Ron Olson


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Scott Norris

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2005
Just spotted a post that Ron posted last night saying that he had a heart attack yesterday at work and was in the Hospital. If there is anyone close to Ron that could check up on him for us it would be great. He did say that they had WiFi in the Hospital so maybe he will log on and update us himself if he can.
Just spotted a post that Ron posted last night saying that he had a heart attack yesterday at work and was in the Hospital. If there is anyone close to Ron that could check up on him for us it would be great. He did say that they had WiFi in the Hospital so maybe he will log on and update us himself if he can.
Ron posted this last night-

"Me and my big mouth! Guess where I am? Yup, I had a heart attack at work last night at around 10:20 PM Michigan time. They took me down around noon today for an angioplasty and it looks like I may be going in Thursday AM for a bypass. Yeah, I'm not too thrilled about it but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

I'm hooked up to a Hospira brand IV bag."

He does have WiFi there & by his reply to me sounds like he's doin' better-

"Yeah Don, it sucks. I'm not feeling too bad right now but looking at the clock, 24 hours ago I was one hurtin' mutha. I did walk into the E.R. under my own power."

Heal fast my I/W brother, the 2006 boating season awaits you. :)
With the "beating heart" proceedure I had, he should be back running boats in a month or so. Best of luck to him. Its a bit of a shock.
Best of luck to you Ron. Today's medicine will have you up and running on plane in no time. Besides, you gotta get back soon so these forums don't go to hell in a hand basket.
Hey Ron,

You cant get sick, Im just now feeling better, Between tha two of us were like a YoYo :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hang in there Buddy, We are all pullin for ya ;)

Grab a cute nurse fer me :ph34r:

Gener B)
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Goose a nurse for me, tell her I made you do it. :D

Get better Ron.
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From one more Michigander,

Hope all turns out well with your surgery.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Good luck Ron
Get well soon Ron!

Boating season is coming fast.

Our prayers and best wishes are with you.
How about Ron's comment about the IV bag. Isn't it just like a modeler, no matter where he is, to check out the equipment around him to see if he can use it for his model. If he's that aware of his surroundings he'll be fine. Again, Best of Luck with your recovery Ron.
Yeah, Ron, Get Well Soon!

While you're there, can you grab some rubber gloves and some of that clear tubing for me? :lol:
Ron, fire up that WiFi, we need an update bro! Hope all is well & don't flirt with the nurses too much trying for those extra IV bags. :p