I will be the one to voice against all this here.
I have been racing RC since my boy was 11, he is now 31. We have raced with RCU here in the Northwest since 1996.
2 years ago we introduced 2.4 to boats up here. We had success in cars with it so why not in boats. We soon found out that not only did our steering servos pull down enough power from the receiver to allow minor glitching but the most insignificant amount of condensation in the radio box was a killer. We warned others to steer clear as we moved back to OEM receivers with our Aitronics M11s. To no avail we saw boats hitting the beach.
Don't get me wrong, it may work for some. We are not willing to accept the risk.
The good news! As others still commit to the 2.4 systems it just opens our frequencies back up for us.