Flaws in rcRacingEvents.


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Is there a way to hold a shootout style race where after each round you enter scores and it puts guys in heats according to highest score down to lowest so high score races always race each other?
Shoot out style events have been supported for 3-4 years.
This one of the reasons that running heats out of order are not allowed.
Thanks Bill for all your efforts !! Maybe in my next life i could hope to posess a fraction of this black art you deal with !!
I worked with Bill in the early developement of this program. I can definately say that it is a marvel of computer coding, done by an individual that is very talented.

With that said, we talked alot about how no matter what was developed there would always be people that wanted it different, to suit their needs. This unfortunately is unrealistic when it comes to software for the masses.

Trust me when I tell you, that one change affects many, many other things and usually it upsets some one else who was fine with the way it was and adapted to the program, rather than have the program adapted to their use.

I think if any changes are attempted, as long as it improves the overall ease of use, then that change is justified.

I just wanted everyone to know that clearly, before they start requesting reinventing the wheel, that is already round and spinning.

It won't work for everyone, but....what choices do you have that are any better. Start coding, when you get to hundreds of thousands of lines, you will better understand that any change is monumental.

Good job Bill.
I read through it again. It's perfect as is.

The blackouts are our problem and not RCRE's problem. Clubs should have an earlier cut off date just in case they can't get to the data.

Clubs with questions tried contacting you through the address on the website for tech, got no response, and resorted to using one of our club members for support. That's not an RCRE problem because they should have come here and asked around. Got it. At least once Freddy ended up logging in for other clubs to set up their race as you don't responding to their emails. Maybe he should send a bill.

You were able to email invoices to all of the clubs but you weren't able to email the fee schedule to those same clubs prior to charging them. Don't put it on the RCRE site either. Just post it here. Close enough.

What I got out of this is that the program was intended for nitro and gas. FE is a square peg round hole. Do it the way fuel races do it or don't do it. No adjustments will be made now or in the future to accommodate our needs. Not even the simple additional character in the scoring. Registration dates for multi-day events have to be different, etc, etc.

Mike mentioned that it's designed for the masses. Got it. Do it the "masses" way or write it ourselves. Okay. Will do. Lots of code. Sounds like a ton of work. Gee, wouldn't it be cool if someone with some funding would set out to write something to accommodate ALL all of the race types? Dare to dream.
You must have missed the part were I said;

I will try to work with the FE groups as best I can and try to integrate the needed functionality, but at this point it will be difficult. It would have been much easier had there been at least some input from FE clubs.
That doesn't sound anything like;

What I got out of this is that the program was intended for nitro and gas. FE is a square peg round hole. Do it the way fuel races do it or don't do it. No adjustments will be made now or in the future to accommodate our needs. Not even the simple additional character in the scoring. Registration dates for multi-day events have to be different, etc, etc.
And for the record once again. I don't have a problem with Namba or anyone else for that matter writing another race management system. Grab a keyboard and start spending a lot of time in front of it.

My issue was with the conflict of interest with the person who so eagerly offered to "help" me with hosting the site. "But oh yeah, he has a direct interest in grabbing my code because he's working on one as well..."

See that's the part he left out.

I kinda feel like I almost got swindled.
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You didn't almost get swindled. Again, only my opinion based on what I know. Most recognize that you have already drawn your own conclusion. This thread isn't about that though. Sorry. Back in my hole.

May be a bit of a tangent but how do you guys figure high points at a fuel race?

Does RcRE figure it for you?
You must have missed the part were I said;

I will try to work with the FE groups as best I can and try to integrate the needed functionality, but at this point it will be difficult. It would have been much easier had there been at least some input from FE clubs.
That doesn't sound anything like;

What I got out of this is that the program was intended for nitro and gas. FE is a square peg round hole. Do it the way fuel races do it or don't do it. No adjustments will be made now or in the future to accommodate our needs. Not even the simple additional character in the scoring. Registration dates for multi-day events have to be different, etc, etc.
And for the record once again. I don't have a problem with Namba or anyone else for that matter writing another race management system. Grab a keyboard and start spending a lot of time in front of it.

My issue was with the conflict of interest with the person who so eagerly offered to "help" me with hosting the site. "But oh yeah, he has a direct interest in grabbing my code because he's working on one as well..."

See that's the part he left out.

I kinda feel like I almost got swindled.

He offered to host the site, not to grab your code, but because he wanted to help out model boating. If you review your emails it was at a time when the site was down. Many races and racers were left in the dark. The reasoning was issue with telephone pole or something. He owns a data site and offered help. Nothing more nothing less.

Your topic here seems to be generation information for you to use as you requested. Please keep it clean and stop with the attacks. Many, including Dave have commended you on your accomplishments. No need to try and drag his name in the mud and diminish your character.

Remember at one time you wanted to sell the software. NAMBA wanted your software to make changes for the reasons that you see in the above post. You chose not to sell it so we moved forward. NOBODY from NAMBA wanted to steal your source code. Time to stop playing that card and move on.
Put together Badgers Turkey shoot last night. Created heat scoring sheets, pit boss sheets and Drivers heat sheets in less than an hour. I can't say there is much of a flaw there.

Only thing that I see improvement is in the size of printout of the scoring sheets. It only uses a small part of the paper and is kind of small. Not a big thing, just a comment on how it prints out.

We have very few back to back heats for drivers thanks to RCRACINGEVENTS.

We (Badger Model Boat Club) used the scoring application for the first time today. All I can say is WOW. What a great tool to help run the race.

We used the audio clock for both regular 2:30 and the :30 clock for electrics. If I am not mistaken, in the IMPBA rules, a one minute clock should be used for electrtics. Is there a way to achieve this?

Is there a way to modify the start sound.?

Thank You.

We (Badger Model Boat Club) used the scoring application for the first time today. All I can say is WOW. What a great tool to help run the race.

We used the audio clock for both regular 2:30 and the :30 clock for electrics. If I am not mistaken, in the IMPBA rules, a one minute clock should be used for electrtics. Is there a way to achieve this?

Is there a way to modify the start sound.?

Thank You.

I can modify the application to suit your needs. I will post here when it is complete.

Hello All

I do all of the Racing Events race set-up for District 20 in Colorado, Wyoming & Utah.

I love most of the Format for entry but our races always include Nitro, Gas & FE Entries.

After reading the posts above both in questions to you and your replies back I believe that the

already large and Growing FE Segment will be left out of any chance for improvement.

Bill in one of your emails to me you did not understand why I was setting up separate days for our races.

Well you need to with any FE involvement in the race set up.....

FE is not going anywhere and in fact is growing fast in NAMBA District 20.

The other issue I had was when we first started getting Fee's for already set up races we were not informed this would be happening

so we felt kinda held hostage to all the boats already entered.

The other thing that was noticed right away is the fact that if you did not pay your latest fee, you could not

set up the next race.....

T.S. Davis seems to have already addressed most of my concerns.

Thanks for what you have done for us already though.

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