Way off topic - but it really gets ya thinkin'


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Charles is a friend of mine & he put alot of thought in his post BUT there are a couple things I can't agree with-

First & foremost, Charles you are not an African American, your an AMERICAN, born & bread in the good 'ol USA. I'd be willing to bet your ancestry has been on American soil far longer than mine but I don't call myself an Italian American. That's a big problem these days with everyone splintering off into their own little factions. What we need to do is band together as AMERICANS, black, white, whatever. Stand shoulder to shoulder & be ready to go toe to toe with those who think they can infringe on US & OUR freedoms.

Do you really think that "people of color" are the only "undervalued, overworked, and underpaid" people out there??? You're a smart guy Charles & I'm sure you know a few females out there who would give you a very different answer to this one.

And as for the Bush family being " crooked and shady" I got news for you, if you're a politician, you're probably crooked. For example, there's WAY more dirt on Gore & Clinton that got quietly shoved under the mat. The Monica Lewinski deal is one of the best coverups of all time. The special prosecutor was about to go public with all the evidence about the dirty money coming from the Chinese to the Democatic party when they leaked the Monica stuff. It worked perfectly & drew America's attention away from the real dirt. Why?? Because sex sells, be it scandal or otherwise.

I don't want to offend anyone but it's time for the "me, me, me" attitudes to stop & for EVERYONE to start pulling together or we're all gonna wind up in the pooper. :eek:
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Regardless of our differances, I hope everyone goes out and votes. The fact that so many people go without voting just amazes me.

I only hope that the winner will reach across party lines and try to resolve our problems together instead serving only to their party's agenda. Last time I checked, we were called the United States but the end fighting amoung the parties make it seem like the Divided States.

Right after 9/11, the country set aside their differances and supported the president. Unfortunately, that ended when the election campaign kicked into gear and that saddens me.

Don't get me started on George W. Bush. All I can say is, we have lost over

3 MILLION JOBS and I think the country is in poor shape compared to when

Clinton had the job. Economics are still in poor shape except for the interest

rate. 911 and the war in Iraq haven't helped us out either. Kerry has got to

do better than George W., we can't afford four more years of this crap. Some

of the responses here are silly,I think some of you people should read a little

more. :rolleyes:


Mark Sholund
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Considering that Bush inherited an economy that was going downhill. FAST.

And, the economic hit from 9/11. The effects of that one attack still ripple through the airline and tourism industries. Many thousands of the airline jobs, aircraft mfg. jobs, and tourism industry jobs lost. Many of those jobs aren't going to came back.

Considering all of that (plus fluctuations in oil prices), the economy isn't anywhere near as bad as it is being made out to be.

If you listen to the Democrats, you'd think it was the Great Depression. We're a long way from soup lines, folks!

The only issue that matters is the issue of how the terrorists are going to be fought. In his acceptance speech, Kerry promised to respond to any terror attack.

I don't want a "respond to them" President, I want a "take it to them" President.

Here is what the other members of Kerry's Swift boat unit (not his paid "Band of Brothers) have to say about him:

Purple heart?? War hero?? Read this quote from one of Kerry's commanders..........

"While in Cam Rahn Bay, he trained on several 24-hour indoctrination missions, and one special skimmer operation with my most senior and trusted Lieutenant. The briefing from some members of that crew the morning after revealed that they had not received any enemy fire, and yet Lt.(jg) Kerry informed me of a wound -- he showed me a scratch on his arm and a piece of shrapnel in his hand that appeared to be from one of our own M-79s. It was later reported to me that Lt.(jg) Kerry had fired an M-79, and it had exploded off the adjacent shoreline. I do not recall being advised of any medical treatment, and probably said something like 'Forget it.' He later received a Purple Heart for that scratch, and I have no information as to how or whom. Lt.(jg) Kerry was allowed to return to the good old USA after 4 months and a few days in-country, and then he proceeded to betray his former shipmates, calling them criminals who were committing atrocities. Today we are here to tell you that just the opposite is true. Our rules of engagement were quite strict, and the officers and men of Swift often did not even return fire when they were under fire if there was a possibility that innocent people -- fishermen, in a lot of cases -- might be hurt or injured. The rules and the good intentions of the men increased the possibility that we might take friendly casualties."

