Thanks Gene (?), For all the pics,,Do you cut all these props by eyeball or do you use a measuring device??
I'm starting to digest all this information and my mind is really Whirrling. Most of the props look like 3.5 props,
I was wondering if anybody had a shot of a 1455 Octura that would give my Sport 40-II a little more life at higher
altitude? At sea level the boat is at full speed right around half up our track,(course) and at 500ft it pulls the whole
straight,,same place, 85 degrees,,,it's a Freakin' Dog. Changed pipe lengths and I don't see any diff,,I'm wonderin'
if That, does anything,,,Pipe lengths from 10 3/8ths to 11 1/8th. Engine is newer Picco, (not much time on it) 45, Drum
Rotor,,BlackHead,,,Phil Thomas SS 45.
Thanks for all Your help,,,It's A Great Help. Jerry