Who's your FAVORITE Unlimited driver of all time?


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we asked Ron what happend in that race he was in.. he told us they wanted him to push the hull to its limits and he did. limits was to much for that hull. He did what he was told to do. So cant really blame him on the blow over.
Never said it was Ron's fault, but it does go back to my last post. The boat WAS NOT dialed in well enough to be running at the level Ron was told to run at. It was unfortunate that Ron was put in that position. The Madison team wanted a chance to win and the 7325 was just too old to run with the likes of the Circus and Bud T-2 hulls. Hindsight being 20/20, the Madison team should have run the 8806 in the test sessions only and ran the 7325 during the actual racing heats since it was still legally able to race
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Lets not forget the prettiest driver of all time, Jon Peddie. Just ask him, he will tell you he is the greatest...


Jon Peddie for President...
I don't have much experience when it comes to past drivers, but when it comes to current drivers my favorite is J. Michael Kelly. He always races as hard as possible and is a nice guy. Steve David is also a really great driver/person.
With past Driver's I know growing up. It would have to be Chip Hanauer and Mark Evans they both enjoyed racing and they appreaciated there fans. They never would have a big ego but stayed competative as well. The present day driver's I go with Steve David and J. Michael Kelly. Steve's an all around good guy he enjoy's racing, is always in good spirits and also appreaciates his fans. J.Michael Kelly for a young driver I can see potential in him. He's a Nice guy and Races his boat as hard as he can. With finishing in the top 3 he's going to be a good competitor with Steve and Dave along with the other drivers.
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Never said it was Ron's fault, but it does go back to my last post. The boat WAS NOT dialed in well enough to be running at the level Ron was told to run at. It was unfortunate that Ron was put in that position. The Madison team wanted a chance to win and the 7325 was just too old to run with the likes of the Circus and Bud T-2 hulls. Hindsight being 20/20, the Madison team should have run the 8806 in the test sessions only and ran the 7325 during the actual racing heats since it was still legally able to race
I was crewing on the team back then and will tell you the old Madison was done. The shaft log was bent and the left sponson was falling off the boat. The powers to be pushed Ron Jones to have the new boat in Tri-Cities ready to go. It was supposed to come home to Madison and test on the Ohio so the people of Madison could see her. But Big Bob pushed it into service out west. Do you remember the special video they put out about the boat? That was done to appease the fans back home. The hole thing was a bad deal period. Ron Snyder is my favorite driver.
Chip Hanauer.... you never really heard bad comments from him and he was and still is a class act. That duel detween him and Chenoweth at the gold cup in 82 was the best race ever. I also liked Steve Reynolds and of course Muncie....
Joe Taggart. Went from a virtual unknown to world champ in one race. Joe also designed quite a few winning hydro and mono hulls over the years. Was smart and quit Unlimiteds after the SloMo IV was destroyed. And everybody else says Hanauer, Muncie, etc.


Joe is a good choise. Met him once at the HARM while the crew and I were rebuilding the Slo-Mo-Shun V. IMO, you won't find a nicer person. He loved to talk about the "old days" and tell stories about the guys and boats that made up Stan Sayers team.
dean chenoweth is my pick. fair, hard driver with a great personality. i was lucky enough to know him before his death. he owned the bud/busch beer distributership in tallahasse, where i lived for 32 years. the bass club i was a member of put on a bass tournament on lake talquin every year to benefit the local easter seal chapter. he/ his company donated $5,000 EVERY year as prize money, so ALL entry $ could be passed on to easter seals. after his untimely death, his wife continued this practice, until her passing due to cancer.
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This question is a paradox ..a question that really can't be answered honestly due to the span of decades of unlimited racing . I feel for the drivers that never had the benefit of security that the capsules offered ..and may they rest in peace . For me I think i would go with Chip and Dave Villwock only because they share the same "take no prisoners , get the f...out of my way attitude !! Chip was such a soft touch on the beach but ...look out on the course ...Villwock ..well is a Bad Mo fo !! Hard drivers and no dis respect to the legends or the regulars ...all Bad ***** ! :D :D :D !
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