Thanks for all the replys and the suggestions. We are mainly looking to get things like Power Panels, Gel-cel starter batteries, gel 120v chargers, Glow drivers and general hobby stuff. I have suggested that our guys should be pretty much 'self sufficient' in the starting gear area so we don't have 15 guys running around looking for starters and stuff. Starters are very heavy to lug by air from Oz so we are thinking to go to some LHS, like Hobby People, as soon as we get there to get some 'cheap' starters. We will either leave them there or bring them home.
I have contacted a couple of fuel people and have organised with the Doubletree for them to receive shipments and hold them for our arrival. We might even order the starter stuff we need from Tower and have them deliver to the hotel. The guys at Jackson have given us one of their members address to ship stuff to.
We are flying from LA to Memphis on July 20th, picking up some vans and driving to Jackson. We may impose on 'Uncle Bill' for a factory tour. Do you think we could fit 12 people in his 'shop'?
Have not had any enquiries from manufacturers about being our major sponsor. What about Jim from ABC - we all use your props? Andy, we are bringing SG's and Mac's and Arthur, we have heaps of CMB's. And we could work out a really good deal- no worries mate. Naturally, any sponsorship will be featured on Steve Irwin's shirt next time he shows his kids all about feeding Croc's.
See you all soon.
Bill Annabel.