Scale and Thunder Boat Graphics


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To say that it has been busy has been an understatement. And if this trend continues it seems 1/10 scale FE boats may be one of, if not the fastest growing class of scale or any class really. Just had a guy stop in on his way from AZ to WA yesterday to pick a 4 boat order that were all for him. They are everywhere! AZ, MI, WA, SoCal and the list goes on. I came in to the office over the weekend and got some drawing done and very soon there will be at least four 2014 boats available soon if I can ever find time to update my website. The Qatar, the Oberto and both Graham trucking boats. Two more will be in the works soon. I also added the 83 Bud Griffon after drawing a really cool Jim Kropfeld driver name that I had trouble finding pics of but I finally got one. Also got some rare pics of the 94 Oberto and two configurations of the boat will be available too.
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Thought I'd post a finished pic before I put it in the gallery on my website. This is Mark Beatty's 10th scale 2012 Beacon Plumbing. One of a couple partial wrap sets that are trim to fit.

BTW I now have both of 2014 Graham Trucking boats available with deck striping. Screenshots will appear on my website soon.
Sorry for the long time between posts. I have been taking care of some administrative type stuff and even managed to go to a couple races here in district of late. Orders continue to flow on a steady clip. Still more coming in albeit a little slower since most everyone is racing this time of year. I've picked up a part time employee as well as my son since we have had a pretty steady stream of wrap work coming in. Lots of trailers, mostly construction, A few PWCs and ATVs as well as some fishing boats. Bass guys love wraps these days especially if they are sponsored. And we did a couple of wakeboard boats too.

I have also managed to do some drawing. I have several 2014 boats that have been completed. Both Graham Trucking boats, red and black are done, Including the deck striping. The Oberto, The U9 and the U21 in a couple of configurations. Plus the Qatar. I will try to have some updated on the website soon.
A quick update to let you know availability for new 2015 sets. Since only a few teams ran last weekend only a few sets would be legal right now. I have both Graham Trucking boats available, The Peters and May and the Oberto. Other Sets that will be available after the gold cup will be the U96, U27,U9.
Hello Mike,

Any chance to get the 2014 U-17 we spoke about some times ago?

No rush tho, just let me now

Here is a sample shot of the 2014 U1(Current U5) showing the deck striping.

Yes Mathieu, I have most of that assembled. I just need to size it. I will get back with you shortly. Thank you for reminding me.

Here are some more completed boats. Don McKay's new Oberto.

It's been a busy summer so far. Lots of commercial projects of late like big tank trailers for construction plus a couple of race trailers.

Hello Mike,

That's great ! Let me know when you are done, I began sanding the hull to remove the previous colors

BTW I have a question regarding the front canard : will it be a full wrap? If so do you need the size of the front canard mounted in my hydro?



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I have the bottles and I'm thinking I know what that background is. Nate has helped me out with some info to get it for you.
I wanted to give you guys a heads up as soon as possible since I just found out about this yesterday. Some sets that require metallic vinyl will be seeing a price change soon. I just got in a new order of assorted vinyl and noticed that gold and silver metallics and gold leaf has gone up a bit. I think I can absorb this increase but if there is another I will have to adjust accordingly. Just to give you an example of which boats use these...the 2014/2015 Qatar/Elam, most Circus boats, Winstons and such. Gold leaf on older Paks and US's. You get the idea.

Also, I am entering my typical fall pattern of workload for my full time business and will be scaling back in the time for graphics for a couple of months. It will not be as bad as in years past but September will still be limited as usual.
Hey guys some more scale porn for you. Just got this from Chuck Wayne in San Diego. A 1/10th scale 94 Oberto in SD config built by Mitch Dillard.

Beautiful work as usual Mike. Don't forget the T6 replacement fin decals I need. Thanks!!
I have em in an envelope Mike. They are on the way as soon as USPS comes today. Yes Mathieu. I will eave it long so you can trim to fit though.

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