2015 Winter Nationals


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Emails where sent to all racers registered for the race about the payment change 2 weeks ago.
Only way to make this fair in years to come have 150 entrees for gas and nitro and what doesnt make it fill it up with one or the other one Nitro class made it Scale
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Scale was the only Nitro class to make it at the OCD race last month also.

Look at the Nitro number from all Dis 3 NAMBA races.

How many made the effort to go and race?

Almost 50 boats in each Gas class and more on the waiting list.

So lets put them off and wait for the Nitro boaters to make there mind up?

Nitro boater expect special treatment and if not given it thy complain.

May be if thy had a track record of showing up at a race this would be granted.

But to hold every one hostage to there demands is not fair to all involved.

I hope you all band together and show what you got for the Nitro winter shoot out as many have gone the extra mile to try and make this happen.

Time to show up and race and stop complaining that nitro is the red headed step child of the District.

It seams that the district is at a turning point as far as Gas and Nitro races being separated.

This could be a good thing if the support is there and every one shows up at the races.

The cards are on the table time to show your hand.

I hope for Nitro racing this all works out as planed.
Scale was the only Nitro class to make it at the OCD race last month also.

Look at the Nitro number from all Dis 3 NAMBA races.

How many made the effort to go and race?

Almost 50 boats in each Gas class and more on the waiting list.

So lets put them off and wait for the Nitro boaters to make there mind up?

Nitro boater expect special treatment and if not given it thy complain.

May be if thy had a track record of showing up at a race this would be granted.

But to hold every one hostage to there demands is not fair to all involved.

I hope you all band together and show what you got for the Nitro winter shoot out as many have gone the extra mile to try and make this happen.

Time to show up and race and stop complaining that nitro is the red headed step child of the District.

It seams that the district is at a turning point as far as Gas and Nitro races being separated.

This could be a good thing if the support is there and every one shows up at the races.

The cards are on the table time to show your hand.

I hope for Nitro racing this all works out as planed.


Those are pretty harsh words from you representing the Orlando club. As a district 3 sanctioned race the rules state that 3 boats min make up a class and I don't believe you can drop a class because they don't make your 5 boat minimum. I think the district director should look into this and render a decision.

Bill Hoch
Very true Bill now if they don't want it to be a district race that's something different and your words David are not the best to get people to come i totally agree with Bill
Your correct Bill. I brought this up to the Tampa club for the upcoming race and they immediatly corrected the oversite. Orlando should do the same.

Rule book = "There must be a minimum of three (3) paid entries for any class to be considered legal, and to be run for District High Points."

However with only 2 of the 11 nitro classes over the min of 3 (4 entries each) I do agree with some of Daves comments. "special treatment" and "hostage to there demands" are pretty harsh words.

I have been running nitro boats for 40 years this year. I have been thru the battles over the changes fom marathon racing to heat racing, muffeled/tuned pipes, allowing tunnel boats as a class, allowing gas boats as a class and on and on but this gas versus nitro is just out of line.

2 years ago I built a gas mono and i am here to tell you it fast became apparent why gas has grown and is growing.

In all of this time only 2 gas boaters, ONLY TWO out of hundreds, have made negative remarks to me about nitro. One of them is the same guy who hung up on Otto and the other has backed off his attitude.

It's a HOBBY!!!. We all put our pants on the same way. We all share the challange and fun of RC boat racing. It doesn't matter if it's FE, Tunnel, gas or Nitro.

The tunnel boaters just held a tunnel only race in Brandon and it was a rousing sucess and looks to be bigger next year. Maybe thats what will happen with the other nitro classes. Time will tell.
I am confused about when the registration money must be sent in for the race. I was ready to send mine in yesterday by paypal when I read on rc racing events that the cutoff for payment is now December 1, 2014. I know that we have more than 6 scale boats (nitro) registered but not sure how many have sent their money in. Will someone please clarify when the cutoff is for payment. Thank you, Perry
I have spoken to Ross and the date on the original flyer will be held to. 12/01/2014 will be the date for payment to be in.

All so Ross is contacting Marvin as to how many boats needed to make a class 3 or 5

I will post the ruling after it is made.

All classes are still up and open on R/C race events.
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I have spoken to Ross and the date on the original flyer will be held to. 12/01/2014 will be the date for payment to be in.

All so Ross is contacting Marvin as to how many boats needed to make a class 3 or 5

I will post the ruling after it is made.

All classes are still up and open on R/C race events.
Three paid entries to make a class at a high points race. There must be three boats in the pits ready to run the first heat of that class for the class to earn points.

Three paid entries to make a class at a high points race. There must be three boats in the pits ready to run the first heat of that class for the class to earn points.

Thanks Doc for the clarification.

I'm not going to bash nitro because that's how I got started in boats to begin with. I started seeing the nitro classes dwindling from a mile away. This is the main reason I went gas. It was becoming frustrating to go to a race and running with two other boats sometimes having to scratch because there were not enough boats.

With that being said it is also aparent that nitro guys don't like to go to certain races for what ever reason. When there are races on the east coast the numbers for nitro get weak. Can anyone tell me why? At the Miami race NO nitro show up. There are quite a few nitro guys here on the southeast coat and in Miami and Broward. Even when Broward had an all nitro race the numbers weren't that good. Now if you head to the west coast the nitro numbers sky rocket. Yet still the most of the gas guys hit up every race no matter where. Sad but true.
It's not just Miami robert. Even Melbourne, Orlando and Palm beach has a small turn out. Most guys from the west coast don't show up either. I like nitro I still have my 20 mono. I will come back if it's gets better.
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Awesome to here Curtis your 20 mono does run good
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Every year the OCD Winter Nat's has to defend it's self in one way or the other.

But every year the race still takes place and is a success in what it dose.

I am involved for one reason to make this happen.

This is what R/C boating is all about for me to make it possible for many to attend a truly great race and have a good time.

Where else can one race 50 other boats in there class?

This is truly a world class race.

I my self will do what ever it takes to keep this going on for years to come.

I may not use the best approach or say the right things all the time.

I had no idea what I was part of till I joined the club and was involved in that first WN.

But after the first time I under stood what it was all about.

Have seen people come and go over the last few years in the club and I am still here do what I can to make it happen.

Even if that means siting in the retrieve boat for 4 days from sun up to sun down.

So if I get a little protective please don't take it the wrong way.

Where it stands right now we have to run 70 heats a day for three days.

We are at the limit of heats we can run in the short days of Jan.

The classes will stay as thy are till DEC 1 so go to R/C race events use the pay pal and fill them up.
Some of the guys on here biching did not go to these races This is may be to many races not a gas or nitro thing
Some of the guys on here biching did not go to these races This is may be to many races not a gas or nitro thing
Yes Larry,too many races.... or really maybe just not enough racers on the local level like it used to be in the 70's and 80's.

It is difficult for the average r/c boat racer to budget more than just a few races per year.

So for the number of racers we have now, it is Too Many races.

There are currently many openings in the nitro classes at the November race and the Orlando race.

Come on Nitro guys. Dust them off and lets race!
In this district we have 8 races doesn't seem like many reason i don't go to wimtrtnats 4 to 5 days hotel food gas to expensive for me i do hit district and specialist races

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