So if the turn (with bottom curl) ic holding down the rt sponson why offset the engine away from the left sponson needing weight in the turn? Just trying to understand the weight thing
Okay, let's try to make this easy:
1) Four things are affecting the boat in a turn; torque, prop paddlewheel effect, rudder & turn fin and air flow
2) Torque from the engine and prop, as well as the prop's paddle wheel affect, will lift the left side of the boat due to the counter-clockwise rotation. Adding weight to the left side of the boat will offset some of this as it makes the torque have to overcome more weight and inertia
3) Offsetting the motor and/or engine bay is used to reduce the amount of weight added to the hull by changing where the boat's CG is located, left to right.
4) The turn fin becomes the pivot point of the boat during the turn, thus anchoring the boat from sliding sideways as well as holding the right sponson down. Just one added thought, not all boats perform well with hooked fins. Some boats work better with a flat fin that is mounted at an angle, bottom closer to hull.
5) As I stated in my previous post, air can lift the boat. If the torque/paddle wheel effect lifts the left sponson, the boat is very likely to blow over.