Somebody tell me what this is supposed to mean.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
This is from the June 2004 Roostertail. Just what, if anything, is being implied here? The way I read it, somebody is questioning the validity of some of the record events.




I would like to spend a minute to talk about a subject that is very important to the credibility of IMPBA’s records. I’m sure that most of you, even if you aren’t interested in setting records, want and expect the records to be accurate and truthful. I also know that it is very easy to question people’s morals, values, judgments, etc. when you hear about results at time trials you were not able to attend (especially if it was a small one with only a few contestants). I think we have a very solid set of rules governing record trials and it is very important to me that each CD, contestant, District Director and anybody else involved do all they can to insure all of the rules are followed, both in content and intent. If you have concerns that somebody is not playing by the rules go to their event. Don’t sit back and be suspicious…go participate, have some fun and see for yourself if everybody is as fast as the records say. One of my goals as the Records Director is to make it at least one time trial with each group that holds them. That way I will be able to help add a little standardization and I will personally be able to stand up for each group and say “Yeah, those guys are doing it right” if a question ever comes up.
Preston there is always questions on what goes on at records trials, be it a NAMBA or IMPBA or APBA event. That is one reason at Huntsville we always welcome any IMPBA member up top to be a witness for a records attempt any of the other tech inspections for a verified record.
Preston, don't even think for a second that this could be implied for ANY record trials you've run or will run. Every one I've attended that you've run has been absolutely straight up by the book! B)
Maybe Glenn can answer any questions that you have himself.

I went to the Flint record trials and was used as a witness for some attempts.

glenn had problems with not enough credible witnesses if I remember correctly as not too many people showed up.
a lot of record trials are small events and i BELIEVE that this is causing some disblief at the records being made. I BELIEVE Glenn is simply tryng to say he does not believe the rummors and that with our current rule set we encourage honesty..... Mabybe that is what he is saying???
This is the way I see it and I want to call out anybody who has “questions”. Valid witnesses isn’t even a question to me seeing as how there is NO qualification for the timer or witness. And Don I can’t help but to suspect “our” trials for the following reasons. Ron, I probably will ask Glen, but for now this is the best way for me to confront those with questions. Tom, I certainly hope Glen ignores people who make such insinuations and I wish that he didn’t think he needed to travel the country to hold up his end of the deal as Records Director.

But, it is clear that certain sanction record trial events are being questioned by somebody. So let’s take a look at it. I went through the current IMPBA records list and found the following.

7 records from Flint, MI. By date they are scattered around fairly well. I seriously doubt that anybody is going to argue as to any wrong doing here.

“Wrong doing” is being too nice. Somebody wants to call it cheating. OK, I’ll be nice, a “strong disbelief”.

3 records from Yorkville, IL. The last was set in 1998. Again, I seriously doubt anybody has questioned this.

1 record from Valdosta, GA. This was set in 2002 and again, who would question a single record? Besides, Andy Brown set it and if you questioned it then you would be questioning a lot of things.

63 records from Huntsville, IL. Now I know the kind of turnout they have and there is no way the Roostertail excerpt is referring to Huntsville. If somebody is questioning the largest sanctioned record trials event that the IMPBA has then more power to them.

27 records from the Old Dominion Model Boat Association (ODMBA) hosted sites including Elizabeth City, Franklin, and Chesapeake. These are the “small ones with only a few contestants”. And let’s face it, some of the most praised records are held by these waters.

So whose “morals, values and judgments” are in question here? It seems mine because these are my events. I have heard the accusations before of cheating and people have attended my events and seen for themselves that everything is on the up-and-up. Not only that, but it is a quality event worth attending again. That is saying a lot when people from Florida, New York, and Ohio come to compete.

Let’s go ahead and bring up a sanction of mine that was denied once for some B.S. reason even though it was signed and approved by ALL the necessary IMPBA personnel and published in the appropriate quarterly Roostertail. That’s fine but don’t tell me that Huntsville can have theirs because it was the IMPBA’s mistake that the dates were not published in the Roostertail. Which by the way is a plain and simple rule to follow. Obviously some higher powers at work.

This “credibility” issue is a slap in the face to the CD (me) and all that have set records within ODMBA sanctions.

I wonder what kind of sinister plan there is behind our southern hospitality when we fix hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, potato salad, and drinks for a couple bucks a head? And look out! If the boys offer you a free bed and hot meal that night then they are surely up to something.

To those that think the records aren’t “truthful”, you are still invited to the lake.

The rest can come by the house afterwards.

I said my peace. I hope it was in ignorance.
Preston_Hall said:
Valid witnesses isn’t even a question to me seeing as how there is NO qualification for the timer or witness.
Valid witnesses isn’t even a question to me seeing as how there is NO qualification for the timer or witness.

What do you mean by this. I personally believe that I know what you mean but Please clarify as I believe the above could be misinterepted.

