.90 "JAE"


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"Build a boat,run it and develop some personal practical experience with the JAE concept....."

"After that I will be glad to discuss any concerns you may have at that time...."

will do headed to kinkos now. Ill set up a jig for the tub tonight and clear a clean area to build it. Will post the progress.

Good....As I said we have no experience with the 90-101 as a FE.....but I see no reason that it won't work just great............

As a pre-emptive word of advise.....try to keep approx.40% of the boats weight on the ski......remember the ski is a riding surface.....

Enjoy the build.....you have my number if you have any questions.....

Enjoy the build....
Got the plans. Not likely to build the jig tonight as the table saw might be rude to the neighbors at

11pm . The tub will have to be widened an inch.
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Got the plans. Not likely to build the jig tonight as the table saw might be rude to the neighbors at

11pm . The tub will have to be widened an inch.
The widening of the tub will be absolutely no problem....the boat will not care.....

Build the boat per the plans and set up the strut just like all the other JAE boats....

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Got the plans. Not likely to build the jig tonight as the table saw might be rude to the neighbors at

11pm . The tub will have to be widened an inch.
The widening of the tub will be absolutely no problem....the boat will not care.....

Build the boat per the plans and set up the strut just like all the other JAE boats....

If I keep the idea of a twin would it be okay two have two .75 inch skis will having two change the cornering character of the boat?
Building a jig. Ill widen the tub inside to 5 1/8th inches. That will be enough to accomodate motors 45 mm plus coolers with no more that about a 1/4 inch left of play. There is a part of me that says put the screamer in this rig on 16s - 4 4s packs in series. I dont think at 8 or 10 s lipo 650 kv would be too great (approx. 21.8k rpm unloaded )unless I could find a high pitched prop the screamer could turn and keep the amps at no more than say 200 amps while still generating some speed. This boats rides on the ski- am I to assume that it doesnt really care for a high pitched prop :huh: ?????? Anyway I want to be able to run the boat at an event . Not really clear about the voltage rules in an open class. What about 2 1717's that might do it on 8 s (approx. 53k rpm unloaded) on 8 s with a the right prop keeping amps @ or below 120 would get me close to 10 hp. Assuming that this boat wants a mildly pitched props im thinking 1455's or 57's?????
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Hugh, Rod told me about this thread a couple days ago. Finally got a few minutes this morning to read. I just sent the latest JAE twin 45 drawings to Kevin. This boat will be a much better application than the old 101 plans. The new drawings include the latest tub and sponson changes. For an electric twin u may need to widen the tub slightly and move the bulk heads around for best fit. I am sure u will have lots of questions will be happy to answer. I hate I didnt read this earlier, could have saved you a few bucks at kinkos.

Sorry its too late now im already 15 dollars in so ill be using these plans. Ive been asking for plans for kevin to cut for almost 3 months now. That 15 dollars could have went to kevin. Anyway....... I guess the NEXT man will have the correct plans all nice and laser cut :rolleyes: . Im not rich so I wont be wasting 15 dollars.Ill stick with the 101.

Tired of waiting, me an my exacto knife will survive.

David you are late. Where you been? -_- Sleeping?LOL

hey is it possible you might shoot me that pdf?

Kevin pm me the price; May just do two. Im slowly dying $$$$$ . I didnt mention that I was burgularized for about 5 k worth of equipment for my shop late december. Yeah right before christmas... nice right?. A no forced entry A " I dont know who had another key " thing then they started avoiding me. F-it another loss, but I did get a person out of my life that should have never been there; f-in thief. I DESPISE THEM :angry: . Im installing a streaming security system for others protection ,should I come home and my boats are gone; Lord have mercy ima get life.......

Boats are my therapy. My time away.You can have what you want just dont take my boats.Oh and nina
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Hugh I only have cad drawings. No PDF's. Rod gets them converted to PDF's. Good luck crossing back over that bridge. If u can find a way to open a cad file i will send those.
"Hugh I only have cad drawings. No PDF's. Rod gets them converted to PDF's. Good luck crossing back over that bridge. If u can find a way to open a cad file i will send those.

Yes sir definately send them. Thank you very much. David what props does this 101 like to see. I was reading dwilfongs gas props on riggers thread and I was thinking I may be able to effectively turn BIG props @ 20k with a screamer on 8- 10 s lipo .
The 101 works well with the 1667 as a starter. Mark sent us a 2716 and a 2717 and it seemed to like the 2717 better. This was with an older CMB 1.0. I found a file converter so I will send the files in PDF.
Hugh I only have cad drawings. No PDF's. Rod gets them converted to PDF's. Good luck crossing back over that bridge. If u can find a way to open a cad file i will send those.

I´m thinking of building and JAE too, but one motor not twin.....For the CAD/CAM machine to work, i would be better served with a cad drawing instead of the PDF......

Mine setup would be 8S2P leopard 5692 motor 1090kv...

WOuld be too much asking you to send me, if possible the JAE twin 45, in cad format?

Has the works develope i will put pictures over here!

