The best 21 Mono


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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2003
Guys I am wanting to venture into top competition 21 mono territory soon and want to canvass your opinions please on these two boats:

Seaducer 20 SD3; and

Hopf Modelltechniks Mosquito

What in your advice is the quickest out of these two hulls? I recently saw a Seaducer and was very impressed with its quality.

Does anyone suggest any other alternatives?
DITTO the Seaducer is what I have,but the Speedmaster is as good a boat Drop in an Orlic Preped Nova Rossi and hold on tight.....MIkey
Whats a Mosquito?

There are 2 SD3's 29" and 33". Both are very good. 29" is very fast, but marginally small for a MAC 21. 33" is handles real well and very raceable.
I would go with the new 33” SD3 Seaducer with a box stock MAC 21 set up per Jerry’s instructions. This combination with a little driving ability will put you in the winners circle.

There is no doubt about the Quality and the speed of the Speed master hull. I personally think it’s a bit faster down the straightaway but the new SD3 is faster and handles better in the turns especially in a 6 to 7 boat heat.

The other hull you might look into is the Cal Craft. Some of the guys in our district run them with good success.

I have no idea what a Mosquito is??

Just my 2 cents ;)
Will Gallagher said:
"but the new SD3 is faster and handles better in the turns especially in a 6 to 7 boat heat."
That surely was not the case at the Internats.
Thanks guys for the great responses. The Mosquito or Moskito as they call it is a German hull that I have heard many great things about in Europe races - made by Hopf in Germany.

I think I will stick with the Seaducer, but wasn't aware of the longer version.

Thanks again