By the way when is your next oval trial?


Allen Waddle
Preston, I wouldn't let it get to you. Anyone who has been to one of your events knows that your a straight shooter.

For those who don't, I'll give you something to consider. I was a long time member of this club and held office for a few years before Preston was in the club. I traveled from Ohio to Virginia to race and had forgotten my IMPBA card at home. Even though Preston knew I was a member, he made me fill out a new membership and pay the fee as though I was a new member.

He did what the rules require when few would do the same. All weekend long, he called every boat that was over, over and DQ'd every boat that should have been. He didn't do it for any other reason than because it was what was expected out of him.

If you question Preston's integrity, you may as well look at the entire membership in the same way.
Preston_Hall said:
This is the way I see it and I want to call out anybody who has “questions”. Valid witnesses isn’t even a question to me seeing as how there is NO qualification for the timer or witness. And Don I can’t help but to suspect “our” trials for the following reasons. Ron, I probably will ask Glen, but for now this is the best way for me to confront those with questions. Tom, I certainly hope Glen ignores people who make such insinuations and I wish that he didn’t think he needed to travel the country to hold up his end of the deal as Records Director.
But, it is clear that certain sanction record trial events are being questioned by somebody. So let’s take a look at it. I went through the current IMPBA records list and found the following.

7 records from Flint, MI. By date they are scattered around fairly well. I seriously doubt that anybody is going to argue as to any wrong doing here.

“Wrong doing” is being too nice. Somebody wants to call it cheating. OK, I’ll be nice, a “strong disbelief”.

3 records from Yorkville, IL. The last was set in 1998. Again, I seriously doubt anybody has questioned this.

1 record from Valdosta, GA. This was set in 2002 and again, who would question a single record? Besides, Andy Brown set it and if you questioned it then you would be questioning a lot of things.

63 records from Huntsville, IL. Now I know the kind of turnout they have and there is no way the Roostertail excerpt is referring to Huntsville. If somebody is questioning the largest sanctioned record trials event that the IMPBA has then more power to them.

27 records from the Old Dominion Model Boat Association (ODMBA) hosted sites including Elizabeth City, Franklin, and Chesapeake. These are the “small ones with only a few contestants”. And let’s face it, some of the most praised records are held by these waters.

So whose “morals, values and judgments” are in question here? It seems mine because these are my events. I have heard the accusations before of cheating and people have attended my events and seen for themselves that everything is on the up-and-up. Not only that, but it is a quality event worth attending again. That is saying a lot when people from Florida, New York, and Ohio come to compete.

Let’s go ahead and bring up a sanction of mine that was denied once for some B.S. reason even though it was signed and approved by ALL the necessary IMPBA personnel and published in the appropriate quarterly Roostertail. That’s fine but don’t tell me that Huntsville can have theirs because it was the IMPBA’s mistake that the dates were not published in the Roostertail. Which by the way is a plain and simple rule to follow. Obviously some higher powers at work.

This “credibility” issue is a slap in the face to the CD (me) and all that have set records within ODMBA sanctions.

I wonder what kind of sinister plan there is behind our southern hospitality when we fix hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, potato salad, and drinks for a couple bucks a head? And look out! If the boys offer you a free bed and hot meal that night then they are surely up to something.

To those that think the records aren’t “truthful”, you are still invited to the lake.

The rest can come by the house afterwards.

I said my peace. I hope it was in ignorance.
I have never been back there where you guys race, maybe one of these days I hope. I live in San Diego, so I'm a ways away from you. But,,, I will tell you,,, I have heard many things about your record trials in the past. And none of the things I have heard have been negative in any way. You guys are always highly spoken of.

We are NAMBA out here on the west coast, but we still seem to hear many things about what is going on in your area.

AWaddle322 said:
Preston_Hall said:
Valid witnesses isn’t even a question to me seeing as how there is NO qualification for the timer or witness.
Valid witnesses isn’t even a question to me seeing as how there is NO qualification for the timer or witness.

What do you mean by this. I personally believe that I know what you mean but Please clarify as I believe the above could be misinterepted.

By the way when is your next oval trial?


Allen Waddle

What I mean is that, to the best of my knowledge, the rule book and record application only require signatures from timers, witnesses, techs, and inspectors. To qualify for one of these positions you need only to be an IMPBA member. Therefore, I say there are no qualifications. However, this doesn't mean that I pick my people blindly.

Believe it or not, running the timing gear requires total concentration and can be difficult. Careful consideration should be given to fill this position. I can think of 2 or 3 times where I made a mistake and possibly cost someone a record. I felt terrible for that.

Thanks for the support guys. Like I said, I wanted to confront the ones in doubt the most public way I could. No offense intended to anybody but them.
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When is your next oval time trial?

