News from Oz


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002
I see Tim, Gary, Kris, and Mikie G. posting once in a while,

So what happened to Wild Bill, Craig and Ian "Sir Post A Lot" ?

Comming into Spring here so must be goin into Fall there.

So what all ya Crazies doin down under?

Gene :D
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Craigs postings started to fizzle off after the Internats but I'll bet that he's still checking in. Could be that his band, Eat My Shorts, is working a lot now or he's running out of his famous signatures!
We had our Nationals at Christmas time in Adelaide, that was our last 'biggie'. Now we are busy getting our 'stuff' ready to come over in July and play with you guys. Our friendly paint guy here is Sydney has a list as long as your arm of guys getting their boats ready for him to paint so we all come with 'pretty. boats. There are a few meetings coming up but, yes we are quiet down here at the moment. We are just heading into our Autumn.

Just to let you all know, we have 15 guys coming to the NAMBA nats and 12 of them travelling over to Jackson for IMPBA. We are all excited and really looking forward to the trip.

We are looking for a major sponsor, any manufacturers interested in having their name emblazened all over our official clothing. Let me tell you these items will become collectables after this tour.

On another point, can anyone tell us the closest general hobby shop to the Doubletree Hotel. We need to get some 'stuff' when we get there - just so we don't have to keep asking can we 'borrow' everything. Please let us know.

See you all soon.

Wild Bill.
Bill, usually you will find that you won't have to leave the Fairgrounds to get anything that you need. There are several Dealers that show up selling most anything that you'd need. If you have any special needs, like a cetain percentage or brand of Nitro, you might want to have some waiting there for you. Most LHS's in general don't carry a lot of parts for boaters. The Fearless Leaders this year should be able to point you towards any shop that is stocked or will have extra supplies for boaters during the Internats. Talk to Craig about airfreighting and what you'll need once you arrive, he has experience with the Customs Officials! :D
Hey Gene,

I'm still here! :D

Sir post-a-lot? Look at your total!! :p

After the boating frenzy that is the Nationals at Christmas I haven't done a whole lot of boating. Slowly I am getting ready for the US nats trip, building a new boat, setting up a couple of motors and some other stuff... B)

Since I changed jobs I dont get the time to post as much, but I still look in here regularly!

Nitrocrazed racing: More nitro IS better....
They are all still recovering from the rugby which I am not mentioning just because we trashed em. :rolleyes:
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Hey Bill if you guys are going into Nashville 1st or Memephis both of those have pretty good size shops for Nashville area check with Bob Kernodle [email protected]

Or Memphis check with Bill McGraw [email protected] either one of these guys can help you out for Jackson you already have those guys e-mail so you can also check with them. See you in July!
Fuel for the Nats.

After talking with my Sponsor Byron Fuels.. We are going to be able to provide our over seas racers coming to the IMPBA nats with fuel if need be.

Sorry im not going to the NAMBA nats therefore i will not be able to help out there.

The fuel for the IMBPA nats will be delivered the week of the race by me the fuel delivery guy. . Who else. hehehe.

This is what i need if you want to get Byron fuel.

Please E mail me [email protected] with your nitro percentage needs and gallon quantity. (Sorry no special fuel blends).

I will provide you with a price per gallon via e-mail. The fuel must be pre-paid before the order is placed.

No minimum or maximum order quantities

If you want to learn more about Byron fuel go to

Hey Guy's

Ian yes I'm going for "Rachet Jaw of the Year" :p Ha,Ha,

Keep checkin in Buddy its good to hear from you ;)

Gene :D

PS: Still wonderin bout the "Disco King" thang ? :lol:
Thanks for all the replys and the suggestions. We are mainly looking to get things like Power Panels, Gel-cel starter batteries, gel 120v chargers, Glow drivers and general hobby stuff. I have suggested that our guys should be pretty much 'self sufficient' in the starting gear area so we don't have 15 guys running around looking for starters and stuff. Starters are very heavy to lug by air from Oz so we are thinking to go to some LHS, like Hobby People, as soon as we get there to get some 'cheap' starters. We will either leave them there or bring them home.

I have contacted a couple of fuel people and have organised with the Doubletree for them to receive shipments and hold them for our arrival. We might even order the starter stuff we need from Tower and have them deliver to the hotel. The guys at Jackson have given us one of their members address to ship stuff to.

We are flying from LA to Memphis on July 20th, picking up some vans and driving to Jackson. We may impose on 'Uncle Bill' for a factory tour. Do you think we could fit 12 people in his 'shop'?

Have not had any enquiries from manufacturers about being our major sponsor. What about Jim from ABC - we all use your props? Andy, we are bringing SG's and Mac's and Arthur, we have heaps of CMB's. And we could work out a really good deal- no worries mate. Naturally, any sponsorship will be featured on Steve Irwin's shirt next time he shows his kids all about feeding Croc's.

See you all soon.

Bill Annabel.
Hey Gener,

I'm still around -been doing a lot of miles with work - you know the feeling ;)

Next big event here in Oz is the ACT titles in April. Several of the board regulars will be there. Me included.

Wild Bill, you are starting to sound like a broken record - I guess you are a little excited about the US trip! :lol: :lol: It tears me up everytime I hear about it - I want to go sooooo bad! Saving for next year.

Hey Timbo,

Yep I do, Its startin to get that time of year fer me too, Busy, Busy,

Go geeet em at the ACT Titles Dude!!!! ;)

Gene :D
Yes I am still here......

ACT Titles is looking good for me.... US Trip is looking bad. Still trying to make NAMBA but IMPBA is out due to work commitments. NAMBA is really dependant on $$$$.

Funny the first time there is an organised Australian team in ages and one of the few years it is a problem for me!!!

EMS Racing Down but not out
Craig, hope you can make it mate!!! will make it a bit easier for me to get home again :p

still unsure of exactly how i will be getting there! but i have the thursday friday and monday off so things are looking good :lol:

Going to send TimD an email now...


ACT is pretty much a certainty...

NAMBA now thats another story.... may have to sell off some of the fleet to make it there....

EMS Racing Its not the boats that cost the money, its the shed to house them in
You're bringing a wompy too? Cool! I dragged mine out of storage last weekend!