Where's the info???


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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2014
First off, hope I don't upset anybody in here.. But I do have to post this.. I've put two post out for help on building my first rigger.. Another gent recently put a post out asking for help in scratch building a 60/90 rigger.. On my post, each got one response, and I thank those two for putting their two cents in. The other gents post got zippo, bunch of reads, but no replies..

There are entries every where stating this site is for helping people to get into and staying in this wonder hobby. But with lack of assistance on the mentioned posts, it is not showing the true nature of what I've come to expect from the boaters on this site.


There are lots of rigger builders, racers, etc here.. Why can't some info be passed along???? Are ya not just seeing the threads? This site does not keep unread posting highlighted like yabba, but it's something we have to live with (I guess - Tom???)..

Ok, off my soap box.


Have a great day!


The rigger I'm building is a Dumas Quickie 40. It'll use a K&B .45.. The other gent - blastrk - is looking for scratch build info. See posting - scratch build

For my post - Q40 rigger

Still looking for info in there..

Thanks for stop'n..

Yo Mark....I'd love to give you some pointers on rigger construction, but I think you'd be better off without them!! :blink:

same with me.....id help ya out too man but all i know is theyre little and wood and go fast and are picky as anything. don knows what he's doing though, if he tells you something its worth following.
I Just mainly over look the riggers threads. as i dont know **** about them.

That Older Gent at the last Toledo fun run with the riggers. To bad no one knows how to get in touch with him, or if he is on here or not.

Wheres Andy???

They man with the fastest record cant even chim in and give advise?

On the subject, PUT ANDY BROWN, PLEASE READ. He will get with you then.

Andys on and off here every couple days, what it seems.

Sorry i cant help with the rigger set ups.

Mono Or Cat i could.
I don't understand what it is you want. If you are building a kit follow the instructions if you are scratch building look at some good running boats and do some measuring,if you have built one and are having problems what are they perhaps we can help once we find out what it is you want.
Hydro Plow2 on it's way!!!! :D Thanks PJ, I'll stick with what I get with others..

NT & Lax, I was in the same boat as you before trying to build this..

Don & Hap, take a look at this thread - Rigger help

Yes, this is a kit, but it's a Dumas Quickie 40.. I don't want to follow their plans due to the shape of the stuffing tube. Major S bend in it. Main items I'm looking for are motor placement with regards to stuffing tube requirements and rear spoons.

Thanks for chim'n in...

How major of an S bend are you talking about?? As in what would be the centerline to centerline width of the bend. S bends are not a bad thing as they actually offer less drag than a soft bend because they control cable whip.
Hi Guys!!

Mark, There was an article in Model Boater about tuning the sponson angles on a rigger. and then another on prop set-up. Both were in issues out last summer. If you don't get the magazine, I'll be glad to copy them and mail 'em to you....................Aside from what I read in those articles, the only thing I know about riggers is that you gotta be reeeeealy careful not to get your fingers bit by the prop when you launch one!!

I recently put up a post asking for tips on tuning tuned pipes......I think I got 2 responces. I know that there are lots of people running tuned pipes, and most of them have some opiniom as to what makes them work better, but few want to share.

On the other hand, after seing your boats run and examining things you have built, You'll probably have great sucess figuring it out on your own.

When you get it all figured out, let me know. I'm gonna try to get my old outboard rigger back in the water next season and I'm sure I'll have questions.

Best of luck, Bob the Fool :blink:
Maybe it's not such a major S bend, but I didn't think in today's newer designs, this would be the setup.. Then again, it could be the pain from four vampires trying to get blood from me yesterday..

Here's a shot of the plan's design. I've since lost the written instructions to this boat, so I have to rely on the plans.



Thanks for the mag mention.. I've got them going back to the mid 80's.. The one you mention should be in the other room.. I'll have to take a look.. There a launch handle in the "pile", it'll be used for this boat so no fingers get WHACK'd.


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Can you mount the engine a little lower and bring the strut up a bit? In any case I'd use the "S" bend shown vs a long gentle bend which also will mean you need to mount the engine at an angle.
Hey Guy's

I dont know enough about riggers to fill a teacup. So what your say'n is the S bend is better ? This is great news for me cause my tub dont have much room to angle the engine,

Gene :D
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I am in no way an expert with riggers

but I have raced and built a few including some scratch built.

I have tried the S-bend and long single bend ontwo boats and seen zero performance difference.

I prefer the single bend only because I find it easier to work with , I am not trying to disagree with those who prefer one over the other I am only telling you what I observed in testing on the two boats I tried this on.

I would do whatever you find is the easiest but I definately agree with Terry about getting the motor as low as it can go wether on an angle or flat.

Terry is right, put a little angle in the engine just to soften the S bend. There is dyno proof from a series of tests that Rod Geraghty did that showed the S bend has less drag AT SPEED than a soft curve. While it may not feel that way when you twist the shaft by hand that cable is acting very differently at 20k rpm. Now there are some applications like outriggers that the S bend is harder to achieve when they use a permanently mounted shaft log passing thru the radio box. On mine I gently press the stuffing tube where it is behind collet so the cable lightly touches there. Your second point of contact is the bend down under the hull so this helps some. The guy who gets the credit on the S bend stuff is really Ed Hughey as you can actually hear this on fast electrics. :ph34r:
It is not too hard to visualise why the S bend is less friction, as the cable winds up it will have full contact with the stuffing tube on a gradual bend, the cable will try to buckle until the stuffing tube stops it, where as with the S bend it has less length to "buckle" so the contact patch will be the 2 bends (primarily) and not full contact. Sort of like running 2 bushes in a strut instead of one solid bush! B)
Don't know why I didn't think of this before. On the stuffing tube, what is the thought as to using a single brass tube, double brass tube or a teflon tube inside a brass tube?? Might as well answer my own question, flip a coin and use what it comes down with..
I've been using a single brass tube with Lubriplate as my lube. Have had zero issues as long as you get it lined up properly.