabbing AHOLES out out out! Then maybe we can get this country back on track. Yes I can still dream.
I've been watching this topic in the media and on several forums for quite some time, from outside the US, it's an interesting to watch this play out.

From over here in Oz, all we've seen in the media is that there are 3 things they are trying to bring in:

Ban on military style semi autos

Ban on large capacity mags

Increase in background checks

From what I've read here there is more to it than that?

Cause all we've been seeing since the vote is the media playing up the "the US is Ok with shooting kids".
Jason, NOT O.K. to shoot kids in the USA. None of the purposed changes would have prevented what happened in CT. Our Govt. is very quiet on mental health issues- they might have to cough up a few dollars to pay for it. The shooter in CT was a nut case and the rifle he used was bought legally by his mother- after a background check. Gun owners over here are very protective about their 2nd Amendment rights. Letting politicians chip away at our rights rubs many the wrong way.
Instead of giving away Obama phones- how about giving away trigger guards - that would have prevented what happened in CT. If his mother would have had the common sense to use them.
Newtown citizens voted down a measure to fund armed gaurds for their own schools. Seems they are overtaxed(like every other U.S. citizen). Obummers claim that 90% want gun control was not supported by this vote of the people.
The bill had amendments different than people were aware.

Seems like the orig intent was to update the background check system with current mental health records.........

That was popular but then they included the gun shows and private sales, with provision for added school security.

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Well I guess it had to happen. Just read that a WA state man was arrested for discharging a shotgun. He pleaded not guilty-because he was following Joe Biden's advice. I hope this story is not true and the one about Biden running for prez in the next election is completely FALSE.
I saw a guy the other night when i was eating with a tee shirt said turn your guns in you can trust the goverment i said to myself what country is he from not here Robert
Robert, it's called sarcasm. There's a billboard sign floating around on Facebook that shows Native Americans holding firearms and I think that you know how well that it turned out for them when they turned theirs in.
With the Zimmerman verdict in I kinda figured there will be another push for gun control.

One example here is its against the law to discharge a firearm inside the city limits,

With all the new CCW permints being issued locally I hope everone boned up on their county laws........

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Everywhere I've ever lived it has been illegal to discharge a firearm within city limits. I knew that when I was 10 years old- in 1958 :eek: . It still happens though- around 1995 I had to go out on the flight line on Jan 2 and repair a bullet hole thru the leading edge of a KC-135 refueler :blink:
Yup, we can carry weapons in our trucks,

But the ammo must be seperate from the firearm and locked in a secure area.

Unless your CCW,

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YEE HAW!!!!!!!!!! Just read a story by Joan Lowy of AP. 28 folks in Deer Trail Colorado have signed a petition to have a drone hunting season. 28 signatures is 10% of the registered voters so it will go to a vote. Seems some folks think a drone flying over their property is an illegal search without a warrant and do not want to live in a society that is under scrutiny illegally.
Glenn, I saw the article today on tthe drones. A little burg can legislate all they want yet it's still against federal law to shoot down any aircraft and yes, even RC planes..