New .12 engine


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Well...I ordered two .15 Eagles some time ago...still waiting ;)

A .12 or .18 rear exhaust drum valve engine sounds interesting to me :)

We have built several .12 SG's.


.18 seems just to close to .21 to have any merit.

Send me the tooling money Tom and I'll build one for FUN.

Maybe do a couple of versions of the engine, air cooled for sport use and water cooled for racers. Also for the budget minded sport boater a pull start would probably be appreciated. Altho the pullstart would make the engine more expensive it should still be cheaper than buying starting gear. The pullstart could work off the end of the drum valve. B)


Is this just a "potential project" for you or is this going to happen. If it's going to happen do you have any idea on a time line?
I run 70% nitro in my Sirio .12 and have trouble keeping it hot enough,even with half the fins removed. I am ready for the Mac 12!

There are plenty of pull start .12's made in Asia for the economy minded boaters. I'm thinking of something a little more suited to boats, riggers in particular. The pull start will just add more bulk which I'm trying to avoid.

Anthony, Just getting some ideas at the moment.
I'd take two to start, I've got a RB .12 & OS .18 CVR for my 15 Eagle SG right now. Oh, and a new cowl to go with the rear exhaust. There will be a pipe too of course....

WATCH OUT! I remember a few things from other discussions.

1) Price - Novarossi is too expensive. People seemed to want to pay to play but not to race. If you get in the prefered price range then peeps will be hopping on the .15 & .18 wagon or any one of the other multitudes.

2) Purpose - There is not one really. We now have a class but the .15 & .18 wagon is rolling strong.

It does not seem that the concept of the IMPBA "A" (.129 ci and under) class ever caught on. All the work to get the limit from .125 to .129 and now what?

As for water or air cooling, go with water only due to weight and space savings. The water supply needed would be about 10-20% of what a .21 sees. Very possible to do without in some cases. The engines are also very plug sensitive. 60% no problem, but higher does not seem to burn well due to the lack of heat I suppose.

As for the drum, we all know that does not work on the smaller engines. ;) :lol: NR RULES!

A .12 rigger would be cool. I think they could race at 60 mph and that is as fast as a lot of .21's I have seen. Records would be respectable as well. The hydro SAW should be able to meet the high 80's or low 90's.

You get some .12's going and I will at least be able to have a prop selection.


Why a new thread? You could have thrown this in with the "dyno-mac hype". :eek: :lol:
As for the drum, we all know that does not work on the smaller engines. ;) :lol: NR RULES!

Mark Grim just ran over 100 with his drum valve .21. I have run right at 100 with both the MAC 21 and the RB (crank induction) .21.

Could you elaborate on your statement.....I just don't understand.

Mark Grim just ran over 100 with his drum valve .21. I have run right at 100 with both the MAC 21 and the RB (crank induction) .21.

Could you elaborate on your statement.....I just don't understand.

Whether he did or did not it really does not matter until it is in the books. Right? One ways just do not seem to matter much unless it is a 100mph thing. I can't speak for 100 mph but as far as 98 & 99 goes Kentley can make a one way at that speed any day of the week with the NR. Most of what I read is "John Doe has gone XXX fast". Just like the Grim statement. But! I ain't seen the money yet.
The MAC is a good engine but you gotta take this poke in the ribs.

The drum is obviously fast. But again, show me the money.

Too many times do others get shut out by the fact that others hold the record. Well, the record is a non-drum Novarossi and I am just playing by the rules. ;)
I admire that Andy is trying to get a .12 to run 70% fuel but most of us will be running much less, I'm happy using only 50-55% max. Most of the current .12's were designed to only run 40% at the most and where we're currently getting our engines from they normally only run 20-30%.

The R/C car and truck guys drop their jaws when they hear what I'm pushing through mine! :eek:
I see Mark has te NAMBA record at 97. Oh well everything was true up til this past weekend.
There you go Preston! :)

The new MAC USA and the A/A pro drums will be faster yet. :D

BTW- Mark used his own 'Picco style' drum in his 21, so now both styles of drum have run 'around' 100. B)
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