-- Commander Grant Hibbard, USN (retired)

Oh yeah, he's a war hero alright. <_<
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Where's Ross Perot these days? :p He could have made an interesting President regarding the economy. If we could just Elect one President that actually fulfills the campaign promises, it would be something nice for a change :rolleyes:
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ClayGlover said:
If we could just get Elect one President that actually fulfills the campaign promises, it would be something nice for a change :rolleyes:
Only if what was promised was actually possible.

It is like standing up there and promising free health care for every citizen. Anyone with any sense of what is going on today, with the debt, the level of taxes already in place, and the state of Social Security, knows that is absolutely impossible.

It can't be done!

Yet, just the other day that promise was made. It is astounding. :wacko:

I just can't seem to grasp this idea that just because someone has a few medals, purple hearts or otherwise, this makes him a "war hero". I have never served in any branch of the military (my lack of one eye saw to that), but I think I still know what makes someone a hero, and being there and getting hit doesn't cut it. Don't get me wrong, I bow to him for serving in a time when nobody thought we should even be there. It's not going to make me vote for him. There were millions of capable American men who did not see any conflict in that war, GWB was one of them. His service was performed here, on the mainland. A good portion of the people who did not fight were members of the manufacturing industry (toolmakers, engineers, assemblers, etc.....) who's skills were best put to work building the tanks, choppers, planes and other mechanized hardware needed by the ones dropped in harms way. Many of this countries "War Heros" never saw the first glimpse of hostility, first hand.

Anybody who thinks that the Iraq war is a "False War" is a traitor and should be hung in the streets and left to rot. We went to war in 1942 after Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. The death toll in Pearl Harbour was NOTHING compared to the World Trade Center. I guess WWII was a "False War", too. There are FAR more Radical fundamentalist Muslims than there were Nazi's. The only real difference is their beliefs. Hitler wanted land, and in turn, POWER. The RFM's just want all the infidels iradicated. We are the infidels to them. Go ahead, stand up and try to reason with them. They'll just hit your building next. Otherwise, sit down, shut up and quit whining. After the WTC was hit, I wanted to go over there and kill every one of them myself. I'm just glad Bush was willing the tell The UN to kiss his ass and do something about it. If Gore had been in office, He'd have just stuck his head between his knees and cried like a baby.

As far as the economy........... I almost have to laugh. The liberal idiots want to live by some sort of "Robin Hood" plan, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Nice story, but the Russians tried it. It's called Communism, and it failed. It fails every time. Human nature fights it every step of the way. Why would someone want to take something they've worked so hard to earn and give it to someone who isn't willing to work for more than they absolutely have to. I HATE welfare. As far as I'm concerned, if you can work, you work. Yup, you might be flippin' burgers, third shift, at WhiteCastle, but you're earning your keep. You may not be living in a 4000 SF house with a walk-out basement and two Land Rovers in the garage. You may actually have to sweat and/or get dirty on a daily basis. Sorry, that's just the way life is. If you don't like it, go back to school and further yourself, don't expect the government to support your lazy carcass. The idea that the "rich" get all these tax breaks is laughable, too. The top 5% of the population pays 75% of the taxes. Don't misunderstand me on this either, I make less than $40K a year and my wife is at home raising our two kids. I go to work every day and bust my knuckles earning my peanuts. If there is anybody who deserves a tax break, it's those in my position. If the liberals had their way with it, my dad would get taxed to death and the welfare system would see to it that every unit in the projects had TWO BMW's (with 20" gold plated wire wheels) out front instead of just one.

I watched part of the Democratic Convetion the other day, when Hillary was blabbering about health care. Europe instituted this system she's been pushing a number of years back. It SUCKS! The lowest tax rate is 46% and gas is $5 a gallon, and It's all due to this Communistic health care plan. If you listen to the big story (not just what the candidates are lying about), you start to understand that the Democrats would like to institute this Communistic thinking to every faction of our existence. Health care, food distribution, housing, everything.

Before you go and make your mind up, consider the big picture and the long term effects of a political party's actions, not just what they are promising to do for you in the next four years. What the Republicans call "Trickle-Down Economics" works. When the big guys do well, the rest of us will see the benefits soon enough. It was proven in the twenties before the Depression. When the rich were doing well, the whole country was soaring. After the crash of '29, everything went to hell. Big guy, little guy, all the same. If you'd like to see it again, let the great Democratic "Machine" work its majic..........

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components
Just a guess here Brad...are you a Republican? LOL!

