off topic- John Kerry for the "little guys?"


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
some interesting reading I came across in the Wall Street Journal..............

Democrats: the party of the little guy. Republicans: the party of the wealthy. Those images of America's two major political wings have been frozen for generations.

The stereotypes were always a little off, incomplete, exaggerated. (Can you say Adlai Stevenson?) But like most stereotypes, they reflected rough truths.

No more. Starting in the 1960s and '70s, whole blocs of "little guys" -- ethnics, rural residents, evangelicals, cops, construction workers, homemakers, military veterans -- began moving into the Republican column. And big chunks of America's rich elite -- financiers, academics, heiresses, media barons, software millionaires, entertainers -- drifted into the Democratic Party.

The extent to which the parties have flipped positions on the little-guy/rich-guy divide is illustrated by research from the Ipsos-Reid polling firm. Comparing counties that voted strongly for George W. Bush to those that voted strongly for Al Gore in the 2000 election, the study shows that in pro-Bush counties only 7% of voters earned at least $100,000, while 38% had household incomes below $30,000. In the pro-Gore counties, fully 14% pulled in $100,000 or more, while 29% earned less than $30,000.

As Daniel Henninger has noted on this page, it is "becoming harder by the day to take the Democrats seriously as the party of the common man." The financial pillars for Democrats are now super-rich trial lawyers, Hollywood entertainment executives, and megabuck financiers. Both parties have their fat cats, obviously, but Federal Election Commission data show that many of the very wealthiest political players are now in the Democratic column.

Today's most aggressive election donors by far are lawyers. As of July, law partners had donated $112 million to 2004 political candidates; by comparison, the entire oil and gas industry donated only $15 million. And wealthy lawyers now tilt strongly Democratic: 71% of their money goes to Democrats, only 29% to Republicans.

Wall Street, traditionally thought of as a GOP bastion, is no longer any such thing. Ultra-income brokers and bankers now give heavily to the party of Andrew Jackson. Six of the top 15 contributions to Democratic nominee John Kerry came from partners at firms like Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and J.P. Morgan.

John Kerry is a perfect embodiment of the takeover of the Democratic Party by wealthy elites. If elected, he would become the richest man ever to sit in the White House; experts describe his bloodline as "more royal than any previous American President"; his educational path was pluperfect upper crust. And there are now many Democrats like Mr. Kerry -- from Sen. Jon Corzine to Sen. Jay Rockefeller -- who are simultaneously top of the heap in wealth and on the left in politics.

Migration of the rich and powerful to the Democrats has been so pronounced, John Kerry has actually pulled in much more money than sitting President George Bush this spring and summer. Mr. Kerry's monthly fund-raising totals have routinely doubled or even tripled Mr. Bush's sums. And while Mr. Bush has relied heavily on flocks of small donors, the money on the Kerry side has come much more from well-heeled individuals like the Hamptons beach-house owners who handed him $3 million in one day at the end of August.

So, which is the party of the people now?
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I am a supporter to the republican party, and I am far from wealthy. My major gripe against liberals is they think that the rich should give to the poor, the people who worked there ass off need to give money to people that do nothing and havent tried to get a job. I think thats ridiculous.

Demmys cant not complain about something for a second, change this, abolish this, when they just carry signs and think that magicly will get there way. They always are against the truth and twist the facts.

Kerry has a split image, he is the most undesisize person ever. And who is hiporcritical towards everything he says. I would be ashamed if he were elected president. He is not responsible either, I might have the exact percentage wrong but he has missed over 75% of the senate votes. And what he supposidly supports during his campaign, he apposed to during the votes he actually attended.

Phil :angry: :rolleyes: <_<
Micheal Moore for president. He dosen't lie any more than Goerge or Gorege's old man.

You asked.

A Prof friend of mine at the Uni one state over read's the student bullitin board posts with lunch every day, He scanned this in and sent it to me, Younger generation ideas on world probs.

Again not my views just comment from students.

As follows:

Cause and Effect, Make America strong

Answers to world problems effecting the United States Aug 04

Terriorism, Close the boarders and allow no one in thats not a naturalized citizen.

National Debt, feed the hungary and homeless here, return them to the work force and buy american products only.

Gas and off shore oil, Use our own resources that are briming full and tell the oil cartels to shove it.

World Peace, Solve own own problems first and then maybe we can offer suggestions to others.

Conservation and National Parks, Collect on debts already out there to people we have helped only to have them change politics or thumb there nose at us when payment is asked for, on replanting trees and perserving the wilderness area.

Roads and Bridges, Same as above only applied to another problem.

Unemployement, Cancel all off shore or out of contiential bounderies deals and put own own back to work.

Turn the page and DONE........

My observation....They seem to have left out the war on drugs, but hey......... :lol: :p

Gene ;)
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"My observation....They seem to have left out the war on drugs, but hey.........


I couldn't agree with them more. Maybe they left out the drugs part because they came up with this when they were all stoned & not influenced by "conventional thought patterns". :lol:

Perhaps that's what it takes as our own government can't see this straight. <_<
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Hey Don,

I did find the comment on World Peace stunninglly profound comming from a 18-21 age group ;)

Gene :D
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It was great watching the Republican convention and seeing how they laid the "CLOWNING" down on the Kerry campaign as well as his supporters.

Was also glad to see them encourage minorities to join the Republican party.

My highlight: Seeing our Govenator in action and calling peple "GIRLIE MAN".. :lol: :lol:
Uni students are always making it sound so so simple. As with all mega issues, they are much more complex once you are in the middle of them instead of just looking in from the outside. Look at problems faced with model boats sometimes.

Ever watch an F1 or oval race before and see a driver loose it in what looks like just over cookin' it and then find out later that the brakes had been fading or a technical problem was getting worse. You don't know these things unless you're there. I buy things from overseas manufacturers to sell in Australia because at the end of the day the price difference is not a little, it is astronomical. I would never like to trial the Uni students ideals on my own country but would enjoy watching it unfold in some other country that I didn't live in. It seems to me that inflation would just skyrocket into oblivion. I'd also like to know who would buy our export products if we didn't buy anyone elses. What's that about? Jobs I hear people saying.
I would like to know just one thing about John Kerrys, so called "Hero" status,,What "Hero" puts in for his own medals??
I guess kerry lost supporters during his own campaign... i think hes been abondoned after the republican convention layed the smack down on him lol

not2bright said:
damn pennywizz :eek:   :eek:   :eek:   arent you only 15? if so you got one hell of a head on ya
Hahah yeah, I am, I have pretty strong political opinion but I try not to get into politics with people pf the opposing party, I tend to get frustrated :lol: Thanks for the compliment though on my head lol. People are convinced im going to be amillionaire by the time im 35, thats cool :lol: I dont have a job, but I do make alot of websites for people and am also starting my own cnc machining business for rc parts :D I still need more money until I can start making the parts :rolleyes:

Phil B) ;) :huh:
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