What about mixing up electric with nitro.
THere are several electric boats that i know of that would be able to keep up and go the distance with the nitro boats.
I have had this discussion before...
Just want to know if you have to be moving in the mill time or not.
Cause with electric to make the finish of the race, i'd (and other electrics) would have to sit off to the side of the course and wait till the starting clock.
If you class a boat as still in the water as a dead boat and out of the race then what about moving it blip the throttle every 10 seconds or so, just to keep it moving and not to waste the battery.
I am asking all this as i will be at hunter valley. I will have my electric tunnel there but wont be running against nitro unless i get some positive (and or negative) feedback on everyones thoughts and feelings towards electrics running with nitro.