Results of sport 40 strut proposal


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I've got my new PT hull and just waiting for the results so I can build and be READY TO RACE. Let's finally get this done please!!!! Tom Galdys
still waiting on the full results from the Top should be posted soon on the IMPBA website.
The results are already in and done. Why can't it be posted on here. More people check out this site then impba site.
Who cares ??? We can't even get enough to run the class here in FL . All this specific location of hardware **** is ridiculous . does it really matter ?
Maybe the sport 40 guys are just as passionate about there rules as the outboard guys. I read more ridiculous crap in that section then I do here.
here you go guys,

Ballot Results from December


Ballot 13-010 Disabled Boat Points Allowance Passed

Ballot 13-011 Sportsman 40 Strut Rule Passed

Ballot 13-012 Gas Scale Unlimited Passed

Ballot 13-013 Racing Rule Amendment Bouy Cuts Passed

Ballot 13-014 Constitution Amendment Racing Rule Publishing Passed

You can find the complete results by District

Check them out on the IMPBA website
I've got my new PT hull and just waiting for the results so I can build and be READY TO RACE. Let's finally get this done please!!!! Tom Galdys

Hope you're planning to paint this some other color than black!

I needed a good laugh for a Monday!
Well Guys Here I am about to get back into Model Boat Racing and I see that you have "fixed" something that wasn't broke to begin with! As a person who was racing Sport 40 back in the 1980's, I'd like to set the record straight on a few things. I think Tom Foley and Rick Bellinger might like this one. Yes it does make a difference (where the prop is located) in relation to the sponson "ride" surfaces. when you kick the prop back further behind the boat, you have effectively LENGTHENED the boat which makes the boat more stable at high speeds so you've got a longer boat.....that's not rocket science! At the present time the NAMBA rulebook was changed in section 29 under boat specifications item 7 "No outdrive assemblies will be allowed" to read "Out drive assemblies will be allowed". None of this was very well thought out apparently because there is no longer any specific as to where the Prop/dog might be located? First of all, The Sport Hydro classes are NOT scale classes,nor are they outriggers, it WAS a "specialty" class that was, if anything, a semi- scale class. You notice I said "WAS". I believe Tom Foley already said that the Sport 40 class was already struggling to survive as there were anywhere from 3 to about 6 boats showing up for the various races here in Florida. The passing of this rule change all but "killed" the class here in Florida. I've been around boat racing all my life, and this is NOT how you enhance or improve the sport. A piece of friendly advice is: Stop thinking about "ME", and do what is good for the sport as a whole! In short, try to envision the consequences of what you are doing before you mess with something that has worked very well for so many years!............Sermon over.....Sincerely Art Apruzzese NAMBA 1397
Well Guys Here I am about to get back into Model Boat Racing and I see that you have "fixed" something that wasn't broke to begin with! As a person who was racing Sport 40 back in the 1980's, I'd like to set the record straight on a few things. I think Tom Foley and Rick Bellinger might like this one. Yes it does make a difference (where the prop is located) in relation to the sponson "ride" surfaces. when you kick the prop back further behind the boat, you have effectively LENGTHENED the boat which makes the boat more stable at high speeds so you've got a longer boat.....that's not rocket science! At the present time the NAMBA rulebook was changed in section 29 under boat specifications item 7 "No outdrive assemblies will be allowed" to read "Out drive assemblies will be allowed". None of this was very well thought out apparently because there is no longer any specific as to where the Prop/dog might be located? First of all, The Sport Hydro classes are NOT scale classes,nor are they outriggers, it WAS a "specialty" class that was, if anything, a semi- scale class. You notice I said "WAS". I believe Tom Foley already said that the Sport 40 class was already struggling to survive as there were anywhere from 3 to about 6 boats showing up for the various races here in Florida. The passing of this rule change all but "killed" the class here in Florida. I've been around boat racing all my life, and this is NOT how you enhance or improve the sport. A piece of friendly advice is: Stop thinking about "ME", and do what is good for the sport as a whole! In short, try to envision the consequences of what you are doing before you mess with something that has worked very well for so many years!............Sermon over.....Sincerely Art Apruzzese NAMBA 1397
Well said.
well this proposal was IMPBA not Namba and it was voted on by IMPBA members in favor of the new proposal.

like the proposal says you have the choice to keep the strut under the boat and now on that back if you wish to do so.

it's done and over with let's move on.
well this proposal was IMPBA not Namba and it was voted on by IMPBA members in favor of the new proposal.

like the proposal says you have the choice to keep the strut under the boat and now on that back if you wish to do so.

it's done and over with let's move on.
Amen, I highly doubt this rule will kill the class in any area.
Well Guys Here I am about to get back into Model Boat Racing and I see that you have "fixed" something that wasn't broke to begin with! As a person who was racing Sport 40 back in the 1980's, I'd like to set the record straight on a few things. I think Tom Foley and Rick Bellinger might like this one. Yes it does make a difference (where the prop is located) in relation to the sponson "ride" surfaces. when you kick the prop back further behind the boat, you have effectively LENGTHENED the boat which makes the boat more stable at high speeds so you've got a longer boat.....that's not rocket science! At the present time the NAMBA rulebook was changed in section 29 under boat specifications item 7 "No outdrive assemblies will be allowed" to read "Out drive assemblies will be allowed". None of this was very well thought out apparently because there is no longer any specific as to where the Prop/dog might be located? First of all, The Sport Hydro classes are NOT scale classes,nor are they outriggers, it WAS a "specialty" class that was, if anything, a semi- scale class. You notice I said "WAS". I believe Tom Foley already said that the Sport 40 class was already struggling to survive as there were anywhere from 3 to about 6 boats showing up for the various races here in Florida. The passing of this rule change all but "killed" the class here in Florida. I've been around boat racing all my life, and this is NOT how you enhance or improve the sport. A piece of friendly advice is: Stop thinking about "ME", and do what is good for the sport as a whole! In short, try to envision the consequences of what you are doing before you mess with something that has worked very well for so many years!............Sermon over.....Sincerely Art Apruzzese NAMBA 1397

I guess I must be attending a different church because I don't agree with the text of your sermon. However, you are certainly entitled to express your opinions and observations.

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