Tub length


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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2002
If I was to build a twin 84 rigger what would be a good tub length? What is bad about a tub that is a little to long? Is it just a weight issue. Can I use 90 rigger sponsons for this hull or do I have to use bigger ones? Why?
My gas rigger hull is 40 inchs. I would think about 40-44 you should be close to the lenth you want. And I would think 90 size sponsons would work well for the boat.

The tub itsself is 40 long, from transom to front, not measuring sponsons.

My twin 90 rigger's are 40" long that is the tub only if you need to now the overall length let me know hope this help's you.

I also sell rigger's in kit form all wood parts are laser cut, not trying to sell you one just letting you know there are many option's out there.
