Broward Model Boaters WELCOMES The CZAR!!!!!


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Well, I guess that pre-race inspection didn't do ya much good huh?
****, I had a good weekend


Hope you all had an awesome Scale race down there.

Sounds like the scales are having a good turn out.

How many did you have this weekend?

If they ever let me out of here to race again, I think

I may just have to join you guys in 1/8 Scale. :)
Rick if you are talking to me i didnt test fri. but thanks for the talk i will be selling everything and getting out i thought thiss was suppose to be fun and people helping each other i guess in fla. it isnt trhta way maybe a few like jeryy and the browns alot different from up north where everyone gets along and helps out bye Robert
No Robert, the pre-race inspection comment was not directed at you.

It was a reply to Mike Allens post#19

Sorry to hear you feel a little "contructive" criticism was unwarranted.

And as far as helping out? I have tried to assist you on many occasions! but there is an old saying.

"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"

Good luck

Congradulations Rick perfect score... Andy,,would love to have you in our class. hope to see ya at the pond soon,,you have to bring some of your new scale props first brother John seems to be forgetting them.... :D ,, Thanks for the compliment Rick....
No one has said anything about this race once it was over, so I guess I will.

Great job to the new members of the Broward club, with the exception of the hickup with the clock Saturday morning, the race went off without a hitch.

Gene, Mike A. Kenny C. good job on the stand

Carol as the pit boss, radio impound, way to keep it under control

Again folks great job, I really enjoyed the weekend, keep up the good work.

And Thank you

Glad you had a great time seemed everyone did wish i would have but my mind was on a sick wife hopefully next time in case clock takes a dump we will have the audio clock to work with, take care all glad you came Robert