Kevin is right, its a garden spider, and they get BIG! I have them all over my.....well, my garden.
Wils, My alchohol tolerance has severly dropped since I got out of college a few years could probably drink me under the table easily. BUT!!! I can still chug a cup of beer faster than anyone whos ever tried me. So after the races are over, let the beer chug racing begin, and that goes for anyone at the Nats!
what kind of beer? I dont have a clue at this point, any preference of beer available over here? among my favorites are, Corona, Miller lite, Budwieser, and Harp, not much on dark Lagers.
you will have to elaborate on what your meaning of "shout" is. Im not sure what you are asking?
~James Clegg, confused by Aussie lingo......
*****2004 U.S. 1 Beer Chug Racing Champion*****