Scale and Thunder Boat Graphics


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Eric I thought I had responded to your email. I know I have a production order for you. I'll resend.

Ok guys I have to take one more short break from graphics this week. One because I have one more deadline to prepare for this weekend. And two because I scheduled service on my printer this week while I'm working on other stuff. Once I finish off this last project I may get a few more orders out late this week. Then Monday I'll be back on graphics only for a while. I did get a number of orders out before Thanksgiving but I held a few til after my printer is serviced. Those will go quickly since all they are waiting on is the printed pieces.
Hello Mike, thanks, I haven't got any emails so far and I've even turned off the spam filters. I'll PM you my email again.
Eric I just resent an email for you.

Ok guys I am past my last deadline now and I am back on graphics every day now. I know there are a bunch waiting to order I will get with all of you soon and get things lined up. I am going to get a few orders out today through Wednesday to get back to a more manageable back log. One thing I didn't count on when I came in today was the cold spell we are getting in CA right now. Most of my graphics equipment has a minimum operating temp and it's taking a while to get them back above 65 degrees. With temps outside being in the low 20s today the office was 44 degrees at 8am and it's taking a while for things to heat up. I'm sure guys in other parts of the country are used to this but in CA we aren't. Hell I usually wear shorts all year round. In any case I'm back up to speed and I will be working between Christmas and NYE as well. Thanks for your patience guys.
I'm sure guys in other parts of the country are used to this but in CA we aren't.
cream puffs
It's 15 degrees outside here.
See I knew someone would pile on. Thanks Jim!

Merry Christmas All! I have made a big dent in the back log and I hope to be back to a manageable level very soon. I will be working between the holidays this year which I normally don't do. I want to get things down to a level that I can do some drawing again very soon as well. I know a few of you want to do some custom stuff and I should be ready to draw by the first of the year. By then I should be back to my normal delivery time of 2-3 weeks instead of 2-3 months. I will be working up until the 21st and then I will be taking a couple days off right before Christmas. My oldest daughter's birthday is the 22nd, the 23rd my son and I are going to the Monday Night Football game in SF for the Niners and Falcons. Last regular season home ever at the Stick. And of course Christmas Eve I'll be on Santa Duty. If you want to get something in the queue then PM me or email me. Thanks everyone!
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You and your family have a MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! It's good to hear you might be able to get some drawing done in the new year as I still need graphics for the 76 US2. Hope to hear from you in the new year.


Well with 2 orders going overseas tomorrow I will be officially back up to speed. It has been a busy start to the year. Those of you that have been waiting for custom stuff I will be able to draw some beginning next week. A couple of new developments of late.

First, Mike Luszcz of ML Boatworks has sent me the files for all of his boat logos and windshields for all of his boat kits for Tunnels, Sports and such. I will have ordering info for that on my website as soon as I have all the files sorted and cataloged in my system next week. Thanks Mike!

Second, I am now carrying 3D carbon fiber pattern regular and wrap vinyl.


Very cool stuff. I'll have pricing info up soon as well.

One more piece of eye candy. This was a project I was working on over the holidays with my local fire department. They built a new dining table for their station 1. I provided the department logo and a union logo (not shown in pic) and the Central Fire Station decal in the middle of the table which was done in 22k gold leaf. At the time this pic was taken they had just poured epoxy bar top material to cover the entire table. When cured there is approximately 3/8" of resin over my decals. After this job I now have to do the graphics for the new tiller truck that was just delivered. But that is a ways off yet.

Orders are leaving almost every day. I did have to take some time and do some re-drawing and assembling yesterday. There has been renewed interest in the Winged Wonder Pay N Pak boats of the 70's for Gas Scale. So the 73 and the 74-75 sets have been assembled and parts redrawn and sized for 1/10, 1/8 and 1/6 scale. Screen shots are up.

Things will get out of here much quicker this year as I am not going to be racing as much this year. I will go to a couple of events but since I can never seem to work on anything in the winter I am taking most of this season off to rebuild a few boats and get everything running as it used to. Plus other events like my son's HS graduation and a few other things conflict with race dates. The good news is I'll be spending more time in the office getting the catalog of boats to a point where I won't have to draw much. Unfortunately I still have a few that were lost in the robbery a few years ago and never re-done. Also in the works this year will be a new website with a shopping cart. Not sure when I'll roll that out but it's in the works. I'm at the mercy of my web designer. I'm hoping by late summer.
Yes I can do it Mark. It's very similar to the 2001-02. I just have to change some of the smaller decals.
Ok so after cranking stuff out daily I finally took a breather to do some updating on my website and it needed it. I changed a few screenshots Like the 97 Close Call. That and a few others hadn't been updated since I originally created it. It has the correct sizing and the smaller decals. I also added several Atlas' boats like the 84. The 71 and 76 will be up soon. The 2013 Peter & May which I thought was up finally is. After I get some more orders out I will finish updating since there are a lot more screenshots that aren't there are the lists need updating too. I am getting as many orders as I can out each day some take longer than others.
boat is still frames on a jig...take your time on my stuff

i could skin it in a week
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Well you guys have had me hoppin' since the year started and that's a good thing!! I thank you guys. Especially those of you that have come back several times. I do appreciate that and I'm glad my work was good enough that you felt comfortable to order again. I've been busting out a couple a day and have managed to get some drawing done from time to time. I have updated some and uploaded more screenshots that weren't up. I updated the 60's Notre Dame boats. I added a few others like the 74 NW Tank Service. I also uploaded the 99 and 2000 Elams as well as the 2013 Peters and May. I think I also uploaded a 72 Valu-Mart and a few others that are escaping me right now. Oh and the 85 Squire was updated. I have added the sets fore the 71 and 76 Atlas but the screenshots won't go up just yet, The 91 Spirit was also updated since I acquired some new pics.

Here's what I have on the drawing plan on the horizon....

75 & 76 Miss US

57 Miss US

59 Supertest

Both Nitrogens that were lost in the robbery years back

1960 Gale V

71 Country Boy

90-91 Bud

Plus many more that are still in the "To Be Drawn" File. I also have seen some mockups of 2014 boats so as soon as the first race or two pass those will be available as well. Keep building guys!!

I should be able to do that. I haven't sent my entries in yet for NAMBA Nats but I should be soon after I get my taxes done.