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I've got 2 boats for retrieval and better oars this time. :D

BTW, does anyone still have that montage of pix from last year? It's on my old 'puter and I can't move it. I put it on as wallpaper but never saved it on there anywhere else.
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Don, show up a little bit earlier this time and don't drag that nasty thunderstorm along with you! :D

As you others can tell, we do have a very good time.

Maybe Wade will have his retrieve boat done by then.
Yup, I'll be there early this time. Need a better chance to meet everybody before the big storm. :lol: I really think it would be easier to just play it be ear as to who runs when and not set times. If the big boats want to run together and the 12s have a little race, we can work that out during the day. The point is to just have a bunch of fun and meet with the guys and girls on this forum.

Do you think there is any chance of getting Moorehouse to show up. After all he's just over in Chicago. What about it Tom?

Don ;)
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I will see whcat I can so to make it again this year. Being a holiday weekend and having a new baby at home I really don't htink I can. I am willing to do a dvd of the fun run again this year even if I don't make it. All I need is for evryone to send me pics and video of the day.
Ron, I still have all the pictures from last year.

I would really like to say that i will have my retrievel boat done by then, but I can say yes for sure. <_<
Steve, hope ya can come on down and run with us. If that weekend doesn't work, how about 2 weeks before? I'm open to options...

Earilier definetly won't work. I beleive if my wife does the c-section thing then it will right around the first or second week of May. I guess I will have to see how things are going when the time comes. Maybe I can make it for atleast a couple of hours.
Hey, Ron, been looking at all this stuff I have here... starting to get the bug to at least start messing with it again... racing is still out, but i've got some new ideas I'm itching to try out.. It looks like May 28 might be the date for Spring Valley, huh?? Unfortunately, u know what? I have 2 boys graduating.. appears Nora has a big to-doo going on then.. and I was told in no uncertain terms my presence is I mean if the band was booked that weekend she wanted me to have the guys find a bass player to cover..... Speaking of band.. u wanna see something good, we're at Bayview Gardens last weekend in June..

Y'know Long Lake is full again... that seemed to be a good practice site, maybe we can find some time there this summer... Talk soon.... Dave
I saw John the other night at McDonald's and told him to have you call me. It's nice to see you again on the site. Yeah, Eric is graduating this year also so I'm hoping that this doesn't throw a wrench into our plans. The date is still open yet so keep an eye open in here. I myself would prefer a week before or after Memorial Day weekend as for those that are traveling a good distance wouldn't have to deal with all of the traffic.
If you all plan on a different date, don't hold up due to me. I'd come any weekend, but burn'n 36 hours of vacation for the Fri-Sun thing bites future plans. May. 14th or 28 is what I can do.

Oh yea, listed the house and signed D papers last Friday. D should be fully legal in 60 days. :)

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How about the 21st of May? The 14th would be OK too but I'd kind of like to avoid any problems during the Memorial Day weekend as there may be a lot of picnickers, etc. using the park then not to mention the traffic that the 28th would have on the Highways.

I need at least 30 days to get the DNR Regatta permit applied for. I got lucky last year as I got it in just in time. There shouldn't be any trouble with the Parks and Recreation Dept. as they are only about a 1/2 mile from me and were very helpful. I have to see if they have any other big events going on there also on those Saturdays that might interfere with the Fun Run.
21st knocks me out of the Fun... I'll have to get back to you all on a date I'll be heading up.

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Hey let me know the date/time/place and I'll come on down. I have 2 gas boats and a nitro that I started playing around with.

John Christensen

Kentwood, Mi
Watch this thread for updates as they come. Last year we had a convoy or vehicles that came from up there. It's pretty easy to find the park. US-131 south to the first Kalamazoo exit (131 BL) just past the "D" aVe. rest area. Go to the first off-ramp (Douglas Ave). Turn left and go to the first light by the Clark gas station. Turn right onto Mosel and take it all the way to the end. It dead-ends into Virginia. Turn right and take that to the end, maybe 1,000 feet. Turn right and the Park access that you want is on the left just a few hundred feet down Mount Olivet.
Well guys, I am going to be coaching my boy's soccer team, & I have a game every saturday from April 23 through June 4th except on Memorial Day weekend. So unless it is on a Sunday, or Memorial Day Weekend, I won't beable to make it until early afternoon.I beleive May 21st is out for me, because it is an afternoon game.
OK, I guess that we now have an official date, May 28th. I'll get with the P&R Dept. with the City to make sure that there isn't any other things scheduled on that day. The DNR permit should be no problem.
Well guys, I will be out this spring. I have too many things going on at that time. even though I can 't make it I am still willing to do a DVD of the day again. Just send pics and video to me.