New Racing Rules IMPBA


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Rule book voting should be done on a district rep system where each district gets equal representation. General membership voting allows stacked representation no matter how you look at it.

With all due respect fellas, and I mean that. :)

This rule was out for a one year trial before it went to the membership for a vote.

During that one year trial (the time to modify it, etc ) NOT A THING FROM THE MEMBERSHIP, good, bad, or indifferent, was put before the BOD about this rule. Not a single problem was reported from the districts that used it.

It's too late now. The rule has passed, It's ours for a minimum of two years.

Let's race!!!
Might be "nothing from the membership was heard" because none of the races I attended last year used the trial rule??

What do you mean "the districts that used it" ??

If a rule is on a one year trial it should be manditory that it's used so it can be properly vetted.

nothing personal here but no wonder our rule book is a problem................

So if a D,E,F,or Twin hydro doing 75mph+ passes buoy 4 at 9 seconds left on the clock they have to hold their lane all the way around the course?? If so, then how many clubs have the manpower to have 5 or 6 people on the stand to watch every boat AND be able to call the start. Most races I have been to only have one or two people on the stand calling the race and lets be real, there is NO way 2 or 3 people can watch all the action going on in a heat of very fast boats. This looks like another rule that will not be enforced.

Just my opinion,

Very good point buddy... Not enough eyes in the sky.... And let me make sure I'm seeing this correctly no boat after 10 seconds on the clock no matter where your at on the pond can change lanes????
With all due respect fellas, and I mean that. :)

This rule was out for a one year trial before it went to the membership for a vote.

During that one year trial (the time to modify it, etc ) NOT A THING FROM THE MEMBERSHIP, good, bad, or indifferent, was put before the BOD about this rule. Not a single problem was reported from the districts that used it.

It's too late now. The rule has passed, It's ours for a minimum of two years.

Let's race!!!
Might be "nothing from the membership was heard" because none of the races I attended last year used the trial rule??

What do you mean "the districts that used it" ??

If a rule is on a one year trial it should be manditory that it's used so it can be properly vetted.

nothing personal here but no wonder our rule book is a problem................

Hey Greg,

Nothing personal taken.

I can't speak for the other districts but we ran the trial rules in D-13 because we were supposed to. We had no problems.

I agree with you it should be mandatory to run the trial rules, I assumed it was. How are you going to form an honest opinion on a rule if you haven't raced under it.

Again, with all due respect.

The point I was trying to make is if the IMPBA membership was engaged, actually read the quarterly newsletter etc., they would know exactly what was going on.

The IMPBA is the sum of it's members, not some guy in a black cloak with IMPBA stamped on his chest. :)

Typing "it should be this way" "or that way" on IW isn't going to fix anything. We need the membership to engage.,%20Constitution%20%202012.pdf

That's all for me fellas. ;)

Let's race!!
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With all due respect fellas, and I mean that. :)

This rule was out for a one year trial before it went to the membership for a vote.

During that one year trial (the time to modify it, etc ) NOT A THING FROM THE MEMBERSHIP, good, bad, or indifferent, was put before the BOD about this rule. Not a single problem was reported from the districts that used it.

It's too late now. The rule has passed, It's ours for a minimum of two years.

Let's race!!!
Might be "nothing from the membership was heard" because none of the races I attended last year used the trial rule??

What do you mean "the districts that used it" ??

If a rule is on a one year trial it should be manditory that it's used so it can be properly vetted.

nothing personal here but no wonder our rule book is a problem................

Agreed. Boating is about Good times and a little racing....... Not Arguing and pissing and moaning about who shot who at buoy #4 and around #6 & the front stretch & You are ALL OVER!!!!!!...........And the guys that changed lanes on the right side are DQ ed as soon as we figure out who you are??
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So if a D,E,F,or Twin hydro doing 75mph+ passes buoy 4 at 9 seconds left on the clock they have to hold their lane all the way around the course?? If so, then how many clubs have the manpower to have 5 or 6 people on the stand to watch every boat AND be able to call the start. Most races I have been to only have one or two people on the stand calling the race and lets be real, there is NO way 2 or 3 people can watch all the action going on in a heat of very fast boats. This looks like another rule that will not be enforced.

Just my opinion,

Very good point buddy... Not enough eyes in the sky.... And let me make sure I'm seeing this correctly no boat after 10 seconds on the clock no matter where your at on the pond can change lanes????
The clubs will do the best they can with the available eyes and bodies ( Thanks !) There will always be controversy and variation in starting styles .Scale and Gas will use the Creepy Crawly style and hog lane one from the minute they launch in mill time and that is what this is all about it seems .I really don't care because if my timings right I'm coming by you wide open with a three boat overlap in the foot that exists between the retrieve boat and oblivion and taking lane one so don't be upset !! :lol: Overlap is overlap even if you blow over . Sorry ! :D
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With all due respect fellas, and I mean that. :)

This rule was out for a one year trial before it went to the membership for a vote.

