Pace Makers


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Mike Hughes

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
I have a friend that looks like he might be getting a pace maker. He was asking me if the radios interfere with them. I told him, I did not know. So I present this question to the IW think tank.
I know Rod G had one for years. I think that might have been the reason he stop boating in the beginning. Maybe it was the 75 band. Now we are in the 2.4 band. Might not be an issue. My buddy is on IW. Maybe he will chime in.
Mike, I thought that maybe someone a little closer to Rod would have responded to you. I do know that Rod had an upgraded pacemaker installed several years before his passing. He had never had a chance to drive one of the JAE design riggers. He skeptically drove one a couple years prior with no issues. He also had a chance to drive one of the G30 tunnels that he had built 6 months or so prior as well. Laughing as he described being able to run a boat again. He said that he had no issues with his pacemaker or other monitoring devices he had to wear. Although he actually hit part of the dock on one pass. He said that he would just blame that on one of the heart devises!
I think technology has advanced enough not to affect them. And he was probably using a 2.4 frequency in his boat. I am not sure about the rigger at a previous time.
You could probably reach out to David Hall and get a little more information. David was with Rod the day that he was running the G30 tunnel.
I don’t think it’s a problem. For years most WiFi routers were on 2.4 and no one that I know ever had an issue being around those. Being around a welder that puts out a large magnetic field might cause problems. The doctors should be able to give a definitive answer.
I have a spinal stimulator in my lower back and I know the device is “ shielded “ so I can still get MRI’s and X rays without any issues,
I also asked my doctor about radio interference and welding, they confirmed with the manufacturer that those presented no problems..

I would think that any implanted medical device made today would be shielded the same way.. I’m not a doctor, but I did stay at a holiday inn !! 🤣
Mike my wife has a pacemaker. She is with me at a lot of races big and small. Never had a problem. She has had it since 2007.

Hope this helps.

I have a loop recorder in my chest. It only monitors my heart and records regularities, it’s not wired to anything. The booklet says that a TX like we use held close to my chest can interfere with it but I’m guessing it hasn’t been a problem because the doctor’s office hasn’t said anything to me about it. They have called me about other stuff so I know that they are looking at it. Anyway, I guess my point is that it’s possible. He really needs to talk to his doctor but even more so the sales rep for the pace maker. I know that’s sounds funny but the sales rep for the thing I have also sells pace makers and he was in the room with the doctor when it was installed. He did all the programming for it and got it set up in the computer. I actually ended up talking to him more then I talked to the Cardiologist.
I have been super worried about my heart. every time I check it its like 160 over 93 with 83bpm and I clean carpets so its like a marathon in steam and I have been getting dizzy and seeing white sometimes. My mom forced me a couple days ago to take her blood pressure meds and I have been feeling better. But it sure makes me try to make the most of every day we just are not here very long.
Being self employed my whole life and never having insurance I guess I would just have to go to the er or wait until something happens and ambulance in.
I don’t think it’s a problem. For years most WiFi routers were on 2.4 and no one that I know ever had an issue being around those. Being around a welder that puts out a large magnetic field might cause problems. The doctors should be able to give a definitive answer.
Doctor Beardslee, his question was to the point. He didn’t ask about welders? On another note, I think many peoples heart follows their throttle curve.
I have been super worried about my heart. every time I check it its like 160 over 93 with 83bpm and I clean carpets so its like a marathon in steam and I have been getting dizzy and seeing white sometimes. My mom forced me a couple days ago to take her blood pressure meds and I have been feeling better. But it sure makes me try to make the most of every day we just are not here very long.
Being self employed my whole life and never having insurance I guess I would just have to go to the er or wait until something happens and ambulance in.
Yeah David,,My BP was 165/100 a few years ago,I was about 25 lbs overweight,So I cut right down on sugars and carbs,to reduce insulin resistance,eliminated all seed oils/margarines and anything with transfat,,which is in most processed foods, as those oils/fats are chemically processed,,causes inflammation in blood vessels,bad stuff,,I go for natural foods,salads,butter,,virgin olive oil,avocado,grass fed beef,salmon,sardines high in omega 3,,My BP is around 135/90 now, with occaisionally taking amlodipine meds
It is just super hard to eat right and have enough funds to do so.

I live as cheaply as I can and usually work real hard in the morning on a empty stomach then have a couple small beef pot pies for lunch then a couple hours later take a nap around 3 to 530pm then wake up and eat again around 9-11pm lighter snack or something then stay up until 1 or 2 am. My brain needs that nap after the day then I cant stop thinking doing things all night until early in the morning. I think I might have diabetes or a mild case because I always get tired after eating.

My life's pretty hectic having my kids and grandbaby living with me taking care of them and trying to not die while cleaning carpets just to pay bills. I know that the seed oils are basically machinery lube but I just cant always eat right. a couple times a week we make a good dinner but mostly just trying to get by.

I do love beef, avocados and sardines. I just need to focus more on my eating habits . I can eat sardines more they are cheap. and I need to just eat some pan fried ground beef ,chicken and other things to get me by I think . Its pretty hard to not want the chips and dip and all the junk food quick eats ,Cokes chocolate, ect.
It is just super hard to eat right and have enough funds to do so.

