sport40 hulls


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Can any of you tell me the average width and lenght of the sport forty's ?? Please
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Adam, the Sport20 will be designed sometime this year.

Most of the sport40's are in the range of 36" long with a inside sponson to sponson of 10-1/2".

Jeff, your boat looks good...keep the new ideas flowing. What about an atlas cowl to cover the pipe.

Ken, Love the engine details...looks very cool.

Love those sport40's!!!

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Thank you Jeff !!!! I am looking at the Dumas Eagle which is 36"x19" but the front section seems a little too long !!

Would you guys go to Dumas web site and look under " special priced models " and tell me what you think ??? Please

This will be the first sport 40 hydro !!!! I'm a tunnel man !!! IMPBA

Thanks Brian !!!!!
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thanks, i'm working on a new cowl now . i was told that the cowl i have now will not be able to run in a namba race they said the pipe must be covered, but on some boat the pipe is covered but it's just half the pipe. my question is how much of the pipe need to be covered. thanks fellow let's keep those sport40's coming.

Yours is so fast it can't be shot with a regular camera. :lol: I think your

picture didn't work. I have a propeller for you if I ever get Tracy's order

done. :lol:


Mark Sholund

Brian: I also raced inboards in the 60's. In fact from 1961 to 1981. I remember your Dad but can't recall where he was from. Did he race 135, 150 or 2.5 mod? Only kidding. It's strange isn't it how then can change the name of the same class. Your sport 40's are really nice. Mine run well but sure don't look anywhere near as nice as yours. Perry
This is a better picture of my sport 40. Also does anyone know what is the biggest sport 40 race around?
Here is mine. Its not the fastest thing in at the pond but it sure is fun to race..

K+B power

paintmixer 230

brown parabolic pipe (not in the pic)

Rock on

Tray Dolphin said:
This is a better picture of my sport 40. Also does anyone know what is the biggest sport 40 race around?
This weekend Evansville IN. Little Thunder Race Traveling cup to the winner.

Look up Tramsom Twisters club in MI biggest turn out for sport40 and scale in IMPBA dist 2. Race is middle of August. The race was run at the GM Tech center, but this year it is to be run in London Canada, 5 rounds of racing.
mark anderson, my sport 40 combo is a cmb 45 cam 2001 ops 60 pipe and a stock 1455 prop, pipe is set at 10 1/4 from plug the weld on pipe. the add on muffler is a rum racing muffer.

how do you start that thing with that cowl set up?? Do you just open the nose area and push it a side?? Do you just latch the nose down before the launch??
Phil Thomas hull, Picco Blackhead, CMD Parabloic, Octura 1455 3 blade - LEAVING
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