36% Slip for a mono seems very high to me. My 55" is currently in that range because of blades too small for the power, too wet and heavy boat also.
Since 2006 i gather logging data, and it seems that 20-25% is the practical range for a mono.
I modeled a big calc-sheet based on the logging data and connected them with the physical background, which is everytime checked (based on logging data and expectation values with new setups). It works fine for getting the idea of current and speed in the straights especially for Monos.
I use 20% slip for the props, and it fits most of the time. But if the practical result ends in 22% or 25% it is okay if speed, current and stability is well balanced for SAW.
I drove in 2010 a SD33 in L6 (same like your Q, but only 6S1P allowed) with a NEU 1527/1D (2300kv no load) and a M447. Got a AVG of 82.5mph, GPSed it at 85mph.This fitted the 20-22% slip due to the prop.
In my opinion Jerry has to run in that slippage range too to reach his results. But honestly i have no clear value of the rpm of a tuned nitro. Maybe you have a idea for me?
PS: love your wild thing, motivation continously increases building also one myself, but cannot afford time for more stuff :/