Glow plug quality problems?


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I got away from MC#9 due to quality isues, I have tried many different plugs

but nothing compares to O'Donnell. They last long and do not leak. Well worth the price.
Frank what is the O'Donnell equivilent to the MC-9?? :)
Don; ODO-99 is equivilent to the MC-9. ODO-88 is equivilent to the MC-8. Plugs were shipped last week, Great Planes should have them by now. J.ODonnell


are all the plugs as mentioned above a con-lock type or turbo type.

thanks Chris; The plugs are avaiable in standard w/washer and turbo type.

I got away from MC#9 due to quality isues, I have tried many different plugs

but nothing compares to O'Donnell. They last long and do not leak. Well worth the price.
Frank what is the O'Donnell equivilent to the MC-9?? :)
Don; ODO-99 is equivilent to the MC-9. ODO-88 is equivilent to the MC-8. Plugs were shipped last week, Great Planes should have them by now. J.ODonnell

Hey Jack:

Where does the ODO-89 fit in? :blink:
I got away from MC#9 due to quality isues, I have tried many different plugs

but nothing compares to O'Donnell. They last long and do not leak. Well worth the price.
Frank what is the O'Donnell equivilent to the MC-9?? :)
Don; ODO-99 is equivilent to the MC-9. ODO-88 is equivilent to the MC-8. Plugs were shipped last week, Great Planes should have them by now. J.ODonnell

Hey Jack:

Where does the ODO-89 fit in? :blink:
Terry; A little brain fade on my part !! ODO-88 is equivilent to MC-8 , ODO-89 is equivilent to MC-9. Thats what happens when you get old. Jack;
I'm gettin there myself Jack "won't be long now". :lol:

How about the ODO-99 and ODO-77 I've been running? The 77 seems real hot almost like a K&B 1L. :eek:
I'm going to try a couple of the ODO-99's but with Tower/Great Planes being the exclusive distributor, a $6 EACH price tag and NO quantity discounts these things need to be **** near bullet proof before I order a bunch..... :blink:
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I'm going to try a couple of the ODO-99's but with Tower/Great Planes being the exclusive distributor, a $6 EACH price tag and NO quantity discounts these things need to be **** near bullet proof before I order a bunch..... :blink:

Can someone tell me what the difference in all these plugs are? I haven't run a boat in 10 years. We had McCoy, K&B, Nova Rossi's. Longs and shorts, with idle bars and without.... Now I see turbo, hot, cold,...... Just kind of looking for a primer on what's out there and what they might be used for.

I opened my engine tackle boxes the other day and found a card of Nova Rossi 6N's (and enough OPS 80 & 67 hardware to run several boats). I don't remember running these plugs. Must be something I was going to try before stopping running. At that time I ran K&B long plugs. They weren't all that reliable from what i remember. Maybe too much squish and heat.

Jim Vota
:ph34r: What aboout on Cipolla and CMB glow plugs in popular in Europe? I did test run on CMB #6( cold) glow plug for my SD3 45 mono so it is very good and no problem. ;)
I've been getting my mc-9s from Al's and I think they are all the newer plugs cuz I havn't had any problems all summer except maby the tip issue Mikey was having but I havn't modified them and no problems. Al's does give a break on quanity although I don't remember what it is.
About 3 or so years ago McCoy had coil problems from bad wire, missing coils to bad welds. Dynamite was buying up just about every plug that they made causing a shortage and jacking up the prices.

I tried the K&B's as a recommendation from Gary Preusse as that's about all that he uses so I bought a card of each the long and short plugs. I had to turn the amperage down on my power panel to keep from blowing them.

HP's in anything 67 or larger, and 1-L's in anything 45 or smaller. We have tried just about all the

plugs on the market. In Flint,MI the CMB 101 had HP's, and the Valvola 21 had 1-L's. The turbo

plugs from O'Donnell work very well in the 12's & 21's.

Have Fun Testing,

Mark Sholund
I'm going to try a couple of the ODO-99's but with Tower/Great Planes being the exclusive distributor, a $6 EACH price tag and NO quantity discounts these things need to be **** near bullet proof before I order a bunch..... :blink:
Don, you will not be disapointed. I must say I have only tested them on .21 but you will never reach temps with bigger engines like I do with .21.

Last year at the record trials I've burned (melted) a glowplug every single run in total over 20 plugs, they all came back with no element left or blown on top. I used MC#9, Novarossi #7, K&B HP and 1L. Novarossi was the best of the bunch. Since then I switched to O'Donnell, I'm running engine as hard as ever, in fact last weekend engine sized 4-5 times from overheating but glowplug was still fine. They sure work great for me.
I'm going to try a couple of the ODO-99's but with Tower/Great Planes being the exclusive distributor, a $6 EACH price tag and NO quantity discounts these things need to be **** near bullet proof before I order a bunch..... :blink:
Don, you will not be disapointed. I must say I have only tested them on .21 but you will never reach temps with bigger engines like I do with .21.

