Mark, Nitro special cllases, page h-7 is rules...then page h-9 pics dated march 2008. here's the link:
My opinion.interpretation, of these new sport rules.
The picture clearly shows the transom width being measured at it's widest point (TOP), not the running surface. So the 80% deal would not apply to most hulls.
The broken keelson line rule, is also clearly illustrated. like it or not....
The sponson keelson line to be 50% of aftplane seems to be measured from the rear of the sponson itself, it is NOT clearly illistrated. Needs to be spelled out.
Otherwise, the pics and rules seem to be in line.
With that being said.....
A rule proposal that potentially deems some current hulls to be illegal, should be discussed first (if possible) by the masses.
If a trial rule is to be implemented for such changes, time needs to be allowed for people to vote on these new rules and if passed, to adhere to the new rules.
I think any class called "sport hydro" boats should have to adhere to the same rules, no matter how it's powered.
What we have to ask ourselves is this..... Will this be good for the class? Will it help the class grow? Will it make the class be more uniform?
This rule proposal is immediatly enforced?
As it is currently set up, if someone has a hull that does not conform to the TRIAL RULES, can they race it this year? In the future?
This is why this needs to be discussed long before a trial rule is imposed.
If a new rule is to be implemented that affects the design of the boats, it should be done very slowly and clearly.
I agree with Mark....this needs to be tabled, discussed, tweaked, etc.
If things are clearly spelled out and voted in, everyone will deal with it. Not the case here.