New Racing Rules IMPBA


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So as I understand it, if the passing boat pulls into the lane of the passed boat and the passed boat wants to avoid driving in the wake of the faster boat, the passed boat can manuever to a different lane and based on the rule, should cause the passing boat to get a lap penalty?

What would the sense of anyone wanting to take over the lane? Again, my original question is at what point is it ok to be in the lane without risking penalty.

Does the passing boat get a penalty/or dq'd if the passed boat crashes from the wake/roostertail of the passing boat a lap after the pass was done? It leaves a lot of room for "discussions" at the races.

Grim, maybe you can help me understand better.

Take a good look at Terry's very first sentence. It says it all and is the intent of the new rule. If you pass someone and 10-15' ahead of them you pull directly in front of them. Did you, can you, or will you LIKELY impact their ruhnning in their chosen lane? Will they have to change lanes or slow down to avoing being dunked? If yes to any of these questions, you have incurred a driving infraction and can get a lap penalty or DQ. The best choice is to wait 40-50' at least to change lanes. The change on dunking someone with that distance is much smaller. Sounds more reasonable and fair to the other racers, yes?

The BIGGER issue is someone charging up from the outside and diving into the inside lanes (say 1-4) into the turn. They cut in front of other boats, causes side wakes that the trailing boats have to negotiate (slow down, etc.) and in most cases at least 1 or more boats will go down. DQ, DQ, DQ period! The faster boat MUST stay more outside through the turn and then move in when it is clear enough not to impact other boats running. It really means running in GOOD sportmanship in a fair manner that will not adversely affect other racers. Can if be done? Absolutely! Many clubs enforce it now and all need to do it as it is the right thing to do.
Fuel to the fire ... If the specified overlap exists and no boats go down it's simply an effective , aggressive racing move that takes the lead . That's racing ! :D
Ok then what if its lap 5 your gonna win the race odds are, and this happens ,takes you out for the championship trophy ,he's dq'ed , all the other boats finally finish after one more lap,your upside down between buoy 6 and the finish line,where does that leave you at ?????

Fuel to the fire ... If the specified overlap exists and no boats go down it's simply an effective , aggressive racing move that takes the lead . That's racing ! :D

Correct ONLY if you have not impacted the racing of another boater. Making a trail boat just been passed evader, swerve or slow down to avoid getting dunked is a lane and/or passing infraction period. It is the rule now. But it should be THE attitude that all must take. Other words, Follow the GOLDEN Rule!
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Ok then what if its lap 5 your gonna win the race odds are, and this happens ,takes you out for the championship trophy ,he's dq'ed , all the other boats finally finish after one more lap,your upside down between buoy 6 and the finish line,where does that leave you at ?????

That leaves you in SOOL space.
Fuel to the fire ... If the specified overlap exists and no boats go down it's simply an effective , aggressive racing move that takes the lead . That's racing ! :D

Correct ONLY if you have not impacted the racing of another boater. That IS THE attitude that all must take. Other words, Follow the GOLDEN Rule!
Yes and the key word is IMPACTED. If you make that "aggressive move" and other boats must take any action like chopping the throttles or evasive manuevering to dodge you or your wake to avoid going down you'll be penalized a lap. If your "aggressive move" causes a boat to be disabled you're DQ'd.
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Ok then what if its lap 5 your gonna win the race odds are, and this happens ,takes you out for the championship trophy ,he's dq'ed , all the other boats finally finish after one more lap,your upside down between buoy 6 and the finish line,where does that leave you at ?????


A violation can occur pre race (mill time) or during the race and we all know that. It has happended to all of us and will again. The new rule will not prevent it entirely but hopefully much more than is being done now.

One new rule that was passed is that the offended boat, when taken out by another boat earnign a DQ, will get 50 points and not the usual 25 points. It is a small gesture to recognize the violation and to try and rectify some of that violation.
Remember any deviation from the rule book requires a posting of such on the Race Flyer in IMPBA.

Boats have been doing 30sec mills since the 70's, for the arrow of the clock pointed to where your boat needed to be to hit the start.


This latest effort to clean up the rules of racing is silly at best. IF THE RULES WERE ENFORCED THIS RULE WOULD NOT BE REQUIRED. Please note, I wrote enforced not followed. All you spine lacking CD's that want to be friends instead of putting the integrity of your race on it's highest level are the root cause.

Now the higher uppers have determined that a racer can be called for a penalty or infraction after buoy 4 and/or after 10 seconds without fouling any other boat just by changing from one lane to another lane. In addition as the rule is written in the first post, a boat in lane 6 or 30' off at bouy#3 at under 10 seconds has to also maintain that same lane to the start. Redundant rules lead to judgement errors..."KISS" it baby.

SILLY rule, or I just might be too stupid to follow this line of thought. Vote: ___Silly Rule ___ MG too Stupid

Mark Grannis

First impba#3990F

IMPBA#10477S - CD

Ok then what if its lap 5 your gonna win the race odds are, and this happens ,takes you out for the championship trophy ,he's dq'ed , all the other boats finally finish after one more lap,your upside down between buoy 6 and the finish line,where does that leave you at ?????