The only thing I have to add is, Amen Brother!
High five for brad :lol: You nailed it all B)

Why should somebody who works their ass off trying to succeed in life, working hard in school, going to college and stuff have to be forced to pay for somebody who does nothing.

Phil :huh: :) :angry:
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"Before you go and make your mind up, consider the big picture and the long term effects of a political party's actions, not just what they are promising to do for you in the next four years. What the Republicans call "Trickle-Down Economics" works. When the big guys do well, the rest of us will see the benefits soon enough. It was proven in the twenties before the Depression. When the rich were doing well, the whole country was soaring. After the crash of '29, everything went to hell. Big guy, little guy, all the same. If you'd like to see it again, let the great Democratic "Machine" work its majic.........."

Yup, it does work. I can go back 30 years to my first job @ 14 years old & ya know what? All my best years financially have been when there was a Republican in the big chair. And this B.S. about blaming Bush for the job losses is just that- B.S.! We were well on our way down that road with Clinton & the Democrats as I watched it start happening first hand while I was still in the D.C. area. Alot of you didn't see the fallout until Clinton's ass was out the door & Gore was still crying about how Bush "stole" the election. These Democrats are soo quick to blame the Republicans for the current conditions that they put in motion. Do any of you really think these situations just happen overnight?? You guys think it's rough now, just put the control of this country in the hands of the Democratic party & watch what happens. How do you think they got labelled as the tax & spend party for all these years? Like they said on the X files....... "the truth is out there!" :blink:
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Damn skippy! I go into the pollbooth, punch the Republican ticket and walk. If you really understand what the Democrats are truely aiming for and still vote for them, I'll have no pity for you when you're sitting on the curb with a tin cup in your hand, beggin' for a dime. And the more you have when it all starts, the worse it's gonna be......

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components
Propjockey said:
Just a guess here Brad...are you a Republican? LOL!
The only thing I have to add is, Amen Brother!
Hey Brad, he's agreeing with you. Or does "Amen brother" mean something different? :p
People who give Clinton credit for the amazing American economy of the 90's are right.. Big Business knew Clinton was more concerned with sex and cigars than regulating their businesses so away they went with crazy accounting schemes and artificial earnings. Clinton had about as much to do with the economic boom of the 90's as Gore did with the internet.

Also, people need to remember who put Greenspan into place.. I would say he had a little to do with managing the economy of the 90's..

Good posts fellow Republicans..

Looks like this discussion has continued to bring out emotion, that is good for this country!

1. If you do not agree with this war hang them and leave them on the streets.

That is the kind of statement the Nazis, and KKK lived by, and NOT something hundreds of thousands of Americans have died for. So those who disagree should be exterminated, wow what an American attitude that is !!! :lol: :lol: I am FOR the war on Terror BUT AGAINST Bush's war in Iraq and so are 58% of all Americans, latest poll by Godby, a very neutral pollster.

2.If you are not a Republican which I proudly am not, rather an American you must stamp the elephant or you are wrong. This land was founded on desent and God forbid will remain that way to it's last day. I vote for the individual and have every right to. Bush once yes, Bush a second time DEFINATELY NOT.

3. The economy flourished during Clinton's watch but there are those who do not give him credit, HOWEVER, we are on a rebound by some people's standards now and give Bush credit for that. Can't have it both ways otherwise you would be just a John Kerry some would say, different situation so that doesn't count.

4. Another little piece to chew on, all those NY financial people died and the Govt gives them over a million / family. Same situation, terrorist attack our OWN, in Oklahoma City and those 167 families got NOT ONE CENT FROM THE GOVT. Take care of the rich and forget the average guy. I believe what is good for one American in this situation should be good for all Americans. Did the people in OKC make a big deal of it when the money was passed out NO.

5. Please, all of you who want this war in Iraq so bad, PLEASE go down the the enlistment office TOMARROW, and do your part, your country needs you!!!!! It appears by some to be far more justified than Vietnam. Many of us inlisted then, I did right out of college, or be drafted. Put the draft into effect and the War in Iraq would be over with in a matter of months because middle and high income Americans would not want large numbers of theirs put in harms way; someone else die from the war I support, just not my children.

6. Most moderates which I am, believe in the protection of this country as in terrorism, etc, we are against abortion, a national debt,(boy is that a joke in this day and time), less government, and electing a person for what they are and not what their name is. I feel into that trap once but not again. I love people fighting so hard to get my vote, since there appears to be so few of us left. Bush senior got my vote once, not the second time, reason poor economy, Clinton 2 times, Bush junior last time and this time John Kerry. The few of us that are moderates will likely decide this election, SO EAT YOUR HEARTS OUT republicans and democrats, I vote the person NOT the party. George Bush is definately not the person. Party doesn't control me or my vote.

