Another new .12 (Riptide)


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I was thinking I would even try to get there....then I checked the milage from my house :'( (1533)
man am i jelous! that just might be the perfect place for an official intlwaters fun weekend! about 5 hours away from me...

but if i may make some minor suggestions :D
Im ready to go, Its only 800 miles for me. I could do it in a day with boats in tow!! So what time are we gonna meet there?

~ James
This is the day guys.

I'm heading out to the lake with the boat and a box full of everything I can think of. The engine has never been started and I have never run a .12 engine. Wish me luck, I'll need it.

Talk to you all soon,

Don : :)
Go get em' Don!! ;)

As good as it looks, It has to have a good first trip.

Take a friend to get some pics of running....

~ james
"Call Me Stupid"

I was so sure the engine would pull fuel, I didnt add any tank pressure. :-[ The engine would start after holding my finger on the carb but would quit after about 3 seconds and I didn't have the equipment to fix it with me.

Also, I have a pretty large leak in my fuel tank. :'( Oh well, those are easy fixes. Sorry for the bum report. Maybe next time I'll follow the 6 P's.


P.S. What exact solder should I use on the seam of the tank

If it is one that i built you can use regular radio solder to fix it. Make sure you have enough heat with a iron (not small torch).

If it is one that i but remember i will fix it for you (seems and the like) for free as long as you own the tank.

If you want send it to me and i can turn it around the next day..

Excuse my noobness.... but are riggers based on a ful-size boat or are they exclusive to models?

AWESOME looking boat.
Riggers are exclusive to us RCer's ;D there design isn't practial in full size boats, although i have seen some examples of full scale boats that are based on the out rigger design.
yep, that really IS a fine looking boat! i wan't to know how that mac pipe works out for you. i just ordered the 2.5 one from al's hobby shop. these little riggers are to cool ;D
OK, I've got Dubro 8/32 and 6/32 pressure fittings for the Mac Pipe. Where is the best place to locate it on the pipe and which one? I'm thinking the 8/32. Also, I plan to drill, tap and JB Weld. Does that sound OK? Obviously I've never had to use fuel pressure before.

Don :p
Use a small one. Jim Irwin advises to use the smallest one made on all of his pipes, a Du-Bro, part #241, the 6-32 size. Mount just ahead of the divergent/convergent weld if it has it or in the middle of any other pipe like the hot dog shaped ones.
Well, I think I found my engine starting problem! The mixture controll was screwed in fully to the bottom. Must be sabatage! ;D I sure didn't follow the Six P's on this one.

I'm still not convinced that I need fuel pressure so as soon as I get my fuel cell back I think I'll try to start it without the pressure once more.

Probably a dumb move but you know me, I've just got to be convinced. : :)

Don :p