Well is it true?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
Is Scott Lidycoat the new Madison pilot? Seems Chris Denslow has the inside scoop
Steven David
Most of you have been with me thru thick and thin, wins and losses, and some painful crashes. You’ve become part of my book of life. Starting this Monday, September 16, I’ll be turning a page, and starting a new chapter that ends my 44 years of boat racing. The sport of boat racing has brought me so much more than race wins and trophies. Its’ greatest victory, has brought me in one way or another upon your path, and for that I am eternally grateful. While many of you have wished the Gold Cup for me, it was not meant to be. I have a strong Faith, and I believe that God didn’t give me what I wanted, but rather what I needed. And it is fully acceptable to me.
Please continue to support the Oh Boy Oberto/Miss Madison, and when they select the new driver, please welcome them as strongly as you welcomed me. My new role will be off site Cheerleader for the MadisonJ
Sabrina and I look forward to following your lives via e mail, Facebook and thru your cards and letters. We’ve enjoyed being a part of your lives; your successes, and sharing your sorrows when you felt that was appropriate. We’ve been blessed with fans of all ages. I am especially indebted to the men and women of the City of Madison, Indiana, the Oberto organization and my team mates who gave me the best 13 years of my racing career.
Love you kids!!

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Go to Scott's and Steve's Facebook pictures and look around. You may find some interesting clues!!!!!..... ;)
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I'm curious as to where Doug found that statement as I couldn't find anything on any of the hydroplaning websites. I'm hoping Steve, if this is in fact legit, will finish the season with the Oberto team. It would be better yet if Oberto won in SD so Steve could end his career as the high points champion. It would be a fitting way for a class act to bring down the curtain
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I just saw it linked in another thread. While I'm sad to read that he's done racing after this weekend, I do respect Steve's decision and wish him the best in the future.
I think Scott is coming to our race next week and I will ask if its official yet. He and his son race here in D12. I hope he is the new driver which gives district 12 a total of three unlimited drivers who also race model boats!!!!! Jimmy Shane U-5 graham trucking, Tom Thompson U-11 peters&may, and Scott Liddycoat in the Oberto.....

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