Best Regards and thank you for your attention

this is a KEPS i made for 10S1P

Looks good I ve considered leo's but some like the tp motors better than the leopards. If i go with a single inrunner it will likely be a castle 2028 something along those lines. If I were to go the leo route id just buy a turnigy 5692 for 79.00 dollars 5500 plus watts. Again I doubt verey seriously if this will be a hobbyking inspired boat. Right now Im maily looking at castle products esc's and motors. Im also looking at fightercats esc's though I am little buffed that they took ultra high voltage concept and gave it to a company overseas to develop ;never had to happen. I dont really want to buy anymore esc's as I have a good design on paper that just needs time to materialize, but for test sakes the castle gear gives me good power real time data logging at a fair price. There was a time i wasnt to shure about castle esc's (doing things like putting the wrong caps on the esc) they even had a hv240 damn near fry ML once too! It seems now theyve got themselves together, so Im ready to try one. The castle 2028 looks to be a powerhouse of a motor for 300.00 dollars. As for twins im looking at tenshock cz2760's or castle 15 series or mayve even 17 series. Hoping you guys would help me decide.
Looks good I ve considered leo's but some like the tp motors better than the leopards. If i go with a single inrunner it will likely be a castle 2028 something along those lines. If I were to go the leo route id just buy a turnigy 5692 for 79.00 dollars 5500 plus watts. Again I doubt verey seriously if this will be a hobbyking inspired boat. Right now Im maily looking at castle products esc's and motors. Im also looking at fightercats esc's though I am little buffed that they took ultra high voltage concept and gave it to a company overseas to develop ;never had to happen. I dont really want to buy anymore esc's as I have a good design on paper that just needs time to materialize, but for test sakes the castle gear gives me good power real time data logging at a fair price. There was a time i wasnt to shure about castle esc's (doing things like putting the wrong caps on the esc) they even had a hv240 damn near fry ML once too! It seems now theyve got themselves together, so Im ready to try one. The castle 2028 looks to be a powerhouse of a motor for 300.00 dollars. As for twins im looking at tenshock cz2760's or castle 15 series or mayve even 17 series. Hoping you guys would help me decide.

Hello Hugh

Since i have the leopard 5692 i will give it a try...5500W...it´s between an 2215 and a 2220 Neu motor.....with less efficiency of course... aiming for 80mph.....I will see...what i can do.....

Hope to see your work....Maybe we can help each other...
Im definately not against leos . 5692 Will be a good motor. I just like the things castle is doing right now. Im also done comparing motors against the Neu.If one wants a Neu theres only one way to get one $$$$. 2215 415.00 but well worth it. I, like you can definately understand the economics behind it all but if budjet wasnt a concern make no doubt there would be a nue,pletti, or a lehner in this rigger.If im going to pay 200 dollars for a leo I might as well save a little more and get the nue then im not "like a nue Im am a Neu" I think 80- 140 bucks for a wanna be is reasonable(hobby king turnigy 5692 79.00 fighter cat TP 134.00 dollars). This is why the 2028 is a good choice for me. I will save between 100 to 250 dollars as compared to the Neu, but at least the motor is in the Neu family and with the castle esc I will get full support from castle which could prove to be or not to be a big deal; I tend to see it as a bonus. I will say that Ben over at fightercat is putting out some nice esc's with a more than reasonable price. Ive been buying alot from Ben lately. I have yet to be dissappointed by anything ive purchased from him. Tell me "BD" what size is your keps rigger? Whats your motor prop combo in the video?

I definately would love to share ideas with you. It is all welcomed. I too will look foward to your build. Hopefully I will start cutting pieces for the .90 this evening after class. I havent recieved the pdf's from david yet for the JAE45 ill pm him. It looks like ill be building two Jaes :huh:
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I got the leopard 1 year ago, seemed a good deal directly from the factory, it never was used...first time!

Can i ask you if you receive the plans of the JAE 45 twin, if you could send them?

castle 2028 is a powerhouse...you won´t go wrong with that motor..but don´t want to spend 300dollars on a motor...i have lost 2300$ USD past month on a sunk boat......I have already owned almos all motor brands...You wont go worng with...Lehner, NEU, Plettenberg, Castle, Mega.... just IMHO.....

mine Keps rigger has 42 inch long and powered by a scorpion 4035 outrunner 800Kv, with 10S1P with a schulze 32 200WK.....going 70....75 mph....with octura 1655 cupped...

Put pictures over here....would like to see it...

Best Regards
You will need to send me your email and I can send you the cad drawings. Just let me know which ones you want. The drawings are for a twin 45 nitro but you can narrow the tub about 1" and move the bulkheads where you want. For a single go with a 1 1/4" wide single skii. 40% of weight on tail.

David I pmed you the email address . If its okay with you Id like to post it once I get it to share with everyone. Is that Okay?

"I will build the jig today" for the 4th time lol IM busy you all ; sorry.

BD that keps looks like its got more in it.....
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Hugh not sure what the policy is for posting Drawings on the site. The PDF's are over 1 meg. Besides the PDF's that Rod has made are much nicer. Might want to wait before you post.
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Got to order more wood for all the 3/16 material before cutting anything. A very odd size to use that I don't stock. The plans are very nice though. There may be some places to lighten it up a bit more. My two cents