Here is what I ran on mine. Boat balance at 11 3/4 on a teeter setup. Octura strut with skeg with skeg flattened on right side. This made the boat go slightly left when you threw it in water but once wide open throttle it would track straight and you could let go of steering wheel. Speedmaster rudder blade cut short and on right side of hull. Will have to look and see how far below sponsons it was. Fuel bag or tank in right sponson on c/g point. Being half tank or bag in front of cg mark and half behind it. This was as I burned fuel all that would happen was left sponson would get light but never got funny on front to back ride attitude. Strut depth to start on mine I used it on shaft c/l of the bottom edge of sponson but did go much deeper when I started dialing it in. I ran an ABC H50 2 blade prop that I pitched to 6 inch with a 5.1 inch diameter. A lot of things have changed in props since I ran that setup and I would ask one of the prop guys for something if there is better. This gave me the boat that would run consistent 16,800 to 17,200 rpm and run oval trim at 65 to 68 mph. Plus would turn 90 instant on buoys.