Offset sponsons ?


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Tony Jacuzzi

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2002
This may have been discussed before but has anyone ever tried off setting sponsons eg turn fin side is closer to the tub than the free riding side ? Thanks Tony J

didn't notice much worth talking about.. closer to the tub the more side to side WALKING you will get.

i would work on spacing them out evenly to suit the boat.. but that is just me.
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Tony & Chris,

We found the same thing out. Once we spread them out more equal,

the boat really started to corner well with the new titanium turnfin design.


Mark Sholund
We used to offset them thinking that we would put more weight on the skid fin side to help hold the boat down in the corner. Skid fin development eliminated any of that concept. I have been running them equal for a long time now.