A new nitro engine coming soon (some say I am mad for doing this!)


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Yeah, still slowly making progress. I haven't updated for a while for a few reasons (Mainly just too busy) but we had a real issue with the last lot of cases we had cast and we are getting another batch done now. I am sorry for the slow progress but I feel I definitely underestimated the technical challenges and I have had to do a lot of very expensive learning.

An update will be coming soon though
As soon as your ready I’ll grab a few engines from you Ricky..
Hey all, I'm not dead and we are still making (SLOW) progress.

We have been tweaking the open venturi induction version to improve flow where possible, have a look at the pics.

We have developed the backplate cap to be able to use a venturi like this but to also be interchangeable for a carb so we can use as many parts as possible between the versions of the engines.

It's slow but we are making progress. have a great Easter all


Venturi, front and back - at the back you see how we have blended the shape to transition to the rest of the induction system for the best possible flow



This illustrates the work we have done to smooth the flow through the entire path
any updates on the engine?
Hi Mark,

We have made a little progress, but we are having an issue getting crankshafts made - we were getting them made in Ukraine but the current situation has put a stop to that.

We have had some made in Germany but we had some issues with grinding quality, we have had some made in the UK and they seem good but are not cost-effective for production. So, we are looking for alternative manufacturers - If anyone knows a company that could help then I am all ears.

Kind Regards

Fantastic! You are very brave to go down this path, may before you have tried and failed.

I think you should re-consider a needle bearing bottom end like the CMB's, it's a fantastic improvement over a bushing. I have many, many gallons through their motors and the wear on the rod bores and cranks pins are negligible, just keep an eye on the needles and when they get a couple tenths worn replace them. Would be fantastic to have that system in a 3.5, especially with the rpm's they turn.

I didn't know Profi made the MB40, very impressive. Here's some video of one doing 225+ mph in the straights:

love the unload after first turn!!!!!!!!!!
Al Hobbs may be able to help? Not sure who is producing his crankshafts for the K series engines but may be able to get you in contact?

Also in the manufacturers section is Precision Boats, those guys produced some high quality outboard cranks for us. Perhaps they’d be willing to do a run of cranks for your engine?

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