Any boaters in Northern Delaware


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Aug 10, 2004
Was just wondering if there was anyone from the New CAstle County area of Delaware that might help out a rookie.

I have a Cen Aquajet that I haven't taken out of the box yet. Will this weekend.

Would be nice to share my hidden little lake in the woods with some friends....
Hey Aquajetruner,

I live in the Smyrna area, we have a few boaters around but most of them are from the south, DE. If you are New to boating, you should get together with someone to help you out. How big is your hidden lake, is it big enough to run 60-70 mph on?

If you would like to email me I can help you out, [email protected]


Tunnelbill said:
I live in the Smyrna area, we have a few boaters around but most of them are from the south, DE...........
Not to mention Delaware ain't that big so you guys aren't that far apart! :D
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Bill is right. Most of us guys here in DE are on the lower end of the state. Like Bill was asking, how big is this pond? Most of us have boats that will run 50 and up.
I was guessing everyone would be from down south. There isn't even a shop (at least not that I can find,excluding Radio Shack), that supports boats. I know Aeromarine is down your way.

As for the pond/lake. Well I don't think it's big enough for the big boys. Close, but the one end is very narrow. I can throw a Zara Spook from shore to shore. It is long enough and the other end would work. It's too bad because it's in the middle of the woods!!
Come on PJ!!! :eek: Youre from texas, home of Bill frikin' Dance and you dont know what a Zara Spook is??? :D :D :D

Just joshin with ya man....


Got that Villain built yet?????