I am interested in making it to this event as the people in Huntsville have screwed up there time trials by catering to certan indiviuals tht have no problem getting time of from work. Who makes an event Friday and Saturday or Thursday, Friday and Saturday and does not include Sunday? Maybe there turn out of 4 people at the last event with perfect water both days will be a real good indication as to how many people actually like there new schedule.


AWaddle322 said:
Preston,When is your next oval time trial?

I am interested in making it to this event as the people in Huntsville have screwed up there time trials by catering to certan indiviuals tht have no problem getting time of from work. Who makes an event Friday and Saturday or Thursday, Friday and Saturday and does not include Sunday? Maybe there turn out of 4 people at the last event with perfect water both days will be a real good indication as to how many people actually like there new schedule.


Hopefully I will pick some dates and mail it out today.

I'll get back with you.
Here's my two cents. First,I have never met you,Preston,but I do go to the record trials in Huntsville and Flint. I have never given any thought as to your credibility, or any doubt. I don't think that Glenn was aiming at you,but maybe at himself. I have witnessed many records over the years and have never seen anyone given a record that they didn't deserve. I hope to come to one of your trials someday and maybe finally get one of the records that I am after. It is a very small percentage of the membership that even cares about records,so any complaint from a non-participant should be taken with a grain of salt. As for qualifications to witness or judge any records,joining IMPBA and building a boat to bring to the record trials,then aspiring to be the fastest,those are my qualifications.

As for Allen Waddle's comment about the Huntsville dates,John Equi told me that his wife was telling him that he should attend church,instead of playing with boats. John and Bill do all the work,so without John all the burden would be on Bill. That is why no Sundays. I offered to come down and help,if that would make a difference. John said he would see how much trouble it would be to change the sanction dates.

I do believe that anyone should be able to go to church anytime they please. I also believe that missing church occasionally is not the worst thing either, but this maybe not be how everyone else believes.

2 people made the same offer to come down and help from Nashville back in October and November of last year when I first heard about this. We were told in October or November of last year that it was to late and that is how it would be for this year anyway.

Know for my choice. Support an event I believe that it catering to something other than the average modeler or to find somewhere else to go. I have not missed an Sacontined event in Huntsville s since I started in this hobby and will probably not miss one becuse they dont time trial un Sunday either, But I will raise hell for 9 months like now or 18 nonths or what ever takes to do my part to make sure it does not happen this way again next year.

I learn more in a weekend of time trials then I do from a year of heat racing. Preston has stated the have the fastest water in the Impba (which they should be close to sea level which should mean better air anyway). Preston has also stated that they have the elite of boating over in his area of the country. I wouldn't mind rubbing shoulders with the elite of boating from that area of the country(they might accidentaly or not accindentaly teach me something). And I am not being sarcastic about any of this.


Allen Waddle
I just want to state that every record trial I have been to and there have been several, mostly in Huntsville AL are by the book and just the thought of reporting a false record would be out of the question! I have witnessed for Bill and John and they are both fine upstanding people who run a first class event both record trials and heat racing plus there have been numerous Nationals held there that were great events! I know that they were not on trial here but the validity of records was and I can vouch that I have not seen any underhanded doings at the events I have attended therefore I doubt that there have been any at all anywhere. Who would want their name on a record that didnt happen at all anyway? Not me! Believe me I came very close and I really wanted that record but with the smallest of movements of the second hand I missed. I can just see some poor sap saying "Oh please Mr Cd its only a fraction of a second please fix it for me" NOT GON DO IT! as qouted from the first Mr. Bush!

Go Fast Turn Right and stay on the buoys cause I am ready to pass!

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Hey guys, man I wish I knew this thread was going around so I could have jumped in sooner. Preston (and everybody else that CD's record trials) I wrote that article in the Roostertail to stick up for you and the accuracy of the records. I was pointing fingers at nobody. For the entire time I have been active in record trials (since the mid 1980's) there have always been folks who question how fast other guys are really running and if they are playing fair...I have never even given a second thought to these kind of comments and I believe COMPLETELY in the IMPBA (actually NAMBA and APBA also) records that have been set.

If anything this article would be addressed at the folks questioning the records, not at the folks running the record trials or setting the records.

My comment about wanting to make it to all the different record trial locations is just like Allen's...I would love to get to meet the fastest guys on the fastest ponds and see their boats run. This does not mean I would be "checking up" on anybody. If while there I can use my position to help smooth out the sanctioning hicups (who do I send the forms to, who signs them first, where do I send the check, etc) then that would be a plus for the guys putting on the record trials.

Even though I knew this would be a touchy subject I felt I needed to bring it up in my first article to let everybody know from the start that I feel very strongly about the accuracy and honesty of IMPBA records. I think we have a great system and that everybody involved is doing a GREAT job in keeping the records honest and accurate.

I hope this has cleared up what I meant. If not please just ask me or give me a call at home.


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