PayPal hackers - be careful everyone.


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The hackers are tricky, the email notifications I received contained the Int Waters logo headers giving them the appearance of being legitimate and the questions and answers were typical of any purchase or PP transaction I have ever made.
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sounds like YOU got hacked [and i use the term lightly,,i REALLY dont think civilians are hacked as much as ur passwords are weak and you use a p/c AND your network isnt secure. hackers dont have the time to not be hacking a bank or large business worth millions] tho the real reason for me commenting is because im curious --what questions?? i use paypal once a week on average [3times this week] and i dont get any q and a
PayPal may or may not be able to retrieve my money but fortunately my bank is making me whole today and returning my funds.

Stupid hackers, be careful everyone, after all these years I was almost burnt.
sounds like YOU got hacked [and i use the term lightly,,i REALLY dont think civilians are hacked as much as ur passwords are weak and you use a p/c AND your network isnt secure. hackers dont have the time to not be hacking a bank or large business worth millions] tho the real reason for me commenting is because im curious --what questions?? i use paypal once a week on average [3times this week] and i dont get any q and a
Can happen to anyone, I’m a 42 year commercial banker and I was fooled. All I’m saying is make sure you are speaking or communicating with a trusted source and not an impersonator pretending to be a legitimate seller.

Frauds in the financial realm are increasing daily where these hackers are forever evolving their method of attacks.

I too have successfully used PayPal for almost as long as it’s existed and this week was my turn to be targeted.

Stay vigilant everyone.