7. Oh, and as a moderate, I guarantee I have the balls, as your gave Bush credit for to declare war on people who attacked our country and so would John Kerry. HE had the balls to put himself in harms way by choice in Vietnam. NOT everyone did that or are doing that today. Yes and Dick Chaney, he must have had NO BAlls either because he got every exemption there was. Declaring war on a 3rd world country that we had beaten once doesn't take balls, it just takes lives for nothing.

A true American and loving it.

regards Curt
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I'd like to see who our boys in Iraq vote for. They are really the only ones that have the right to complain about being put in harms way.
crrcboatz said:
I am FOR the war on Terror BUT AGAINST Bush's war in Iraq and so are 58% of all Americans, latest poll by Godby, a very neutral pollster.
A true American and loving it.

regards Curt
The pollster is Zogby, not Godby. And, he slants left, to a degree. But, that is beside the point.

Do all "moderates" decide their stands by looking at the polls?

The poll says 58% so you are with them. If tomorrows poll says: "58% of all American support "Bush's War", does that mean you will then flip-flop and support it, too? You wouldn't want to be in the minority, would you?

[Yes and Dick Chaney, he must have had NO BAlls either because he got every exemption there was. ]

That reminds me.

Where was John (The Silky Pony) Edwards? Did he forget to register for the draft because he had an appointment to get his hair done and his nails buffed out or something? :D

Let's see:

Dick Cheney:

69-76 Various White House positions in Nixon and Ford administrations

77-89 U.S. Congressman from Wyoming (That is 6 terms)

89-93 Secretary of Defense

95-99 CEO Halliburton Corp.

00-04 U.S. Vice President

John Edwards:

Around 20 years as a blood-sucking trial lawyer, partially responsible for driving up the cost of health care for all Americans.

98-2004 U.S. Senator (That is one term) (In November 2000, People magazine named Edwards as its choice for the "sexiest politician.") Can you believe he beat out Hillary? :D

Bad ticker or not, it looks to me like a slam dunk for Cheney!
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"HE had the balls to put himself in harms way by choice in Vietnam"

Sorry THAT is a crock of B.S. John Kerry obtained his "purple hearts" under questionable & basically false pretenses. The purple heart is supposed to for acts of valor & such in combat, NOT SELF INFLICTED WOUNDS SCREWING AROUND WITH AN M79!!!!!!!!! His own commanding officer stated it was barely a scratch. Kerry bugged out of Vietnam after barely 4 months. My uncle on the other hand spent his tour of 'Nam in constant battle, flying treetop level in a Huey ultimately getting shot down, taking shrapnel behind his left ear & is lucky to be alive today. He'll be the first to tell you that Kerry is the biggest P.O.S. who spat on all the men & women who truly put thier collective ***** on the line for this country. Don't believe it, well go read Kerry's biography that the Dems won't talk about- 'Tour of Duty,' by Douglas Brinkley.

And while we're at it, how about this quote from Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann, USN (retired)-

"I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States. This is not a political issue. It is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty and trust -- all absolute tenets of command. His biography, 'Tour of Duty,' by Douglas Brinkley, is replete with gross exaggerations, distortions of fact, contradictions and slanderous lies. His contempt for the military and authority is evident by even a most casual review of this biography. He arrived in-country with a strong anti-Vietnam War bias and a self-serving determination to build a foundation for his political future. He was aggressive, but vain and prone to impulsive judgment, often with disregard for specific tactical assignments. He was a 'loose cannon.' In an abbreviated tour of four months and 12 days, and with his specious medals secure, Lt.(jg) Kerry bugged out and began his infamous betrayal of all United States forces in the Vietnam War. That included our soldiers, our marines, our sailors, our coast guardsmen, our airmen, and our POWs. His leadership within the so-called Vietnam Veterans Against the War and testimony before Congress in 1971 charging us with unspeakable atrocities remain an undocumented but nevertheless meticulous stain on the men and women who honorably stayed the course. Senator Kerry is not fit for command."

There's more good reading at- http://www.swiftvets.com/index.php?topic=KerryinVietnam

This clown is a liar & a loser & his ambulance chasing lawyer partner is worse!. :angry: