In our hobby, one of the major problems is trying to race 21st century model boats with 19th century rules and techniques.
There are many metrics that really need changing, from bouy construction, composition and design to the starting of a race. There are tons of 21st century ideas that can be tried or tested that could improve how races are conducted and yet, we see that "some" want to stay in the 19th century.
Today, we have drones that transmit live imaging to laptops, and if designed properly and the applications for them are put to good use, many racing "issues" or "arguments" could be resolved quickly.
We continue to race under rules written in the early 70's while being in 2019, and thats 48 years ago, I know, I was there when these "rules" were written.
One specific rule: "..all calls have to be made within one lap".... is just an example of a rule that should no longer be applied in 2019. Back in 1971, when boats were going 35 mph, this rule could effectively be possible, but today, with some boats covering that one lap in 9 seconds, this rule is outdated and begs for change.
Same with the "starting line" and the "calls" that derive out of it.
I have read such things as "holding the mic cord" and using that as a starting line...or lets just make arbitrary good or bad calls and go with it, without understanding that these are not 21st century ideas.
FAIRNESS and EQUALITY should be the only metric we seek as CD's when running a race. We have all seen horrible start calls, and we all have seen the arguments that come out of those calls. We have seen the boating "Royalty" get a pass on the starts while others are micro managed.
Lets be clear, NOBODY can judge a starting line without a "STARTING LINE". A mic cord is crooked and holding it straight up doesnt provide the proper "OPTICS" to cover linear vision. While it is true, that bad calls and good calls are going to be made, however, in the 21st century, we have ways to improve the ways starts are called, and now with the benefit of Phone Cameras, we can memorialize ALL starts with a replay feature and this ALONE, keeps the drivers honest as they approach the starting line, and moreover, it keeps the CD honest and eliminates "ROYALTY" calls.
Now, presently there is no rule for the use of camera's, this is understood by all, but in the future, with an accurate memorial of a starting line with an actual straight line in the lens, we can resolve "appeals" to a jump start or an "appeal" to a non called jump start by a well constructed rule. This rule could allow for a review after the completion of a heat, much like review in the NFL which could effect the outcome of a race in dispute. The finished positions could easily be "unwound" to reflect an overturn of an appeal. We have the ability to use 21st century technology in model boat racing, and this is something as competitors we should all embrace.
With my "CLEAN START WINDOW", calls are SOLID, ACCURATE and in its first live race test, without disputes. Many drivers after a heat, asked for a review, it took less than 30 seconds to view the recording and discuss. Once the process was actually experienced by our competitors, the use of the "window" was accepted and calls were not challenged for the remainder of the weekend.
This should be OUR goal, provide a Fair and Equal start for everyone.
BAD Calls are bad calls, and these are UNFAIR to all competitors. Eliminating or reducing "bad calls" is something that the 21st century has a solution to.
A CD has to focus on too many metrics as boats approach the starting line, and holding a mic cord or clipboard in front of a face "limits" the perimeters of vision to make good honest calls. Having a full view of the water and the approaching of boats through the "clean start window" provides full linear vision of the start.
Many drivers come to the line "hot" at full speed on the outside versus the crawlers inching up in lanes 1 or 2, and without full linear vision, there is NO WAY the CD can effectively make this call, so the outside boat generally gets call for a jump.
I have some great video of such starts, but I cant post the videos here yet.
With the Naked eye, there is no way to determine a line. There is no way to determine width of that imaginary line or where it lays across the water. Yes, we have been doing that for decades, but thats just an outdated process.
We all should embrace competitive change that equalizes the playing field for all boaters. Competition demands change and change requires competition.
Fairness and Equality.
The "Clean Start Window" is just a start to that change in 21st Model Boating.