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dave roach

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2004
To all of my friends on IW.

On Dec 9th I will be going to the hospital and the doctors are removing my rotator cuff and having a reverse total shoulder joint replacement.The building of boat has came to a stop for about 4-6 months.

After the healing I will only beable to lift no more than 10 pounds with that arm.Keep me in your thougths and prayers.


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Hope everything work s out good , take it easy on those Rums when recovering , see you at the tunnel champs.
Good luck listen to the doctor. If you need help at a race and I am there call on me.


Good Luck with the shoulder surgery. Get better soon buddy. We have some racing to do in Celina end of May.

I have a cowl for your "Black Jack" when your ready.

Bert Dygert

Good luck to you. Had the same reverse shoulder surgery done last Wednesday. Pain has (so far) been minimal. The muscles in my shoulder were totally shot, rotator cuff torn beyond repair and arthritis in the shoulder - after doing paint and collision work for 40+ years. My only complaint so far, is being stuck in this sling for 5 more weeks and inability to do most anything by myself.

Take care and do what the Dr's and Physical Therapists tell you.

Tom (and Cindy) Driver
Dave I had it done in sept after Hobart 2012 and was snowmobiling in Dec with 200/300 mi per day do your PT you will do good
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We have you in our thoughts and prayers!!!! Good luck with your surgery and hoping for a speedy recovery!!!!! You have a race to run in May so listen to the doctors and get well soon. We are saving your spot in the camper!!!!!....
Good luck with the surgery Dave. If you remember I had my right rotator cuff (and right upper bicep tendon) surgically repaired last December and I'm back full on weightlifting in the gym, bigger and stronger than before I messed it up. Listen to the docs, DO ALL THE POST SURGERY THERAPY (this is THE key to full recovery) and you'll be better than new before you know it.
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good luck dave, hope this one cures the problem. you have been through enough. we will put you in our prayers.

thanks for all your help. if I get down that way, I will stop in.

my left shoulder has been hurting after I took a big fall on the ice the other day. I hope it heals!!

do as dr and therapist tell you,

Dave, hope all goes well!! Do the pt as directed, the success of any joint surgery depends on you doing your part.