A violation can occur pre race (mill time) or during the race and we all know that. It has happended to all of us and will again. The new rule will not prevent it entirely but hopefully much more than is being done now.

One new rule that was passed is that the offended boat, when taken out by another boat earnign a DQ, will get 50 points and not the usual 25 points. It is a small gesture to recognize the violation and to try and rectify some of that violation.
I may be wrong??? can't seem to find the written rule, but if the RED above happens,

doesn't the boat that was "taken out" get 6th place points, 96 points
Ok then what if its lap 5 your gonna win the race odds are, and this happens ,takes you out for the championship trophy ,he's dq'ed , all the other boats finally finish after one more lap,your upside down between buoy 6 and the finish line,where does that leave you at ?????


A violation can occur pre race (mill time) or during the race and we all know that. It has happended to all of us and will again. The new rule will not prevent it entirely but hopefully much more than is being done now.

One new rule that was passed is that the offended boat, when taken out by another boat earnign a DQ, will get 50 points and not the usual 25 points. It is a small gesture to recognize the violation and to try and rectify some of that violation.
I may be wrong??? can't seem to find the written rule, but if the RED above happens,

doesn't the boat that was "taken out" get 6th place points, 96 points
Not in IMPBA, 25 points only as a DNF. NAMBA gives 4th place points. A new rule was submitted (by me) to the winter IMPBA BOD meeting and was approved for 50 points instead of 25 as a 1 year trial rule. It REQUIRES the offending boat to be DQ'd. It will be reflected, as well as the other new rules, in the Roostertail coming out very soon.
Ok then what if its lap 5 your gonna win the race odds are, and this happens ,takes you out for the championship trophy ,he's dq'ed , all the other boats finally finish after one more lap,your upside down between buoy 6 and the finish line,where does that leave you at ?????

That leaves you in SOOL space.
don't know what sool space is my buddy !!
Remember any deviation from the rule book requires a posting of such on the Race Flyer in IMPBA.

Boats have been doing 30sec mills since the 70's, for the arrow of the clock pointed to where your boat needed to be to hit the start.


This latest effort to clean up the rules of racing is silly at best. IF THE RULES WERE ENFORCED THIS RULE WOULD NOT BE REQUIRED. Please note, I wrote enforced not followed. All you spine lacking CD's that want to be friends instead of putting the integrity of your race on it's highest level are the root cause.

Now the higher uppers have determined that a racer can be called for a penalty or infraction after buoy 4 and/or after 10 seconds without fouling any other boat just by changing from one lane to another lane. In addition as the rule is written in the first post, a boat in lane 6 or 30' off at bouy#3 at under 10 seconds has to also maintain that same lane to the start. Redundant rules lead to judgement errors..."KISS" it baby.

SILLY rule, or I just might be too stupid to follow this line of thought. Vote: ___Silly Rule ___ MG too Stupid

Mark Grannis

First impba#3990F

IMPBA#10477S - CD


Well said Mark
Fuel to the fire ... If the specified overlap exists and no boats go down it's simply an effective , aggressive racing move that takes the lead . That's racing ! :D

Correct ONLY if you have not impacted the racing of another boater. That IS THE attitude that all must take. Other words, Follow the GOLDEN Rule!
Yes and the key word is IMPACTED. If you make that "aggressive move" and other boats must take any action like chopping the throttles or evasive manuevering to dodge you or your wake to avoid going down you'll be penalized a lap. If your "aggressive move" causes a boat to be disabled you're DQ'd.
Understood totally !! Usually if you have enough speed it doesn't affect anyone because you are not there long enough for it to matter !
This is getting ridiculous. Everybody needs to stop trying to find a loophole in the rules and just race. If you cut someone off obviously its a DQ. We all know what happens when you dont allow enough space before you overtake a lane. Hold your lane at the start. Keep your boat on plane coming to the start. Its really very simple. Were not racing for money here!!
Look.. the reason I used it at the 2008 nats is I knew full well I was going to have a hard time getting people to help out on the CD tower. AND.. The rule as it is/was can be hard to enforce without really good experienced eyes. It’s the single point of the race where you have the potential for the most boats running as well as closest together.

What I asked of the drivers was please hold you lane from 6 to 3 (start of the race).. I did not want the cost or hope to win be dashed on the first lap. Lets face it we get 5 rounds. take one away and that 20% less racing.

Pure and simple.. it worked. I have no idea how this all came to be. BUT.. I Suspect that it did come up something might have needed to be addressed.

Thanks Terry.. that was a fun nats and I was glad to have been tied to the tower to make your racing better!

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This is getting ridiculous. Everybody needs to stop trying to find a loophole in the rules and just race. If you cut someone off obviously its a DQ. We all know what happens when you dont allow enough space before you overtake a lane. Hold your lane at the start. Keep your boat on plane coming to the start. Its really very simple. Were not racing for money here!!
David ...this is SERIOUS KEYBOARD RACING here , please don't trivialize this !! :D Seriously though we are going to just race as we always do , just some "what if" Bench racing and stirring going on here . Enjoy ! :D
As long as the CD and their Judging staff define the new rules at the Drivers meeting before every race, there should be no problems. :rolleyes:
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