The Orlando Culvert Dodgers 31st Annual Orlando Winter Nationals


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WOW!!! The most carnage I've seen EVER on a test and tune day. We got to see a rigger disappear right into a CAT, thunder boats with decks ripped off, a mono with the side torn out, a gas sport hydro with one sponson and side torn off and much, much more. Stay tuned. This was just a test day!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Nice!!! Keep us posted Dick...good luck!

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Once we get like boats together in the am - its gonna be MUCH cleaner- I hope :blink: ..........

NOBODY wants to see carnage , but that was part of open water today- lots of people- unlike classes and speeds - unfamiliar drivers and habits = Wrecked boats. Grims rigger was the worst I have seen in some time.

Maybe Eric can find the rest when he gets time . Hated to see the rest of that boat GONE ..............

Sounded like a five pound hammer hitting a wooded telephone pole :huh:

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I talked to Mark today and asked how testing was going. The answer: "Some good, some bad, some bad as it gets". Hate to see that boat gone, it was a beast.
Brian , Eric Lis found Bill Brittons F/E tunnel at Brandon in the worst of visibility last year-

If it can be found- he will get it.

Got the Gas Tunnel finished up today Wayne so look out!!!!...... ;) Thanks to Dick Loeb, I will have a P Limited to run as well. I simply ran out of time. Thanks Dick...... ;)

I look forward to seeing you guys next week.
Good luck with the tunnels Ron..........Keep the magic smoke outta that P-Spec.........and watch out for those Vision Craft tunnels... :eek: :lol: ;)

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Man...what's up with the rcRacingEvents site...very s l o's giving me the! Just trying to see if I can watch any parts of the Winternats.....

Anybody else having problems going on their site?

Remember guys, rcRacingEvents is a race management and scoring website. NOT a video production site. That was always MeTimes forte. There was very little lead time to prepare and streaming video ain't cheap. Although rcRacingEvents can stream video on the internet, MeTime has had MUCH longer to get it down 'right', and therefore that side of rcRacingEvents was never developed further.

Rather than complaining, be glad I agreed to do it at all and you got to see what you have so far. I think if more decided to do what rcRacingEvents and Metime does/did (further the hobby) rather than complaining, we would all be better off.

You want to say that my site sucks then go right ahead, I don't care. Go back to paper and pencil to score for all i give a crap. But don't gripe because the video is not up to your or Metime standards. The two cannot be compared. rcRacingEvents is for scoring races. MeTime tried with all they had and couldn't even break even for what it cost to do on a regular basis.

I got a lot of crap over the video today, and I almost took my ball and went home. I don't need this kind of crap when 99.999% of this is out of my own **** time and money. Next time I'll just say no and sit my fat azz back in a lawn chair all afternoon.

Peace Out.
Whoa there Bill....I don't think anybody was disrespecting anything about the site..I was just looking forward to watching it...and I am definately not comparing anything at all!! I totally respect your efforts for everything you are doing for the hobby...please accept my apologies for anything that was misinterpreted on my behalf...

Peace bro,


you have to look in "bucks" listings were the 42 vids are listed. They are still in his personal listings.
No Allen you are not watching...............Ralph first, First heat. Joe First Second heat. Foley in the Back Thrid heat.

And yes there was a LOT.............LOT of carnage today!!! :( :wacko:

Bill..................Do what you can do!!! Rushed home just to see what I could.............Junky needed a fix!! Anything is better than nothing....Keep up the good work!!!! I will be off early tomorrow just to watch. :D :lol: B)
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