New .12 engine


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Being as I'm new to most of everything in this sport, what exactly is the drum valve, and what is different about this engine than the others - and is it more reliable/better performance ???
Being as I'm new to most of everything in this sport, what exactly is the drum valve, and what is different about this engine than the others - and is it more reliable/better performance ???
Andy do you have a boat for this .12 maybe a twin b-inlaw B)
nitro nemesis most .12 engines are side exhaust and have crankshaft induction.What Andy mentioned is that this tiny motor can have the exhaust on the same side of the flywheel and induction on the opposite side via drum as Mac's engines..look at any of the Mac's motors .... it would be the same motor with less displacement.

sounds cool to me..... depending on the price :)
I think it would be smart to design and build it with an eye toward economy ( a good,solid, simple design). If it then became an extreamly popular engine size we could build a top shelf version.
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While down at the Broward race, Bill Garret's son was carrying around a Performance International Sport Hydro, 24" long, had 4" wood rails installed already. It was a small version of there Sport Gas Hydro.

Could be a fun boat to play with???

(Way in the back jumping up and waving) ME, ME, ME!!!!! I'd be good for a couple of them! They could be the kick in the butt that the IMPBA "A" class needs. That and a killer pipe to go with them.
I just remembered that I should have asked that also. Air-cooled would be fine for those of us that have hulls where it would be exposed to plenty of air and/or a water-cooled head for those that would put them in a hull with a hatch or too low to get any air. Me, air-cooled preferrably as my hulls are already set up that way. No big deal to hook up water-cooling though.

How much nitro can you run with the air cooled engine? We tried 60% in an air cooled Picco in the SG and it got too hot. Made it water cooled and it worked perfect.
Running 50% in mine and cant get any heat in it with 4 fins. Air cooled would be great / optional water cooled head for the ones that cant live without it.

I've run 50% with no trouble at all but they seem to need the right plug as that has made a big difference to mine.

We only seem to need about half as much or less of the fins on a normal heat sink head for car and truck use if the engine is exposed to the air.

Gary Preusse is running his RB engine with water-cooling and I'm not one to argue with him. I have one of his old Webra .11's that he had made into water-cooled also.

I found a big boost in power by using a larger carb than what comes with most .12 engines as we don't have to deal with ROAR restrictions.

Dale, if you look in Andy's website, you'll find an SGX 15 'rigger that they sell.