RHTmarine sport gas


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i commented over on the dock but man that a good lookin ride!

Thanks opio, I am very excited about this build. It looks great and has come together with no big issues. everything fits under the cowl and I like where it ended up. I went back to the shop this afternoon and waxed the mold 10 times, buffing between coats. then I shot a coat of pva. it will be ready to lay up very soon. I need to test the boat before getting in production mode.

thanks, Bob
We have a race & test position waiting for you Bob, right behind the 5 Whiplashs :angry:

Just yankin yer chain buddy, looking really really nice !!

Happy new Year :D
Thanks Scott,

I know that my whip was often upsidedown... We will see. gonna be fun, no doubt!

Will you be at the meeting? I'm bringing one to show off. Hope to see you! happy holidays to You and Dawn.

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Hey guys, I have a finished cowl and the boat looks real good. I'm now real focused on getting the boat on the water. check over on the dock for the latest pics. maybe someone will upload some pics here again. thanks, Bob
here ya go!





looks great!
Guys, After a couple weekends of fishing, I was able to work on the boats today. got the hardware on and stuffing tube in. pics over on the dock.


I commented over on the dock as well, but I can't say enough about how good lookin' of a boat that is!