I live as cheaply as I can and usually work real hard in the morning on a empty stomach then have a couple small beef pot pies for lunch then a couple hours later take a nap around 3 to 530pm then wake up and eat again around 9-11pm lighter snack or something then stay up until 1 or 2 am. My brain needs that nap after the day then I cant stop thinking doing things all night until early in the morning. I think I might have diabetes or a mild case because I always get tired after eating.

My life's pretty hectic having my kids and grandbaby living with me taking care of them and trying to not die while cleaning carpets just to pay bills. I know that the seed oils are basically machinery lube but I just cant always eat right. a couple times a week we make a good dinner but mostly just trying to get by.

I do love beef, avocados and sardines. I just need to focus more on my eating habits . I can eat sardines more they are cheap. and I need to just eat some pan fried ground beef ,chicken and other things to get me by I think . Its pretty hard to not want the chips and dip and all the junk food quick eats ,Cokes chocolate, ect.
I can understand what you're saying,,It's tough out there trying to make it,and I feel your stress could be also adding to the problem as it raises your cortisol level,not good,You have to find a way to lessen stress,and you have to prioritize your health for you and family,be strong and totally avoid the chips and dips,soft drinks,fruit juices,pastries,cakes/donuts,snack on salads,veg,sardines,eggs,bacon,and dark chocolate with low sugar,and try to get good sleep,Dr Rod's orders lol
Like Rod said, same thing I am doing with my diet. My blood pressure was up. My weight was up. I have a fatty liver that is elevated my blood numbers. Cut out the carbs and sugars. Read the back of items. Reading the ingredients. You want to avoid the chemically named items. Most items in the stores you wont be able to eat. Even the ones that say they are healthy. We have Trader Joes here in the PNW. They have some nice real food frozen meals that I eat for lunch while at work. Not one chemical name on the back. I also get the rotisserie chicken. Strip it down to just the meat. No skin. Portion that up in 4.5oz size and freeze. Have that with my meals. I even mix that in with my salad for dinner. I have lost 21lbs since Feb. Met my goal just last week. Was stuck at 19 for the longest time. The kicker that got the weight loss going again, was the sugar. I am a big tea drinker. I normally do about five 16oz cups a day. With 2 teaspoons of sugar and milk each. I replaced the sugar with Monk Fruit sweetener a couple of weeks back. I am even able to have a beer or two during the week and still losing weight. It is a life style change you will have to make. You just have to start. Do something easy. The sugar is an easy one. You want to get stuff that does not have added sugars. I just recently switched from the Sweet Baby Ray BBQ sauce to the no added sugar one. Went from 17g a serving to 1g.

My daily food
Bowl Cream of Wheat BREAKFAST
Banana/Apple SNACK
Cup of applesauce No Sugar SNACK
Frozen meal and chicken LUNCH
Pistachios SNACK
Protein shake SNACK
Salad with some protein DINNER

Fridays I go treat myself to some chicken teriyaki. I only eat half of the rice and chicken. All of side salad. Then eat the rest at dinner with another salad. Man I love that salad dressing at the teriyaki joint. But it is all sugar. Got to do something yummy once in a while.
Like Rod said, same thing I am doing with my diet. My blood pressure was up. My weight was up. I have a fatty liver that is elevated my blood numbers. Cut out the carbs and sugars. Read the back of items. Reading the ingredients. You want to avoid the chemically named items. Most items in the stores you wont be able to eat. Even the ones that say they are healthy. We have Trader Joes here in the PNW. They have some nice real food frozen meals that I eat for lunch while at work. Not one chemical name on the back. I also get the rotisserie chicken. Strip it down to just the meat. No skin. Portion that up in 4.5oz size and freeze. Have that with my meals. I even mix that in with my salad for dinner. I have lost 21lbs since Feb. Met my goal just last week. Was stuck at 19 for the longest time. The kicker that got the weight loss going again, was the sugar. I am a big tea drinker. I normally do about five 16oz cups a day. With 2 teaspoons of sugar and milk each. I replaced the sugar with Monk Fruit sweetener a couple of weeks back. I am even able to have a beer or two during the week and still losing weight. It is a life style change you will have to make. You just have to start. Do something easy. The sugar is an easy one. You want to get stuff that does not have added sugars. I just recently switched from the Sweet Baby Ray BBQ sauce to the no added sugar one. Went from 17g a serving to 1g.

