I think the main purpose of the window is the cd looks at the window with the line going across the lake, on the start so he can see who is over and call them right away. Taking a picture is just something it can do if you choose to not believe the cd and want to argue the call. The cd still makes the call just like before, but he is looking through the window which gives a view of the lake with a distinctive line going across.
Clip boards are moving targets and don't give a definitive line for racers to use as a start. The window never moves and racers can get use to where the start is, and not by where the cd just happens to be holding his clip board. Iv'e seen clip boards be used to shield from the sun right before they drop it for the start. Racers need to know where the start is just as much as the cd.
This is exactly what the CSW ( window ) does for the CD making the calls.. It gives the CD a FULL VIEW of the start without having to "OBSTRUCT" any part of his vision as the boats come down the start line....
This "clipboard" concept is truly a JOKE in the grander scale of things. The CD has to view the lanes as the boats approach the starting line... Presently, this 'Starting line" is an imaginary line that moves positions as the CD never stands in the same location and even the slightest tilt of the head will move the line. However, with the CD holding up a clipboard and obstructing his vision of the boats approaching the start line, how can he tell if any of those boats are zig zagging, leaving their lanes or infracting upon other boats??
The CSW gives you full field of vision without ANY obstruction of vision. Its defined LINE across the lake stays consistently in the same location and as was stated by MARKF, and there can be no wavering of the line for the entire weekend.
Look, this is the 21st century, and we have the tools and technology to make a real difference at our races that would lead to fewer conflicts or ill feelings. In the begining, I said that we have used outdated and unreliable methods for decades, and while there has been conflicts, arguments and ill feelings over those years, nobody has really found a way to simplify the start calls..
I like the camera idea where it snaps a photo at the start buzzer, and I would like to see that pursued where it can be implimented with some efficiency.
How anyone can argue against a clear piece of glass that gives the CD a defined line, a clear view of the track and the bonus of having the start recorded is really mind boggling.
What it comes down to is truly this...
Those that oppose the CSW believe they are making the "Right Calls", the "Good Calls", but in reality, they dont want to use the window because they just dont want to get "called out" for making bad ones.
The CSW isnt about starting arguments on the starts, its about eliminating them. We proved that we can reduce the number of conflicts on the starts by simply memorializing them on camera and this led to a greater "TRUST" of the calls by the competitors.
This is so simple and so easy its not even funny. I liked the idea of the three judges, two corner and one start line judge whose position is stay at the window and control the camera and call the start.
I am sorry, but everytime I read how someone prefers to block half their vision with a clipboard just makes me laugh. With boats coming to the start line weaving or zigzagging to make the clock, you need BOTH of your eyes on the water with a full view to not only "JUDGE" the start, but to call lane infractions. With a clipboard, you will have so many UNCALLED lane infractions because the CD doesnt have a panoramic view of the approaching boats...
During my Clubs Race, I stood directly behind the window on all starts and the calls were so easy. What we found was that the drivers were more respectful of where that line was, knowing it wasnt moving, knowing that it was being recorded and knowing that "consistency" was the rule of the day. It not only kept the drivers in check, but as a CD, it kept me in line with proper calls with no Royalty calls, Gimmies or Favoritism towards any drivers...
We reviewed a few calls on the first day, and the majority of those reviews were for GOOD calls, as the drivers just wanted to see how close they came to jumping. We didnt have any blowouts or drivers upset after a review. In the begining, we did have a few who thought someone jumped and asked to review, only to realize that they hadnt, and I posted one of those starts on this thread.
Something as simple as a phone camera recording solved that issue.
Look, this hobby has transitioned hundreds of times since 1970 when we started circle racing. In the begining, bull horns and a floating clock was our technology, then when audio clocks were suggested, people threw a fit and didnt want to change. When PA Systems came out, people threw a fit and complained about the cost, Heck, when it was suggested back when I was a kid that we move away from "Tether pole" competitions and change to oval racing, people threw a fit and complained...
But you know what?
We transitioned anyways and made this sport one of the best ones out there...!
This is just another simple transition that will make the racing aspect just one step closer to perfect. There really should be no argument here. This is a NO BRAINER, and I am surprised we havent created something like this before.
We just grew to accept the way it was, right or wrong, and now we have a chance for the "right" to outweigh the "wrong".