News from Oz


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And still pass them by buoy 3! :lol:

Yeah I was thinking that but I know how many rounds you raced V how many you pitted for and the ratio was all wrong. :p

Travelling to Mildura thurs might give me a bit more setup time, I will have to see what Jeff says! I dont think I will be taking the X mono this time, just the boats for the US nats trip.

Get that rigger going. I expect mine to be going pretty quick! B)


It will be good to catch up again!

Nitrocrazed racing: Wasting my time on the net when I should be building boats....
Yeah but a 4 day weekend coming up! 4 on, 4 off, 4 on, 2 off. :lol:

If I don't get boats out this weekend there really is no hope! :blink:

I don't mind pitting for people. I enjoy the social aspect of boat racing almost as much as driving. One of the things that really sets boats apart from other forms of racing.


If you have a spare gasser for Finley I might be persuaded to give it a try B)



Indeed it will - I should have a project or 2 finished by then. I haven't done that motor yet but I'm on Hol's for a week after today and I will get it done for you in that time.


Ian, bring your camera, Tim D will be Petrol racing in Finley! B)

We will get him converted yet. :p

Get those boats out!! :D Of course there is a club day coming up soon too...

I dont bring my camera to race meetings anymore. <_< But Tim might get hooked!! Give him your cat to drive!!! :p


Finley was great for the social aspect last year, everyone staying at the same motel, which was within walking distance of all the local pubs...! B)

I am on a bit of a break as well. Hopefully i can get some progress on some boats and engines!

I might have to wear a disguise in Finley :ph34r: :lol:


After today I get 12 days off, 3 days on, 3 days off! Time to get out in the workshop and do some building! (if "she who must be obeyed" will let me of course)

Just get ready for that adrenalein rush when that petrol motor gets on pipe! Seriously tho you should build an open petrol rigger, fast enough to be interesting! B)

More 'Top Secret' boats coming up? B)

Ran 3 mono's yesterday, first time out since nationals, funny they ran the same! :lol: I would have thought after 3 months off they would have fixed themselves by now! :lol: Serously though, it was a good day, rescue not needed all day. Hey Ian, you ever have a day like that with riggers? :p
Hey Mike,

With the old 45 SG, and now with the Sprint 90 I get runs with no rescue quite often! The only time I have had to rescue the Sprint since the nats is when the prop broke! :huh: Damn nitro motors, just keep running.... :p But I like the Sprint because it just keeps going even if the water is rough.

Good to hear you finally got a run!! Get that Cobra out!!! Try that prop. B)

I wont have time to get the petrol Sprint going for Finley or the US nats. :( I have just left things too late and now I have way too much work to do. <_<

Nitrocrazed racing: Round and round and round....

So you haven't run the wideboy boat yet (oops!! that was meant to be a secret wasn't it??) so...when does it go?

Wild Bill!!
Pipes awesome, only down 200 rpm from my old one and it is still on the long side of Dave's recomendation. I think I will cut the header for next weekends testing, first I need to test the 27 cc kit.