As I have said many times, I don't have an issue with the new rules. New hulls can conform to them. I am concerned about the folks that have hulls that were legal, and now are not. The new rules do not address the disposition of legacy hulls (those hulls raced before the new rules were adopted). As Mike and I have both shown, many popular hulls will be made illegal, Whiplash, MTO, PT shovel nose, etc. I agree that it was probably not the intent to make the round nose or Whip hulls illegal, but the rules do just that. There is nothing in the new rules that allow the roundnose hulls to be exempt from the 50% afterplane length straight keelson clause. If a roundnose wins a head or race, the second place (or any other) boat can protest, and the illegal boat will be disqualified. Been there, and have seen it. Yous mention Gas Sport Hydro, but this change does not apply to the Gas Sport hydro, only the NItro SP20 and SP40. When asked why not Gas sport hydro, the answer was purported to be that it would make too many hulls illegal.....hhmmmmmmm
I also wonder why the SP40 and SP20 don't commonize the strut requirements.
I personally would like the 'modified rigger' wording removed. I have a design I would love to build, but someone would probably protest it as a 'modified rigger'. It would meet all of the requirements of the new rules, but one feature of the construction might draw attention to that clause. Funny, but no one protests a hull that is not competitive, but show initiative and come up with a compeititve design, and folks seem to go out of thier way to protest it; but only once it wins a few races.
Grim, have no idea how this proposal came about. But apparently the board did not consider that current hulls would be made illegal. From what I have heard, the board was told that there were no or few current hulls that would be made illegal. It only took a little looking to find multiple popular hulls that would be made illegal by this rule change.Apparently someone didn't do their homework. That is what concerns me about how the board handled this change. The evidence speaks for itself: many current hulls will be made illegal with no means to address the status of previously campaigned hulls if the rule stays as written. This is what I consider a careless decision by the board. That, and what appears to be a disregard for following the constitution of the IMPBA. I would like to see the meeting minutes where this rule proposal was discussed. It is strange that there are no board meeting minutes posted since 2010. What changed at that time that stoppped the posting of meeting minutes?