My daily food
Bowl Cream of Wheat BREAKFAST
Banana/Apple SNACK
Cup of applesauce No Sugar SNACK
Frozen meal and chicken LUNCH
Pistachios SNACK
Protein shake SNACK
Salad with some protein DINNER

Fridays I go treat myself to some chicken teriyaki. I only eat half of the rice and chicken. All of side salad. Then eat the rest at dinner with another salad. Man I love that salad dressing at the teriyaki joint. But it is all sugar. Got to do something yummy once in a while.
Well done Mike,,some occaisional daily fasting with 1 meal a day can also help reduce daily insulin spikes,giving the metabolic system a break.,which also helps with weight loss and promotes autophagy/ cell healing.
I basically do the keto diet,,but sometimes treat myself with a big homemade burger with the works,2 eggs ,slice of bacon,cheese,1/5 lb ground beef,lettuce, onion,tomato,with a small squirt of sugar reduced ketchup..I love my burgers,, lol
Well done Mike,,some occaisional daily fasting with 1 meal a day can also help reduce daily insulin spikes,giving the metabolic system a break.,which also helps with weight loss and promotes autophagy/ cell healing.
I basically do the keto diet,,but sometimes treat myself with a big homemade burger with the works,2 eggs ,slice of bacon,cheese,1/5 lb ground beef,lettuce, onion,tomato,with a small squirt of sugar reduced ketchup..I love my burgers,, lol
I hear ya. I have a co worker that is doing Keto. He started a month ago and passed me. Started at 255 and now is 229. That bastard. His wife and I hate him. LOL. I cut out bread, but still have a sandwich if I am going to our local races. Convenience. When I travel out of town for races, i do my best. But 2 beers a day is a common routine for me and the boys. Gain 2 lbs a couple of weeks back for a Dist 19 race.
I watch a couple youtubers Makaila Peterson and another guy talk about the carnivore diet and I love meat enough I could do that but again its pretty expensive and boring to eat that way . Carbs, grains, processed foods ,seed oils are the devil when it comes to health and they have them molded into everything we eat. Its hard to even eat without ingestion all the bad stuff unless your pretty well to do and have the funds to support the better eating habits. But as mike mentions what he eats though that can be done budget or not. I just need to make the change and get on it.

I worry for my kids and my new granddaughter . they eat out constantly and the baby is already eating foods that are not good for her. its a real struggle .
I watch a couple youtubers Makaila Peterson and another guy talk about the carnivore diet and I love meat enough I could do that but again its pretty expensive and boring to eat that way . Carbs, grains, processed foods ,seed oils are the devil when it comes to health and they have them molded into everything we eat. Its hard to even eat without ingestion all the bad stuff unless your pretty well to do and have the funds to support the better eating habits. But as mike mentions what he eats though that can be done budget or not. I just need to make the change and get on it.

I worry for my kids and my new granddaughter . they eat out constantly and the baby is already eating foods that are not good for her. its a real struggle .
She got her dad Jordan on the carnivore diet and it seemed to improve his health,,but we also need certain minerals/electrolytes from leafy green veggies and cruciferous veg like brocolli,,if I get bored with meat,I'l do an omelette with bacon and mushrooms and/or with lightly pan fried zuchini slices in olive oil or butter,,If I feel like spagetti bolognese..I'l make a sauce with ground beef and some pork pieces,with some sauteed onions,throw in a can of Italian style tomatoes,not the ready made sauce with added sugar ,add oregano ,basil some red wine and have with boiled veg,and a few strands of spagetti,,grated parmesan,Usually takes me an hour to cook most things,or some quick prep and slow simmer in pot for 3 hours,while doing other things,The trick is time management lol
Yeah,,the kids eating out constantly is expensive,,It's hard to tell the youngons what they should or should not do lol
I watch a couple youtubers Makaila Peterson and another guy talk about the carnivore diet and I love meat enough I could do that but again its pretty expensive and boring to eat that way . Carbs, grains, processed foods ,seed oils are the devil when it comes to health and they have them molded into everything we eat. Its hard to even eat without ingestion all the bad stuff unless your pretty well to do and have the funds to support the better eating habits. But as mike mentions what he eats though that can be done budget or not. I just need to make the change and get on it.

I worry for my kids and my new granddaughter . they eat out constantly and the baby is already eating foods that are not good for her. its a real struggle .
The frozen meals I buy are cheaper than what I was spending going out to lunch each day. 4-5 a piece. Rot chicken is 7 bucks. I get about 4-5 servings per chicken. Prepared salad in a bag is 1.99. About 6 servings there. Dressing is 5-6. Look for low calorie/sugar. I like Kens. Apples and bananas are cheap. Just have to plan you shopping around getting the banana ripe in time.

All do able with your budget. Since you are saying you eat out a lot.

Don F will get mad at me for telling you I don't exercise. Losing weight with a desk job. Could lose more if I go a half an hour of upping the heart beat rate. You sound like you job keeps you moving so that will help.

Just start with something. You don't have to jump in with both feet to start. That is why people yoyo on diets. It is not a diet, if it is a way of life. I needed to do something to stick around. My list is still too long for me to leave this earth.
No I never eat out . The kids do constantly. I am always the one looking for something to eat since they don't ever get me food haha.

They waste my sons whole paycheck on food and entertainment /baby items as well. He hasn't payed me any rent or anything in 9 months now. freeloader hehe.

But I see what you mean yes I can make most of that happen no problem and start eating better for sure . Just have to make the conscious effort to do so.

My whole life I have stayed away from eating out while working usually go hungry to the job in the morning which I know is bad as well and just have my coffee /water in the truck until I get home then eat around 12 to 1pm.