During that one year trial (the time to modify it, etc ) NOT A THING FROM THE MEMBERSHIP, good, bad, or indifferent, was put before the BOD about this rule. Not a single problem was reported from the districts that used it.

It's too late now. The rule has passed, It's ours for a minimum of two years.

Let's race!!!
Might be "nothing from the membership was heard" because none of the races I attended last year used the trial rule??

What do you mean "the districts that used it" ??

If a rule is on a one year trial it should be manditory that it's used so it can be properly vetted.

nothing personal here but no wonder our rule book is a problem................

Hey Greg,

Nothing personal taken.

I can't speak for the other districts but we ran the trial rules in D-13 because we were supposed to. We had no problems.

I agree with you it should be mandatory to run the trial rules, I assumed it was. How are you going to form an honest opinion on a rule if you haven't raced under it.

Again, with all due respect.

The point I was trying to make is if the IMPBA membership was engaged, actually read the quarterly newsletter etc., they would know exactly what was going on.

The IMPBA is the sum of it's members, not some guy in a black cloak with IMPBA stamped on his chest. :)

Typing "it should be this way" "or that way" on IW isn't going to fix anything. We need the membership to engage. 2012.pdf

That's all for me fellas. ;)

Let's race!!
There are More IMPBA members engaged right here on I/W than anywhere else......... & thats just the facts.
Spring nats Atlanta last year it was talked about in the saturday am meeting. Never seen it Enforced. NAMBA Winter Nats Riverview florida 2012 was talked about in the thursday am meeting to commit at bouy 4 Never Enforced!!!!!!!!
Spring nats Atlanta last year it was talked about in the saturday am meeting. Never seen it Enforced.
That's right Joe. It wasn't an issue. ;) B) You guys did good!

Love ya man,

See ya at the pond.

Seriously, I'm done here. :)
Doug for your sake.. I hope it goes well again. Just in case I will have Doc Turner Pak his Medical Bag in case your Blood Pressure rises to the max. You might need a Nitro Patch? :huh: :huh:. But.. If you wake up and Doc is giving you CPR?? You have became too excited!!
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Can someone clarify the meaning of the new passing rule. At what point is it ok to take over a lane without being called for impeding the progress of the boat being passed? If a boat pulls into the lane of the passed boat, what is defined as impeding?

  • Is it a roostertail of water that may cause some drivers to slow?
  • Is it a wake from the passing boat?
  • What if a boat passes and then has to slow for boats ahead of it?

I asked at a few races last year and no one really knows how to judge the new passing rule.

New Rule states:

b. Right of Way

1. A boat operating in a lane of travel around the course has the right to maintain

that lane of travel without undue interference. Any boat desiring to pass in

order to choose an occupied lane of travel shall not impede the progress of the boat being


I am not disagreeing with new rules. I just want to know what is expected across all IMPBA sanctioned races. The old rule was easily judged.
Can someone clarify the meaning of the new passing rule. At what point is it ok to take over a lane without being called for impeding the progress of the boat being passed? If a boat pulls into the lane of the passed boat, what is defined as impeding?

  • Is it a roostertail of water that may cause some drivers to slow?
  • Is it a wake from the passing boat?
  • What if a boat passes and then has to slow for boats ahead of it?

I asked at a few races last year and no one really knows how to judge the new passing rule.

New Rule states:

b. Right of Way

1. A boat operating in a lane of travel around the course has the right to maintain

that lane of travel without undue interference. Any boat desiring to pass in

order to choose an occupied lane of travel shall not impede the progress of the boat being


I am not disagreeing with new rules. I just want to know what is expected across all IMPBA sanctioned races. The old rule was easily judged.
Basically, if you pass someone and they have to slow/swerve/manoeuver to avoid your transom/wake/roostertail you get a lap.

If you take them out you're DQ'd.

If you pass someone you have to do it "clean".

BTW, I wasn't the one that came up with this, it was used at the '08 Nats hosted by D4 and CD'd by none other than the Grim Racer himself. It was so simple to apply and resulted in one of the best Nats I've ever been to.

Can't agree with you about the old rule being easy to judge, estimating a defined distance at speed is very difficult.

Also, if you had your 3 boat lengths and took the guy out it was legal as the old rule was written! :wacko:
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So as I understand it, if the passing boat pulls into the lane of the passed boat and the passed boat wants to avoid driving in the wake of the faster boat, the passed boat can manuever to a different lane and based on the rule, should cause the passing boat to get a lap penalty?

What would the sense of anyone wanting to take over the lane? Again, my original question is at what point is it ok to be in the lane without risking penalty.

Does the passing boat get a penalty/or dq'd if the passed boat crashes from the wake/roostertail of the passing boat a lap after the pass was done? It leaves a lot of room for "discussions" at the races.

Grim, maybe you can help me understand better.