Last year at the record trials I've burned (melted) a glowplug every single run in total over 20 plugs, they all came back with no element left or blown on top. I used MC#9, Novarossi #7, K&B HP and 1L. Novarossi was the best of the bunch. Since then I switched to O'Donnell, I'm running engine as hard as ever, in fact last weekend engine sized 4-5 times from overheating but glowplug was still fine. They sure work great for me.
Well thank you sir for the excellent info. :)
A bunch of us (myself included) had trouble at the Nats burning the seals on K&B HP's. If the white ring around the stem turns brown chuck it before it goes completely. ;)

I've tryed some ODO-99 & 77's and they worked great, I'll try the 88 & 89 boat plugs & plan to run them next year. They won't burn the seal and that peace of mind is worth $2 a plug to me.

I'm going to try a couple of the ODO-99's but with Tower/Great Planes being the exclusive distributor, a $6 EACH price tag and NO quantity discounts these things need to be **** near bullet proof before I order a bunch..... :blink:
Don, you will not be disapointed. I must say I have only tested them on .21 but you will never reach temps with bigger engines like I do with .21.

Last year at the record trials I've burned (melted) a glowplug every single run in total over 20 plugs, they all came back with no element left or blown on top. I used MC#9, Novarossi #7, K&B HP and 1L. Novarossi was the best of the bunch. Since then I switched to O'Donnell, I'm running engine as hard as ever, in fact last weekend engine sized 4-5 times from overheating but glowplug was still fine. They sure work great for me.
Hey Frank, which O'Donnel plug you been running?
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Jack, I can't find the ODO-89 on Tower's website. Do they not stock it? Where can I get some?

thanks, Brian

I got away from MC#9 due to quality isues, I have tried many different plugs

but nothing compares to O'Donnell. They last long and do not leak. Well worth the price.
Frank what is the O'Donnell equivilent to the MC-9?? :)
Don; ODO-99 is equivilent to the MC-9. ODO-88 is equivilent to the MC-8. Plugs were shipped last week, Great Planes should have them by now. J.ODonnell

Hey Jack:

Where does the ODO-89 fit in? :blink:
Terry; A little brain fade on my part !! ODO-88 is equivilent to MC-8 , ODO-89 is equivilent to MC-9. Thats what happens when you get old. Jack;
A bunch of us (myself included) had trouble at the Nats burning the seals on K&B HP's. If the white ring around the stem turns brown chuck it before it goes completely. ;)

I've tryed some ODO-99 & 77's and they worked great, I'll try the 88 & 89 boat plugs & plan to run them next year. They won't burn the seal and that peace of mind is worth $2 a plug to me.

I'm going to try a couple of the ODO-99's but with Tower/Great Planes being the exclusive distributor, a $6 EACH price tag and NO quantity discounts these things need to be **** near bullet proof before I order a bunch..... :blink:
Don, you will not be disapointed. I must say I have only tested them on .21 but you will never reach temps with bigger engines like I do with .21.

Last year at the record trials I've burned (melted) a glowplug every single run in total over 20 plugs, they all came back with no element left or blown on top. I used MC#9, Novarossi #7, K&B HP and 1L. Novarossi was the best of the bunch. Since then I switched to O'Donnell, I'm running engine as hard as ever, in fact last weekend engine sized 4-5 times from overheating but glowplug was still fine. They sure work great for me.
Hey Frank, which O'Donnel plug you been running?

I use #99

I hear a lot about K&B HP and 1L, I have tried them and did not think they were anything special. One thing I did not know until few weeks back that McCoy makes K&B plugs so there is no reason for them to be any better than MC#9 or MC#59

I was contacted last night by Harold McCoy and we had a good long discussion about the sample plug that I had sent him. Under 20 power magnification he saw that there was a contaminent on the coil wire near the break that had come apparently from the engine or back through the exhaust. He was unable to scrape it off and was really unsure of what it could be. He explained that the manufacturing process would not allow the contaminent onto the wire unless the wire was undersized to start with. He was pretty certain that this was not a manufacturing problem with the plugs, but with only the one sample it was difficult to tell.

He also told me that he has had almost zero feedback on bad plugs and was somewhat surprised when I told him of the issues on I-waters. As a good will gesture he is replacing some number of plugs. The gesture is great and I certainly appreciate his taking the time to discuss this with me. If the problem re-appears I will be saving up the bad plugs and returning them to him for inspection.. Tony j

I was contacted last night by Harold McCoy and we had a good long discussion about the sample plug that I had sent him. Under 20 power magnification he saw that there was a contaminent on the coil wire near the break that had come apparently from the engine or back through the exhaust. He was unable to scrape it off and was really unsure of what it could be. He explained that the manufacturing process would not allow the contaminent onto the wire unless the wire was undersized to start with. He was pretty certain that this was not a manufacturing problem with the plugs, but with only the one sample it was difficult to tell.

He also told me that he has had almost zero feedback on bad plugs and was somewhat surprised when I told him of the issues on I-waters. As a good will gesture he is replacing some number of plugs. The gesture is great and I certainly appreciate his taking the time to discuss this with me. If the problem re-appears I will be saving up the bad plugs and returning them to him for inspection.. Tony j


Did Harold explain why the elements are too long and are breaking at the welds? Filing them down does solve the problem. I got a large shipment early this year and many had this defect. Another small buy also had this problem. A card bought last fall also had the same problem. Others bought did not so they appear to be mixed in. A definite quality control issue. I know I have lost at least 12 of them this year alone through breaking. This seems to be the second largest problem with the McCoys at the moment.


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